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Name: Edna Bennett

Grade Level: 7th Grade
Content Area: Social Studies
Basic Productivity Tool Used: Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel
Standards Addressed:
SS7CG1(a): The students will explain the role of citizen participation in an autocratic and a democratic

Blooms Level of Critical Thinking:

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Description of how to implement in the class:
Students will be using data from the presentation to construct a graph in Microsoft excel. First,
students will be using spreadsheets to list countries that experienced autocratic and democratic
governments in the 20th century. Then, students will then use the data from the spreadsheet to create
a bar graph, using two colors to differentiate between the two forms of government. Students will also
draw a Venn Diagram charting the similarities and differences the citizens play in each of these

This learning activity will help students to identify the countries with these two forms of government,
analyze their data by looking for patterns if any, to evaluate the number of countries that allow
citizens the freedom to participate and the countries that do not.
Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): LoTi 4,5, and 6 best describe this learning experience
because students will analyze data, evaluate data, and create a piece of work during the learning
Description of the sample spreadsheet and graph/chart provided *: Please view the sample Excel
spreadsheet and bar graph to see what students will create.

Other comments about your proposed spreadsheet/graph/chart activity: These activities can
also be created without the use of technology.

Sample Bar graph:

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