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‘A simpler approach would be to select single lnk size {or al fuse locations. In his example, the 40 link would ‘satisty the requirements for both groupe F1 ana F2, and {or any other taps where the load current did not exceed 40 amperes The maximum coordination current of 2109 ‘amperes would also allow use on any tap up fo tne substa- tion itselt Thus, the 40T would probably be the only fuse link required for any tap off the main feeder between ‘ABC/27 and ABC/29. Figure 193 shows that the 40T link ill coordinate with the substation recioser from the minimum trip of the recloser to 2100 amperes, which is wall beyond the 1650-ampore maximum fault available at the substation 3 eaihtee we mseconos Figure 1943. If substantial oad growin were anticipated, with possi. ble increase in the size of the substation transformers, ‘another option would be to select and slandardize on 3 SOT link, thereby providing capacity for taps up to 50 amperes and a highor maximum coordination current. Coordination tables based on ime-currant curves sim. plify the task of thoroughly studying operating character, 'stcs as required for any recloser and fuse-link coording- tion scheme, Tables covering coordination ranges tor reclosers and fue links, which are available from man. {acturers, include all staridard alings of single- and three. Phase units set fortwo fasttwo celayed sequences. Values inthese tables can be modified for one tasty three delayed sequences. bo te Bee ee IMME NICYCXES (HERTZ RASS) For appication diagrammed in Figure 16A3: comparison of recloser curves with curves for T link selected es standard. 16

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