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1. Old friends become bitter enemies on a

sudden for toys and small offenses.

2. We cannot all do great things, but we

can do small things with great love.

3. Another such victory over the romance

and we are undone.

4. Wear the old coat and buy new books.

5. When a man willing and eager, the

gods join in.

6. I am responsible only to god and


7. To find a friend, one must close one

eye; to keep him, two.

8. True friendship is seen through the

heart, not through the eyes.

9. Most mothers are instinctive


10. Take hope from the heart of a man,

and you make him a beast of prey.

11. Gratitude is merely the secret hope of

further favors.

12. God could not be everywhere and

therefore he made mothers.

13. Good friends are like stars.. You

dont always see them, but you know

they are always there.

14. A true friend is someone who is there

for you- when hed rather be anywhere

15. War is one of the scourges with which

it has pleased God to afflict men.

16. A nation which makes the final

sacrifice for life and freedom doesnt

get beaten.

17. Self-sacrifice is the real miracle out of

which all the reported miracles grow.

18. Make new friends but cherish the old


19. Gratitude preserves old friendship, and

procures new.

20. A new road or a secret gate.

21. A verse may find him who a sermon

files, and turn delight into a sacrifice.

22. Flowers are the sweetest things god

ever made and forgot to put a soul


23. The entry gate of Maya is ego and the

exit gate is humility.

24. True friendship comes when the

silence between two people is


25. True friends stab you in the front.

26. To deny we need and want power is to

deny that we hope to be effective.

27. I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am

28. Water is lifes mater and matrix,

mother and medium. There is no life

without water.

29. Friends are Gods way of apologizing

to us for our families.

30. Every time I hold you I begin to

understand, that everything about you

tells me youre my best friends.

31. It is the quality of our work which will

please God and not the quality.

32. We are all pencils in the hand of God.

33. To take revenge is often to sacrifice

34. If life doesnt offer a game worth

playing, then invent a new one.

35. Hope is a good thing- maybe the best

thing, and no good thing dies.

36. Dreams are badwhen all they do is

leave the truth behind!

37. Whoever is careless with the truth in

small matters cannot be trusted with

important matters.

38. Forget the past but learn from

experience and take care in the future.

39. Discretion is the better part of velour.

40. Self-control and discipline are the

adornments of life.
41. The power of silence finishes off the

disturbance of waste thoughts.

42. Maya is just a paper tiger, not to be

feared but ignored.

43. When you realize God, you become

master of everything.

44. Lack of experience exposes you to be

the bullets of evil.

45. Bravery lies in patience rather than


46. One sees great things from the valley;

only small things from the peak.

47. If you want things to say as they are,

things will have to change.

48. There is not enough darkness in all

the world to put out the light of even one

small candle.

49. Dreams come true if you survive the

hard times!

50. Hope is faith holding out its hand in

the dark.

51. The solution to all human problems in


52. Make a practical plan for your steady


53. Inner subtlety and compactness lead

to constant self-discipline.

54. Obstacles fortify the spirit.

55. Abstain from vicious actions and save

yourself from sins.

56. Unbroken love and tireless effort leads

to success.

57. Whatever you have to do, do it now.

58. Stay enthusiastic, but do not be


58. The power of silence changes defect

into victory.

59. An aimless life is a worthless life.

60. One thorn of weakness can ruin a

whole bouquet of virtues.

61. The entry gate of Maya is ego and the

exit gate is humanity.

62. Become worthy of Gods blessings

rather than begging for them.

63. Keepings hopes may not improve your

future, but it will certainly reduce the pain

of today.

64. Stop brooding over the cause and

search for the cures.

65. Inwardness is the path to inner peace.

66. Intense love for God adorns your life.

67. Check your own faults and observe the

virtues of others.

68. Solve your problems with patience and

69. Do not say I will try and do it, say I will

do it.

70. The best teacher is the one who

teaches himself to elevate his stage.

71. Do not plead your case but be your

own judge.

72. With the fire of firm determination burn

away your negative tendencies.

73. Stay in the intoxication that success

is your Godly birthright.

74. The basis of all achievements is the

achievement of all powers.

75. Contact with a benevo lent soul makes

one satiated.
76. Always be intoxicated that you are a

child of God.

77. Attitude of brotherhood makes you

acquire truthfulness and honesty.

78. Instead of questioning the past, put a

full stop it.

79. Remembrance of God is like a fire in

which you incinerate your sins.

80. Sit on the throne of God and be happy

for ever.

81. Only great actions make your life


82. Sportsmanship is to play life as a

game of victory and defeat.

83. You live and learn and you hope things


84. Never deprive someone of hope; it

might be all they have.

85. Anger spoils the beauty of the soul,

introvertness regains it.

86. He who discriminate his own self is a

good judge of others.

87. Sweetness of speech brings the love

of all.

88. Do not think about your weaknesses,

but count your blessings.

89. Memory is a way of holding on to the

things you love, the things you are, and

the things you never want to lose.

90. There is no food better than happiness

and no sickness worse than anxiety.

91. Dont let someone become a priority in

your life when you are just an option in

their life.

92. Advice is the smallest current coin.

93. Sometimes its the smallest decisions

that can change your life forever.

94. Small is the number of them that see

with their own eyes, and feel with their

own hearts.
95. The best things in life come in threes,

like friends, dreams and memories.

96. Life and death are one thread, the

same line viewed from different sides.

97. Dreams permit each and every one of

us to be quietly and safely insane every

night of our lives.

98. the most important things in life arent


99. Think less and act more.

100. Stay in intoxication that success is

your Godly birthright.

101. Fearfulness and lack of self-

confidence breed waste thoughts.

102. Humbleness brings respect from the

world for it shows greatness.

103. Spiritual knowledge is the best


104. Change your own attitude instead of

taking revenge.

105. There is not enough darkness in the

world to put out light of even one small


106. The mothers heart is the childs


107. The smallest deed is better than the

greatest intention.
108. Dont worry about life, you are not

going to survive it anyway.

109. Only a life lived for others is a life


110. He lives the poetry that cannot write.

The others write the poetry that they dare

not realize.

111. If you are the big, big tree, we are the

small axe, ready to cut you down!

112. From the enlightenment of music

comes the wisdom of.silence.

113. After victory, tighten your helmet

114. Victory is by nature insolent and


115. The aim of argument, or of

discussion, should be victory, but


116. Unconditional war can no longer lead

to unconditional victory.

117. Trouble brings experience, brings


118. Popularity? Its glorys small change.

119. One day your life will flash before

your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

120. We should love with PEOPLE



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