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REEORT of the OVEMHR 1.965 + SRST FIRING SERIES FROUECT HARE SD spn-n-20 Prepared by HJ, LUCKERT ‘In cooperation with the staf? of the CBspace RusnsRcH TNSTLUTE of D wogitt University Prepared AY) Lcctetnge T Tucker’ Work performed under U8, Atmy Contract Nos : Dal8-D01-AMO-746(0) and I GenadLan DDP Contract Hoy . WRI91-356, Seriel 4UM4-35 Director —-ABSIRAGT This report is a review and analysis of results of the fourteenth test firing serice of Project HARP with the Barbados 16 inch gum, ‘Tae objectives of the series were: i) Gathering of wind data in synoptic firings and their correlation with iouosonde drift datas ii) Continuation of vebicle: instrumentation and pay- lead development tests, and in particubar, ii) Engineering tests of a self-destruct system for the Martlet 3B vehicle, The series consisted of twenty-seven rounds, fired in the period from 10 to 23 November 1965. Fifteen rounds carvied TMA release payloads for wind measirenents in tvo night-series, A further round hed a Ceaium pay- load with a point telease for ionospheric studies. the remaining eleven rounds wese for engineering developront tests of a searimpact payload (two rounds), the sel-destruct system (three xounds), au ejection. system with « parachute telemetry package (three rourds), ‘Two founds carried a telemetry package to neasure tine pulses and temperatures fn the electronics section and to test a high gain Gifterential auplifier, in one of these rounds in addition to the TMA payload in the synoptic series, Finally two test slugs were fixed as engineering toote of the gun and another propellant whereby also a new nethod of Loading, by inserting spacers between the propellant bags, was tried out. The series was generally eucccasful, The gun performance wan satisiacto and che mew loading téchoique with spacers to achieve. smoother burning of the propellant proved successful. . all vehicles performed satisfactorily with the exception of three Martlet 20 (od 2) whieh ware unsuccessiul probably, owing to pusher plate failure and resultant vehicle damage. Phe sea impact payload tests were satisfactory, and so vere the parachute ejection testo; in ond of the thee vounde, hovever, the parachute di¢ not open, Kot so successful vere the Martlet 3p rounds since che destruct systen was activated shead of the planned tine though not as a sooult of ground control. The telenetey systens, carvéed in efght rounds, dié not perform to complete satisfaction, In some rounds the telemetry and the Gl tracking worked property; in some cases, fovaver, the subcarrier oscillators iailed whereas in others they funetioaed properly, Further studies are necessary to obtain fully reliable aystens, The tests so far bave show, though, that the unite caa stand the igh accelerations aseoctated with gun Launch, the Ti release rounds, finally, have show agein the vellebility of the Nactlet 26.vehicles and their release ayatem, With the exception of three sounds vhich vere unseecssaful owing to pusher plate failure, oll Tk rounds gave good trails ia wo syvoptie series, and wind data vere obtained for at altitude band fron 91 to 138 ks, One further round with point release of Cesium was also successful, This series vas the last in 1965, since the Sivst shots da Janay, 1963 170 rounds were fired trom the 16 inch gum in Barbados, 86 of them in 1955. 1.0 “INTRODUETION The Novenber 1965 test firing serica ie the fourteenth of Project HARP with the Barbados 16 inch gun), In this series twenty-seven shots, Wos, 153 to 179, were fired in the period November 10 to 23, 1965, Table I liste the #rings in chronological order, The purpose of the test series was three-fold, via. (2) . Soientigic data gathering, epecifically wind shear data in synoptic firings and the correlation of the xesults with ionosonde drift data; Gi) The-engineering teat of a selfedestruct system for the Martlet 33. serdes, (245) Engineering development tests of election systens ané payloads, including telenetry, ZABLE I SXRONOLOGIGAL LIST OF FIRINGS Shot Date ‘Time Vehicle Ko. Nene Nov.65 AST Martlet Payload Furpose 153 Teh 1¢ "1525 slug Engineering teat, 154 FoaMt 151200 33 Telemstry, destruct system Test of destruct system 155 couse 151603 3B “Telemetry, destruct. system ‘est of destruct system 156 ZENHAG 16 isle 26 Mod. SOEAR, Bou Tost of sea impact payload 157 YORKSHIRE, 16 1815 26 Ned, cRsLUM (12 1b)” Tonospheric studies 158 HAHA Vy 1431 33 Telemetry, destruct system Test of destruct system 59 BRIDGETOWN 17 1616 26 Mod, Chaff, telemetry parachute Peet of Telematry pack, wind temperature meastiremant 160 CHRISTCHURCH 1p 181s 200d. + 161 DOVER tp 1934 20 Mod, 162 ENTERPRISE 17 2038 20 Mod. Synoptic series for wind shear 163 FOULBAY Ay asts 20 Med. and lonosoade data 164 GUNEILL 18 0045 20 Mad. 165 HASTINGS tg o1ss 26 Hod, ABLE E_(cont!a CHRONOLOGICAL ELST oF FTRINGS. er shot Date Tine. Vehicle Now ewe Nov.é5 AST Marelet_—_Payloed Purpose 166 THDTAN GROUND «18038020 Med. 2 synoptic aries - 5.5 LS THA for wind shear: 167 Jarseoiat 18 0508 20 od, 2 and ioaesonde daca ves RENAE 19 1980 2c mw, 3 Ghat, delemeuty paracnuce eae of ee temacry pact wind ceuparcture meesuronent les tea 191550 stag Propellant test iro wonmanse 20 120020 Mod. 2 SOFAR Boab Test of sea inpact payload Ln nanoasaea 20 1647" 2c wed, 3 Chast, telemetry parachute eet of telems=ry pack, vind teuperature neesucenent 2 yaar 21 121020 Mody 2 TeLeueery pack test of telemiry pack 19 tase 2 180920 Weds 2 174 mempnaa's POINT = 22,902 Nod 2 LTS ‘OLDBUEY 22 2055 20 Mod. 2 synoptic series 176 eazasow 2 225920 Nod. 2 5.5 1) mA foebind shear and {ouosonde data Ly quarts Bort O11 20 Noa, 2 178, ROCKLEY 23 0328 20 Mod, 2 1s SEAWELI, 23°. 0816 «20 Nod. 2 GUN_AND PROPELLANT. Tn the preceding series (Ref, 3) a few rounds were fired from an evacuated gua, in order to increase the miss}e velocity, This technique was continued, and in 12 out of the 27 Novenber rounds the bore was evar cuated to au average vacuum of 28 incles of Mercury. The peopellance used 4n this series were MEM.22 and WaM.225 for which the performance had already been established in previous series, In the second part of the present series an HOM propellant with a Larger veb (0,270") was used, This propeliant has a slower burning fate than the one with .22" web, and lower bresch pressures at the sane charge weights, A bew method of Loading the charge was also introduced in this series, Tvo wooden spacers were incorted batween the propellant bage eo thet the propellant was more evealy-sgaced within che chanber and therefore could barn nore evenly. In this way the chamber could also be couplately filled, The method resulted ia vary smooth preseure-time plota at the broech, 3.0. BERING PROGRAMS ‘The twenty-seven shots of the series were grouped as follower : {) two test slug firings for gun and propellant. engineering tests; (2) Three Martlot 3B fixings to test the self-destruct system; (2 Three Mertlet 26. (fod 2) firings, two to check a searimpact test Payload (SOFAK bonb), and one to test a telometzy packs {4 Four Martlet 2¢. @iod 3) firings for teata of the ejection systen, ' and the telenetry pack, in addition to Lonogsteric: studies; and (9) Fifteen Martlet 26 @ind 2) Eixings for synoptic wiad maasuromante 4n two night series, Detailed flight performance data of cack vound are given in Part II, Teae slug Round: The two aluninom test siuge Gourds Ne, 153 and 169) bad a shot weight of approximately 400-1bs, and both.were fired as engineering testes the first to check the gun, the second to test a slower burning Propellant, i.e. the MBM with a Larger wed edge of ,270", instead of the previously used MSU,22, Furthermore, a new wethod -of. Loading the charge wes introduced in the second round, by inserting two wooden spacers between the charge bags. In thia vay the propollent was more evenly spnced within the chanber and aloo filled the chamber completely, The purpose was to achieve a nove uniform burning of the propellant and thus, a smoother breech pressure time curve. Both rounds were successful: in particular the second. slug firing showed the usefulness of the spacing method, Summarized flight results of the tuo rounds are given in Table 12, Se TABLE Ti NOVEMBER L965 TEST PROGRAM - TEST SLJG PIRINGS Breech Wazale Venicle Wedght Laweck, Pressure, Yelscary apogee Flight. heseeigtion aby Data, (si) (Et }sec) eden)" Comenite 153 Alaninu yt 403 192 in - EP: = Rr - Bacceasful Tes? SWUG L test slug gz 405 30 tons 41,300 - 10 November Engineering 745 40,800 ind 41,100 ~ 1905, test to check (WI, 225) 36.3 in 1525 ast the gun None. @ 80 deg 169 Alopcérane yt 387.5 197 Sa 23,300 Br 18,000 Succaseful Test slUG 2 test slug gt 39705 12 toas 21,300 (4) very sncath 19 Novesber —Eagingezing ce 750 41,260 ind 26, 600 preeeare - 1965 test of slower (HEM, 270) Si an tine curve 1550 Ast burning prop- Wore. obtained, @ 50 deg ellant Mav, 27 Ry: Vehicle weight Ran Distance EP: Electric shot Keight Ran Load Muzzle Yel, Charge Weight Chamber Volime eect] Bore gvecuation Probe (left, right, average) Rada 3.2 Nartlet 3B Rounds ‘The three Martlet 38's fired in this series were Round 154 ~ FOAM, 155 » GOOSE and 158 ~ HAHA, The taunch elevation wae 75 deureas, and WM, 225 bropellant was used. The velicle configuration as shown io the schematic drawing i Fig. 1.1 was similar to those flown ia the March and May/June 1965 seriea, (Bofe, 1 and 2), ‘The purpose of thé rounde of the present aerica was to test the self-destruct system, For these tests ug rocket grain was im corporated in the moter chamber but an alusinum ballast system was used as hot "danny grain", veiuhing 59 ibe, ‘The ballast wae 90 designed ae to be eelf- supporting through to the pusher plate duriay che launch phase, To provide stability, flip-out fins similar te those flown on the Martlet 3B steel 7 vehicle in the March.1968 series (Ref. 1) were used. The payload was a Comand Systen including an ADL 250 Mkts telemetry package and a destruct module containing abovt one half pound of Peatolite, The Command System was provided act only to test the operation of the saltdestruct aysten as a range safety device, but also to gertit comand of functions which could aet be conveniently preprogramed inte the vest vehicle, the systen used a combination of tones which frequency modulated the tranmitter, A cizedlarly polarized antomia vith a relatively broad bean width vas Used tn conjunction with # L00-act transiitter oriented to cover the crajectozy, & receiver wes Located in the vehicle, aud de~ modulators ware to translate the tones into # switching actions they were appropriately cowbined by gates to initiate the desired action, 148 ‘The tone generators could be actuated either manually of eutomatically if desired, fron panels Located in the Launch centrel, The range eafety pfficer’s pavel contained the keyed ON/OFF switch for al! tones, an ARN switeh, and 4 DESTRUCT switch, For a destruct command both the ARM and BESTRUCT switches had to be actuated. The unit ia the vehicle had two separate arming actions; imediately before loading by che renoval of a shorting serew, avd upon fizing by the opening of a grswitch which func tioned at 1000 g. The basic cemuand system was based on the IRIG standard tona and FM corrier, The receiver/decoder used was a miniature high-g cxyatal controlled unit operating on 415 MHz, ‘The tests were not fully successful. In the first round, FOAM, tne destruct system probably fired at 8 seconds after Launch, though not through ground control, The vehicle was considerably decelerated between TO sce and T4 9 soc, but was evidently not damaged, Ta che second round, GODSE. the telemetry did not work at all, aad the photographie recorda indicated demage to the antenna end the fing, The destruct system ney have heen activated when the veuicle was still ia the barsel although the barrel was uot damazed, In che third round, HAHA, the telemetry worked but not the receiver of the comand destruct systen, In thie round the Pentolite charze was uot carried, Summarized flight results of the three rounds are’ given in Table 11%. FLLP-OWE FIN “ASSEMBLY: ALUMNI DINEEY GRAIN. y- TELENETRY . — fe ~ ‘71.67 | _| 78.67 — 16.4 Dia Approx i r PUSHER PLATE DIA: 16,4 DIAMETER OF BODY: 8 30" t0°9,27" FIG, £1 MARTLYT 35 VERECLE FOR PSSTRUCT x87 ABLE ar1 NOVEMDER 1965 TEST PROGEAM - MARTLET 55 FIRINGS Breech wunzle Vehicle Weight Taunch, Presaure Velocity Apogee Flight Besexiptioa (tb) Data (psi) (tc/sec} £t (kn) Comments 134 ~ Mareter 98 By! 298.5 187 10 St: 25,600 4,500: 36,000 Vebiele and FoaW with "Elip out! My: 570.5. 55 tone Wis 25,100 * 4540. G1) telemecry 15 toverber fins, cerrying Cz 550 39,730 ind Mk6: 2%, 800 4,520 performance 1965 an ROL 250 Mie G81.225) Rass 31.3 in good az launch, 4200 AST celewetry peck BE: None Destruct aysten OF 15 deg age and 4 pent ot satisfactory cite charge {0.5 1b) for destruct systen 153 Yartlet 3B Wye 297.5 2 196.5 in Er 28,100 EP 4,690 Round act G008E with "flip out" Wy: 368.5 Bi: 36 tone MIis 27,900. 4,530 successful re~ 15 Hovenber fins, carrying ch 390 Gav: 39,630 i83 | Mes; 265300) 21500 garding tele= 1965 HDG 250 Mil: mas, 225) Rec: 32 in +) Note: Mké metry ard 1603 AST telemetry pack- None Peeees oe deotruct ayeton G75 deg —age and pentolite pressure way perfornance. charge (0.5 1b) 10 tore eee for the destract 30 sone pre system ‘ i * r ase Martlee 38 ity: 296.0 188 in St: 19,409 RP: 4040 Rs —98,600 Success sul maa with “lip-cwt" wy: 367.0 Ye tows | Nil: 19,300 4120 (12) ound regarding 1? November fins, carrying Cr 540 39,950 dnd NKB: 4080 vehicle and bai- 1965 SDL 250 Mz (umm. 225) 23,5 in 420 listies. Payload 1st ast telemetry pect one 3950 performance not QE 75 deg age Dur no satisfactory pentolita charge since receiver did not work, Wy: vehicle Wetght Wyt Shot Weight Cf Charge Weight am Distance Ram"Lead Chamber Yolune Recoli Bore evacuation Strain Gauge Rader East Fastax West Fastax Electrical Probe (left, right, average) 3.3 MartLet 20 (od 2) Synoptic Test Rounds ‘The aain part of the present series was devoted to synoptic tirings for wind shear measurenent. Maxtlet 20 (Mod 2) vehicles, shown in Pig. 1.2, were used ‘for these tests in wo night series. Eight vehicles were dixed at an elevation of 85 deg in the night of 17/18 Novenber trom sunset to sunrise (Rounds No. 160 to 167}. The propellant used was MAMl.22 as in previous series, Six of these rounds were successful, aad good tvaile were obtained fron which wind shear data were obtained ia the LOO kn altitude xegion, Bounds No, 162 - ENTERPRISE and No, 165 - HASTINGS vere not successful. In both casés the vehicles appeared to tunble end did not reach the expected apogees so that, no IMA trails were obtained. The behaviour of the vehicles in thesa two rounds indicated sone vehicle damage probably caused by @ sabot failure, This led to @ change in sabot design, and a strengthened aluminum sabot of lower weight was used in Later firings; the pusher plate wae changed ccrvospondingly. These design changes reduced the snot weight by sbout thircy pounds on the average. ‘the second synoptic series took place during the atght 22/23 Novembar; seven vehicles were fired (Rounds No. 173 to 179), with an MAM.27 propelianc, and uoing spacers for the “propellant, Bor all these shots the strengthened aluminum sabots were used, SLx rouads of the series vere cuccaseful pro~ dueing good TWA trails and resulting in wind shear data around the 100 km altitudes level, Round Mo. 175 - OLDBURY failed in this respect, since an apogee of only approximately 100,000 f+ - 30 kn wae obtainod, It becane apparent from sabot parta recovered on the Seavell runvay that the suppoxte placed in the sabot shells to prevent buckling-haé failed caustag subsequent valiicle demage, 364 one round (No, (74 - NBEDHAM'S POINT) im the second night series careied, in addition to the IMA payload, a telemetry package in the nose “cons consisting of a 231 MHz transnitta: with two subcarrier osedllatoza. Although pre-test data had indicated good performance for both the rransmiccer and the two subcarrier oscillators, the telemetry failed in flight, and a failure of either the power supply ox the transmitter must be aesumed, A summary of the glight vosulte of all TMA rounds fo given in Table IV. 4 discussion of the resulting wind data 4s presented in Sectioa 4.3. Marelet 26 (Mod 2) SOFAR Bomb and Telewetry Test Rounds ‘he two rounds with a sea impact payload were No, 156 - akNISG and No, 170 = WORTHING. 4 cross-sectional drawing of these vehicles is shown in Fig. 1.3. Both wore fired with s launch elevation of 80 degrees and with approximately the same muzzle velocity, In both firings vehicle impact was observed about 300 seconds after lamnch at a range of approsinately 250,000 ft, ‘There was no evidenca ef the SOFAR bonb at the firat firing but in the secoad round the boub was successful 41 seconds after impact, Another Martlet 20 (od 2) round, 172 - VAUKHALL, carried telemetry with two subcarrier oscillators af 40 and 70 Miz, and a flush mounted quadzeloop entenae. The ‘purpose was to meagure tonperature in the cloctronice section, and to determine the feasibility of utilieing a high gain distereatial amplifier for measurenents of low-level signats. The RF signal vas received et Launch at the predicted frequencies for four seconéa, and the 70 Hie oub- carrier oscillator worked a5 predicted but no. information was available .on the 40 Kaz subcarrier. The quadraloop antenna appeared to have been broken, and no tenperature data were obtained, FLUID TOE — 5.S°Lb, TMA PAYLOAD DRLAY VALVE 80% TEI-METHYL ALIMTETUM 20% TRI-RTAYE ALUMINIUK 1 MATERIALS BODY: AISI 4340 HT, Re 43/46 NOSE CONE: “AIST 1045, NOSHATIP: AIST 1065 TATLPING; ALUM, 75376 PISTON: ALUM, 24874 FIN RU: AISI 4340 PUSHER PLATE SKIRT: ALUN, 707576 PUSHER PLATE CROWN: AIST 4360 HLT. Re 43/45 PUSHER PLATE INSERT: PLIWOOD OBTUSATOR SRAL LAMINATED PLYWOOD SABOT DIA, 15,52 : VEWICLE DIA,. 5,00 i | rae ru | ! ; SEAL | L | 5 j | i urgRocen qurx-connzer | | HEME NITROGEN FILL | ~~ 28,00 —____4} (135 psi) VALVE, i _ 54.500 “ 60.250 | FIs. 1.2 MARTLET 2¢ MOD, 2 - IMA FAYLOAD ne TABLE IY NOVEMBER 1965 TES? PROGRAM . MARTLE 2¢ (HOD, 2) PIRINGS- SyNOPTIO E97 ROUDS Breech Muzzle + Vehicle Weight Launch Prezsure Velocity Apogee Flight. Description | (1b} Pata Ost) (ézfsec) fc(len) _Conaoats 160 Martlet 26 wy: 182 194 ia Se: 40,200 BE: 5990: 392,000 Successful CHRIGTOHRCR (od. 2) Wer 41s 1b tons | Mil: 40.300 6030 (420) round. = 17 Noverber carrying a Cc: 756 49,800 in? M6: - 6910 1965 5.5 Ib page (rae. 22) 37.5 in 1815 4st Toad of THA 28 inches B 85 deg with delay of mercury release aeche anion . tot Martiet 26 Wy! 183.5 195: in 37,900 RP: $730 Suecosefal rover od. 2) Wy: 425.3 Rls 9 tone 37,900 3760 400,000 round 47 Moventer | cartying a ci 750 ch¥: 41,300 an? a 3760 422) 1965 5.5 1b pey- (as, 22) Ree: 38 tn 1934 AST Joaé of TMA URE: None Oe 65 dey with delay release mech- antes 162 Martie: Bo Wy: 185 196 in 40,000 EP: 5980 Unsuccessful ENTERPRISE (Mod. 2) ay 418 1 tone 49,000 $000 231,009 probably due to 17 Noventer — cazrying a ef 710 1,690 in mke: = 5890, C1) a sahot fetiare 1985 5.5 3b pay- tet, 22) 39° an and resultant Rose ast Yad of TA 27 tnckes vehicle damage with deiay of moreury release aecl+ Breech Hazele Vehicle Weight Soaunen Pressure Velocity, Plight Desevigtion (ab) Data (pst) (it/see) Conmeat s 163 Maxtlat 20 Wy: 183.8 136 in se: 61,400 «BP: 6330 Successful FOUL BAY tod. 2) Wer 415.3 4S tons | Mil: . 41,150 8300 ound U7 November carrying a cr 770 Gh: 41,540 in? Haka: | ~ 5220 1965 5.5 2b pay (te, 23) Rect 39 in 2315 ast oad of, MA BE: 28 inches WU 85 deg with delay of moreury release inech+ 184 Maxtdet 2¢ 196 sp Se: 42,200 EP: 6010 Suecasesst ON ATL ‘God. 2) 19 tons. MUL: 45,900 5830 413,090 round z 18 November carrying 4 41,680 in? kG: = 3970 2s) a 1965, 5.5 Tb pay 39" in noes ast load of BHA 26 ‘inches OF 85 dex with delay of mercury release uech- anisn 16s Martlet 26 Wy: 186 RD: 196 in 43.0000 BP: Unsuccessful HASTINGS lod. 2) Wy: 447.5 RL; 18 tons 53,30) - probably due to 1B Novenber carrying a 8: 750 Gav: 42,640 in? - - a sabot failure 1965 5,5 13 pay (iai22) > Reet ALS in and resultant 155 ast Yond of THA BE: 28 inches vehicle danage QE 8S deg with delay of mercury release mech TABLE LY (continved Breech Muaaie Voniels Weighe Lavaeh Pressure Velocity Apogee Flight "__Description (18) Data (si Citisec) __fe(km) Comments 166 Marelot 20 Wy: 186 196. in 43,600. BP: 5950 0B: Successful INDIAN GROUND God. 2) Wy: 418 16 tons 42,290 6009 490,000 round 18 November carzying e750 Gav: 41,640 ind - 5969 (22) 1s65, 3.5 1b pay Gist. 22) Ree: 38.5 in 0320 ast Load of THA Ba: 27 inches QE 85 cox with delay of mercury release mech- anisn 167 Hivelee 20 184 195 in 38,200 HE: ‘5670 Sueseeefut JANES TOR Ged. 2) aa 38 rons 37,300 - 391,000 round y 18 Novenber carrying a 350 41,640 in? Meb: : (9) & 1365 5.3 1b pay (HK,22) 39 in 0548 AST Toad of TA Rone E85 deg with delay ; release mech- anisn 173 Martlet 2 Wo: 18h 189 in St: 49,2000 ER: RB Successful BAxAELL (od, 2) Wer 380.8 100 tons | M11: 49,500 ‘466,500 round 22 November . carrying & cr 915 39,300 tn Mk6: = x (142) Nore: A 165 5.5 1b pay 981.27) 4.5 da «R = 6300) strengthened 1809 4ST Load of INS BE: None sabot was used GE 8S dog with delay from this round release néch- TABIE TV (continued) Breech each Vehicle Weight Launch Ereseure Yeloc:ty Apogee Flight Description (1b) Data (aid Citfece) ——fe(km) —— Commant's 174 Maxelet 20 196 in FR: 6,030 Seecessful ‘NEBDHAM'S POINT (Wied, 2) 17 tons 6,030 435,000 round 22 November, carrying a 41,8640 ind 6,090 133) 4965 5.5 > pay 415 in 1930 abt Loed of TH 18 inches O8 85 dex with delay of percury zelears mach: anisa, con sisting of a ii mg trans ieee 1s Martiet 2000 Wt 185, 196 ia + 47,400 BR: R& Unevecesseul OLDBURY Cos. 2) sa 12 tons HLL: 495100 5420 102,000 probably due co zaNoveuber carrying aC! 975, A680 03 Mes : GI) a sabot failure 1965 5.5 db pay- (Mee, 27) 41.8 in and subsequent 2055 Ast bee of THA 26" inchos velidele. danace 285 deg with delay of mercury release mock aaien 176 Marthet 20 185.5 200 in 49,900: 6240 Succeseful PARAGOM Gos, 2) aan 10 tone 45,400 $220 442,000 ound 22 Novenber carrying @ 330 42,300 109 : 6240 (135) 16s 5.5 Ub pay- — (He,22) 35.5 in 2238 Ast ead of 24 inches 05 deg with delay of mercury release mech- anise SAPLE iV (continued) Breech Murele Vehicle Weigh: Launch, Preveure Velocity apogee Flsghe Description (1b) Data (pss) (ftises) idem) coments wr Marvlet 20 184. 200 19 St: 42,300 e050. Successful Quem FoRY Moe, 2) 388 10 tone | MAL: 42,400 6090 436,600 round 23 November carrying a 2 930. ch¥: 42,500 in? MKB: 6090. 33) 165 5,5 1b pay- (MAM. 27) Ract = ons ast oad of BAL 35: Hone QF 85 deg with delay release och anisa ua Martler 2¢. Wyi 1843 Dt 200 in St: 43,800 Br: 6200 oR Succeestu2 ROCKLEY (od, 2). Wet 3811 at: 10 tena 6220 470,000 round 23 Novenser —gizyying a e? 950 chy: 42,300 in sao aay 1965 3.5 1b pay QM8H.97) Ree: 41/5 ta 0328 ase load of A 3E: 21 inches " OE 85 deg with delay of nereaty E release usulie acisn, atreng thened alunimm sebot was used, . a9 Hartlet 20 163 46,000 ER: 6220 Successzul SEARLE Goa. 2) 388.5 48, 200 6240 464,000 round 23 Movantor carrying a 97s - @30 (adi) 1963, 5.5 Ib pay 6am, 27) asié ase Toad of TMA 85 aez with delay zolecse wech- enim Ran Distance Rau Load Chanber Volume Recoil Bore evacuation 2 Yelseye Weta wei Sesishe gees OF Bere tele Srrain Gauge Electrical Probe (ieft right, average) Radar ‘MATERLALS BODY: AIST 4340 HT, Re 43/46 NOSE CONE: AIST 1045 NOSE (-TIPZ AIST 1045 TAILFINS: ALAIN. 75826 PISTON: ALUM, 24574 FIN NOT: ATS1 4340 PUSHER PLATE SKIRT: ALUM. 707576 PUSHER ELATE CROWN; AISI 4340 HT. Be 43/45 asecnamen mewwgby ——«ISMER PLATE Dba: . pee atURAtOR Sea, l soz Denese VEHICLE DIA. 5.375 Fic, 1.3. MARTLET 2¢ (MOD 2) WITH SOFAS DEVICE 1-20 A summary of the élight results of the three rounds is given in Table v Maxtlet 20 (Ned 3) Rounds This nedification of the Martlet 2¢ (Pig. 1,4) uses the seme material as the Nod 2 and differs only slightly in the external configuration and the interior profile, Four of these vehicles vere fixed’ in the serves. Ome vehicle (io, 157 - YORKSHIRE) carried.a 12 1b ejection paylead of Ceaium to generate.electrons for ionvspheric studies and to obtain wind data. The round vas snecessful, and wind data for the ejection altitude could be obtained, Detatle of tha rasulte are discussad in Section 4.3. The other three rounds, 159 - BRIDGETOWN, 168 - KENDALL, and 171 - ANCASTER carried © payload consisting of S-band chaff and.a parachute with a telemetry package and thermistors. ‘the metallized silk parachutes had 2 14 £07 avea and 18 ft Long shroud Lines, ‘The 1750 Mie telemetzy untt was & SOLISTRON production model; it was attached to the parachute, A combined cloe-leop of "cloop" antenna was used which protruded out of the end of the projectile co provide tracking and telenetry deta from Launch through ejection to impact, Because of this antenma a spacer had to be added to the pechor plate, Your baad thermistor were attached to the shroud lines. The purpose of these rounds vere to test the perfornence of the telenetry transmitter, a seven-segmeat subcarrier oscillator, 4 nickel-cadmium battery pack and the sloop antenna, particularly at low teiperatures; furthermore te check the parachute ejection syatem which hed a tethered ejection slug to prevent parachute damage, and to check the performance of the thermiscore

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