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Dear McKay-Lassonde Foundation,

I am writing this letter to thank you for your absolutely generous $5000
scholarship in computer engineering, for which I was very enthused to be
selected for this year. As stated in my letter of intent, as an athlete and dual
degree student, mounting expenses and high time constraints make it
difficult for me to balance my financial needs with my many aspirations. Your
scholarship has helped alleviate a large amount of this financial burden, and
I am so excited to be able to focus on my studies and career objectives with
a clear mind.

Currently, I am a second year Software Engineering Student and also

undergoing the national team selection trials to become a member of the
under-24 Canadian team for Dragon Boat. I have recently become a very
member of the algorithm trading club started by HBA students; and even
began the R-Learning module offered through Ivey. In addition, I have
entered the Western Engineers Competition, and aim to compete in the
programming categoryfocusing on problems similar to ACM. With your
financial contribution, I am able to focus on a myriad of extra-curricular
activities without having to sacrifice my time for a part-time job and for that I
am extremely thankful.

Elliott Choi

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