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8 Ident Analysis

MTV idents are different

and a bit weird. MTV
ident isnt very long the
whole ident last for 12
seconds. MTV ident is
simplicity of is ident as it
eye catching and get you
to watch the ident but
theres not actually
much going on in the
ident. What happens in
the ident is theres 7
things that is meant to
represent people and
there dancing witch is
represent being in a club
and MTV is all about
playing music. The
design is colourful blobs
the colour is to show the
channel is diverse and the bright colours also so it being fun also
this ident looks like a speaker. The music in the background in the is
drum and bass the links to the target audience because the target
audience is teenagers to late 20s and bassie music that gets played
in clubs and bars

ITV idents last for 13

seconds. The idents is on
a gay pride march this
show that ITV is diverse
and a pales to everyone.
ITV has 4 different
channels and has an
ident for different
channels. The ident is
full of bright colours and
this makes the ident very
eye catching. This ident
links to the channel
because ITV has a lot of
news and have a news
topic, as the ident is a
link to the show they
play on this channel.
Target audience for ITV is for 12 and above as they shows they show
are grown up are a lot of they time the show are drama based and
young children might not understand the shows.

E4 ident last for 20 seconds.

E4 idents are a bit weird but
they attracting people to
watch them as they are very
eye catching and they stand
out so after you seen the ident
you dont forgot it. This links to
the channel because the TV
shows they show are bit weird
and funny. The channels target
audience is teenagers to late
20s as lot of the programmes
they show are abut teenagers
or young audits. The ident is
quite complexity as there is a
lot going on in the ident. The
ident goes with 2 teddy bear in
a blow up boat on the sand the
sand is meant to be like water
one of the bears fully in the
sand the beach huts start to
open up and all this weird stuff
starts to come out of them and
a sharks appears in the sand.
The ident is there to be eye
catching and remember able
as you will remember the
channel you saw this ident on.

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