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A. Anatomy and Physiology

The kidneys are pair bean0shaped organ found along the posterior wall of
abdominal cavity. Its surrounded by adipose tissue that holds and protects them from
physical damage. Ureters are pair tubes that carry urine from kidneys to urinary bladder.
It is about 10 to 12 inches long and run on the left and right sides of the body parallel to
the vertebral column. Gravity and peristalsis of smooth muscle tissue in the walls of the
ureters move urine toward the urinary bladder. Urinary bladder is a sac-like hollow organ
used for urine storing. It is located at bodys midline at the inferior end of the pelvis.
Urethra is the tube through which urine passes from the bladder to the exterior of the
body. In males it is about 8 to 10 inches long and ends at the tip of penis.

Kidney maintain the hemostasis of several important internal conditions by

controlling excretions of substances such a Ions, ph, osmolarity and blood pressure. It
also filtrate and produce hormones such a Calcitriol, Erythropoietin and Renin.

B. Overview of Disease

Urosepsis is defined as sepsis caused by an infection in the urogenital tract. In

approximately 30% of all septic patients the infectious focus is localized in the urogenital
tract, mainly due to obstructions at various levels, such as ureteral stones. Urosepsis may
also occur after operations in the urogenital tract.

Signs and Symptoms:

Body temperature above 101 F (38.3 C) or below 96.8 F (36 C)

Heart rate higher than 90 beats a minute
Respiratory rate higher than 20 breaths a minute
Severe sepsis
Significantly decreased urine output
Abrupt change in mental status
Decrease in platelet count
Difficulty breathing
Abnormal heart pumping function
Abdominal pain
Septic shock

While any type of infection bacterial, viral or fungal can lead to
sepsis, the most likely varieties include:

Abdominal infection
Kidney infection
Bloodstream infection (bacteremia)

C. Contextual Mapping/ Schematic Diagram

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