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William Griffin
Title Of Prompt

Writi Tech No

Griffin 1

William Griffin

Professor D. Bumphis

ICT II Room 128

18 January 2017

Tech No

When you talk about technology hurting someone there is a certain memory that stands out other
than the rest in my mind. Their I am 7 years old, and just starting to think for myself. It was a day I would
never forget, my sister introduced me to this really addictive game on the Internet. Being a little kid who
was introduced into something new I tried to get on the game by myself on my mothers computer.
Everything was going good, Im having fun, nothing was wrong.

That was until, I got upset and I broke the chair. Instead of just telling my mother and get it over
with. I chose to hide the computer. Not thinking that she might have to ever use her computer. My mother
came home one after noon, and wanted to use her computer. She found the computer hidden under my
bed and she ask me what happened to it. I lied and blamed the whole incident on my older sister. So in
the end I not only got a whooping for the computer, but for lying also.

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