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First is man command which gives you help for any command by syntax.

man <command name>;

Then comes to know where u r in I mean in which folder(hey never call any thing a
folder in Linux every thing is a directory) u r working on, for this the command is
pwd (this is argument less) ..

Then comes normal know who u r and to know path of any tool etc by
who--- this is argument less
whichfor this u hve to type the argument for which path is to be displayed

One important thing is there are two things in Linux

1. absolute path
2. relative path

absolute path is the path specifying entire path including home directory also.
For example consider this command shown below

Cd /home/export/anji/simulation/fulladder(if u r in some directory in anji or in any

other directory in some thing else)

Relative path specifies the path for the respective folder without any named things.
For example consider below command

Cd ../../synthesis---(If I am in fulladder folder of simulation in anji, and want to move to

synthesis folder of anji) try this one.

Then comes the basic commands

cd---- is for change directory----where ever u type cd it will redirect u to ur home
I think u know this one . Refers to the current directory and .. refers to the parent
If u type cd .. then it will move you to the parent directoryi mean previous directory

Basic Linux command structure is command [options] arguments

If any help required for any command then just type commandhelp then it will
display u information about command
ls --- it displays the list of the files and directories in ur present directory
as I said every command has options I mean just like constrains the options for this
command are

-a --- shows all files including hidden files

-i ---- lists the inode for each file
-l ---- uses a long listing format
-r ---- produces output in reverse order
-t ---- sorts output by modifications times for files
-1 ---- lists one file per line

Ex for using thes commands:

ls l -----for long listing files including all information
ls al ---- it displays as above including hidden filse
ls lrt ---- long listing most recently accessed files
ls li ---- long listing inode for each file


mkdir [options] directory name

options are :
-P ----- to create intercening parent directories even if they donot exist


rm <directory name> (keep in mind that the directory shoud be empty)

for removing files

rm -f <file name> --- this command does not promt before removing
rm i <file name> -- prompt before removing
rm r <directory name> -- this command removes directories recursively.(*it
prompts for each directory before removed)

if u donot want it to prompt use rm rf <directory name>


cp [options] source destination

options are
-f --- does not prompt before copying
-i ---- prompts before copying
-r ---- copies directories recursively

mv [options] source destination

options are:
-f same as for copy
-i --- same as for copy

Remember tghat ..ther is no command for renaming a filewe have to use mv command
for that also


They can be used to refer multiple files

* --- represents any string of characters
? represents a single character
[ ] defines set of ranges


U can type any one file name not even completely and then type tab u can see..possible
files for that u typed


Giving permissions for files using command line interface (CLI)

chmod [options] mode <files>


R(capital) applies changes to directories recursively

entities to which the change should apply

u for user
g for group
o other
a all

whether permission should be granted or revoked is done by + or - signs respectively

examples for this type are chmod +RWX <filename> gives all permission to that file for

if u feel headache for this u can use octal representation of permissions

in which

4 is for READ
2 is for WRITE
1 is for EXCUTE

give it in order for example if u give chmod 755 it represnts the total permnissions for
user and only read and execute permission for group and others
7 --- READ (4) + WRITE(2) + EXECUTE(1)
5 READ(4) + EXECUTE(1)

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