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Module 15 Vocab

Directions: Define each term in your own words then either use the word in a
meaningful sentence or draw a picture/symbol to depict the term. ALL definitions
should be from a psychological perspective.
1. Operant conditioning
2. Law of effect
3. B.F. Skinner
4. Reinforcement
5. Punishment
6. Positive reinforcement
7. Negative reinforcement
8. Primary reinforcement
9. Secondary reinforcement
10. Shaping
11. Discrimination (same as classical conditioning)
12. Extinction (similar, but a little different than classical conditioning)
13. Continuous reinforcement
14. Partial reinforcement schedules
15. Fixed-interval
16. Variable-interval
17. Fixed-ratio
18. Variable-ratio
19. Latent learning
20. Overjustification effect

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