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The Palm-up Arm (24 27)
Left hand stretches forwards from side of body, palm is flattened, facing upwards. Stretching hand is slowly
driven by force of the elbow along centre line, until the elbow Is of one fist's distance away from body.
Side-view of Protective-arm
Protective-arm (30 32)
The Cirding-hand changing into the Protective-arm, four fingers pointing upwards, elbow forming a
perpendicular tangent to shoulder; elbow, centre of chest and the palm forming a triangle. Shoulder slowly draws

Side-view of Bridge-on Arm Birds eye the elbow backwards.

view Half-completed Circling-hand (36 37)
of Bridge-on Arm The Bridge-on Arm is stretched forwards until it is
one fist's distance away from body. Then it takes the
form of a Half-completed Cirding-hand, before
changing into a Protective-arm.

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