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In-depth study of a moral issue in a soap

For this in-depth study, I have studied the moral issue in the American soap
opera Modern Family from the first season and the first episode (S1, E1)
The moral issue in the soap opera Modern Family is that a gay couple comes
back from their holiday in Vietnam. Not only did they just come back from an
ordinary holiday, but they have also brought back an adopted baby. However, the
dad of one of them is a little against gay and lesbian people. The problem is that
they discover that the dad thinks it a very bad idea to have the gay couple to
raise a baby. However, the baby was already at home in America and the whole
family was already in their house because they wanted to show the baby for the
very first time to the whole family, as a surprise.

In this moral issue, there are two sides and views: The free gay couple who love
to raise a child versus one of the gays dads who is absolutely against it. So how
are they going to introduce the baby to the dad in just a couple of minutes after
they discovered that the dad is against having a baby for the gay couple?

The issue with gay couples and marriages is that they are not accepted
everywhere around the world. Some time ago there was even a big protest
against gay or lesbian marriages in the United States of America. The possibility
of gay or lesbian couples having children was also not accepted by everybody.
The impact of this theme on the society could be sensitive to some people. Some
people let people be how they want to be and some do not. Some people think
that a child must have a mum and dad to grow up while some think they also can
be both from one gender. This issue is still an issue in our society because not
everybody agrees.

In this episode, the whole family is involved and the main characters are the gay
couple and the dad.
What happened is that the gay couple came back from a holiday from Vietnam. It
was not only a holiday but they also adopted a baby there. The evening after,
they were going to tell the whole family that they have adopted a baby and that
they now have a daughter. It is a surprise, so the rest of the family does not know
anything about it. When the family came in, the dad of one of the gays spoke to
his gay son and the gay son asked the dad if he would be OK when they would
adopt a baby in the future to make sure everything will turn out well. The dad
responded that it would be a very bad idea to let a baby grow up between a gay
couple. He is not homophobic but he is not always happy with that his son is gay.
He was quite in shock of this because now they need to adjust the way they
introduce the baby to the family. The baby was already at their home. But right at
that moment the partner of the gay son of the father introduces the baby to the
whole family and lifts her above his head with spotlights on it. This action,
however, is very awkward for the gay son but funny for the viewers and the rest
of the family. He quickly wants his partner to adjust his behaviour but the partner
does not do that. He does not see what is wrong with his behaviour. The rest of
the family accepts the gay couple before they had the baby and now they do
even more because of the baby except the dad. Everybody comes to take a look
at the baby while meanwhile, the son of the dad speaks to him. When everybody
looks to the father and the gay son, they want the dad to accept the baby into
this family. The sons sister (daughter from the dad) explains that it is OK and
that they both know how their father acts. After all, the baby was presented in a
funny and creative way with spotlights and very exaggerating way to make it fun
at look to the soap opera
The whole family, including the gay couple and the dad are flat characters. Their
opinion or position does not change much. The dad is OK with the baby but still is
not always fine with his son is being gay and the rest of the family was already
OK with it. All characters are American except the wife of the dad and the child of
that wife. They are from Colombia. The dad has the gay son and a daughter. The
daughter is married and together they have three children. The dad is a
grandfather for these children. The wife of the dad of the gay son is way younger
than he is. The son of the wife is just as old as the other children in the family
and the wife is around the age as the gay son and his sister.

In the soap opera, no religion is involved. All the people in the soap opera are
atheists. In real life, however, it can be different because when you are a very
strict Christian or Islam, you get difficulties because the religion does not allow
gay/lesbian couples to have a relationship or getting married. Atheists can have
different opinions about gay and lesbian marriages and they are not forbidden by
a religion to have a gay or lesbian marriage.

Why did the producers choose this subject? I think the producers chose this
subject to create an unique family for the soap opera. This gives the family a
different personality than the most hetero families. The producers did a great job.
I do not have a strong opinion about gays and lesbians. It does not matter for me
who you are. I am a hetero and if others are different from me in means that they
are gay or lesbian, it does not matter for me. They are still people. The producers
created in their series more acceptance for the child with gay parents in this
family. They did a good job showing this family all together and how well the
family is really together as one big family and that is why even I like to watch this
soap opera while I am not Netflix addicted or watching Netflix all the time. So all
together, I think the producers are very creative to create this four-season long
soap opera and I hope more will come soon.

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