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Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character,

that is the goal of true education.
-martin luther
king jr.

As parents we all want our children to grow up to be

responsible citizens and good people. We want them to
recognize and honour the democratic principles upon
which our country was founded. So in short, we all want
them to develop strong character. In everything a child
does, we need both mother and father to intervene.
Mothers will be the soft, caring and shoulder to lie on
while fathers are the one who will teach you how to be
tough in the world and let you know right from wrong.
So both parents are important in every way for this
society. One parent wont do because you will need the
other to give the character of what that person needs,
so mothers wont give a fathers attitude while fathers
wont give a mothers attitude. One parent is not and I
mean not a good solution to this society.

Advantages of having a nuclear family

Development of personality
Peace and harmony
Individual responsibilities
Problem free unit
Financial stability
Emotional bonding

To show strong character towards our children we

need to show:
Are honest and fair
Show respect to others
Maintain-self respect
Responsibility etc.

The most important thing we can do for our children is

to help them acquire values and skills that they can rely
on throughout their lives. In doing so, they will have the
best chance to lead good lives as individuals and as
citizens of their society.
It can be concluded with the statement that both
parents are the turning points for his/her child/children
if they try to teach every step of living in this society.
Written by michaelan

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