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100% Unofficial* Downloaded from fitnesshacker.


Cam Gigandet
Day 1 Chest
Exercise Sets Reps Notes

You can start with stand-

ard pushups. However, if
you find this too easy (or
1 Push Ups 1 25 as your fitness level in-
creases) try more ad-
vanced routines, like Plyo

1. 45
Increase the weight after
2 Nautilus Press 3 2. 55 each set
3. 65

1. 55
Increase the weight after
3 Nautilus Incline press 3 2. 65 each set
3. 70

1. 40
2. 45
Increase the weight after
4 Pec Deck Machine 5 3. 50 each set
4. 55
5. 60

* Although every effort has been made to ensure this is the real workout performed by the celebrity, we are unable to guarantee it is because they didn't
tell us it was face to face over a protein shake.
100% Unofficial* Downloaded from

Cam Gigandet
Day 2 Back
Exercise Sets Reps Notes

You can start with stand-

ard pushups. However, if
you find this too easy (or
1 Push Ups 1 25 as your fitness level in-
creases) try more ad-
vanced routines, like Plyo

1. 75
Increase the weight after
2 Seated Rows 3 2. 80 each set
3. 85

1. 85
Increase the weight after
3 Lat Pull Downs 3 2. 90 each set
3. 95

1. 50
Increase the weight after
4 T-Bar Rows 3 2. 55 each set
3. 60

Day 3 Shoulders
Exercise Sets Reps Notes

1 Arnold Press 3 35

2 Standing Lateral Raise 3 15

3 Standing Front Raises 3 10

* Although every effort has been made to ensure this is the real workout performed by the celebrity, we are unable to guarantee it is because they didn't
tell us it was face to face over a protein shake.
100% Unofficial* Downloaded from

Cam Gigandet
Day 4 Biceps and Triceps
Exercise Sets Reps Notes

1. 20
Increase the weight after
1 Nautilus Curl Machine 1 2. 25 each se
3. 30

1. 30
Increase the weight after
2 Ez Curl Cable 3 2. 35 each set
3. 40

1. 15
Increase the weight after
3 Hammer Curls 3 2. 20 each set
3. 25

1. 30
Increase the weight after
4 Push Downs 3 2. 35 each set
3. 40

Day 5 Cardio
Exercise Sets Reps Notes

1 Treadmill 1 45mins 65 to 75% MHR

* Although every effort has been made to ensure this is the real workout performed by the celebrity, we are unable to guarantee it is because they didn't
tell us it was face to face over a protein shake.

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