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Was reconstruction considered a failure?

After the Civil War, the Union was preserved and freedom was granted to the

slaves, but due to the lack of political focus on the wounds caused by the

divided country and the former slaves not being treated as equals by the

south, reconstruction was seen as a failure.

Division between the federal Government over Reconstruction caused the

Union (North) to fail their process/goal on trying to unite the South with the

country and revive their economy.

An example on where Reconstruction can be seen as a failure is when the

North and the South were being compared to Russia (one of the poorest

nations in Europe) and Germany (one of the wealthiest); Germany

representing the North and Russia representing the South.

Another way Reconstruction can be seen as a failure is in the integration of

freed slaves into society. Even though former slaves had the 13th, 14th, and

15th amendment guaranteeing certain civil liberties they had, the rise of

many white supremacy groups such as the Klu Klux Klan (KKK) and the

addition of the black codes began to frighten many African Americans and

push back their civil liberties.

Many court cases such as the U.S v. Reese were seen as the Supreme Court

trying to limit the rights of former slaves.

Racism came to prevail over the society

Reconstruction was seen as a failure because of white resistance.

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