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With a high level of foreign trade, Chile gets approximately one-third of GDP
form exports, with commodities making up some three-quarters of total
exports. Copper provides 19% of the government revenue. Chile has grown
from 2003 to 2013 5% per year (real growth average).
There are many agreements to reduce restrictions for trade, there are 22 trade
agreements with 60 counties, including the European Union, Mercosur, China,
India, South Korea, and Mexico. Chile is also part of the Trans-Pacific-
Partnership trade agreement.
The fragmentation of the European Union has accomplished the closure of
frontiers in the EU, leaving Chile without an important market to offer its
products. Nevertheless there are also other countries important to Chile when it
comes to exportation, China 23.3%, US 12.3%, Japan 10.7%, South Korea 5.8%,
Brazil 5.5% (2012).
This leaves to the conclusion that even that the fall of Wall Street and the
European Union would have a negative impact in Chile, nevertheless with Asia
staying strong, Chile would still have ways to survive selling to those counties.

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