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An array is a series of elements of the same type placed in contiguous memory lo

cations that can be individually referenced by adding an index to a unique ident

For example, an array representing 10 height measurements (each being an integer
quantity) may be defined as:
int heights[10];
The individual elements of the array are accessed by indexing the array. The fir
st array element always has the index 0. Therefore, heights [0] and heights [9]
denote, respectively, the first and last element of heights. Each of heights ele
ments can be treated as an integer variable. So, for example, to set the third e
lement to 177, we may write, heights[2] = 177;
//Reverse Order
int a[6],i;
void main()
cout<<"Enter any five integers\n";
cout<<"Reverse order\n";
cout<<a[i]<<" ";
Notes: Array starts with index 0. So, int a[5] defines an array with 0 to 4 elem
ents (Total=5 elements). So, if we wish to use index (i) from 1 to 5, we need at
least 6 elements. So, int a[6] is used. Here, in this example, we literally don t
use the 0th element. ie. a[0].
//Linear Search
int a[50],n,i,j,e;
void main()
cout<<"Enter integers(elements) at end give 0"<<endl;
for(i=1; ;++i)
if(a[i]==0) break;
cout<<"Enter elemt you want to search ";
if(a[i]==e) break;
if(i==n) {cout<<"NOT FOUND";return;}
cout<<"FOUND at "<<i;

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