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Peregrinationes archaeologicae

in Asia et Europa
Joanni Chochorowski dedicatae
Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Jagielloskiego
Wydawnictwo Profil-Archeo

Peregrinationes archaeologicae
in Asia et Europa
Joanni Chochorowski dedicatae


Wojciech Blajer

Krakw 2012
Redaktor tomu
Wojciech Blajer

Sekretarz naukowy
Karol Dzigielewski

Wsppraca redakcyjna
Anna Gawlik, Marcin S. Przybya, Piotr Godlewski

Zbigniew Bukowski

Redakcja techniczna, skad i amanie

Magdalena Dzigielewska

Beata Kulesza-Damaziak, Studio Grafiki Wydawniczej "Karandasz"

Projekt okadki
Karol Dzigielewski, Beata Kulesza-Damaziak

Karol Dzigielewski, Wojciech Blajer i autorzy

Tumaczenia streszcze
Redakcja i autorzy

Korekta jzykowa
Piotr Godlewski, Aeddan Shaw, Wojciech Blajer

Publikacja sfinansowana ze rodkw na dziaalno statutow Wydziau Historycznego Uniwersytetu Jagielloskiego

Wydanie I, Krakw 2012

ISBN 978-83-931345-4-0 (Profil-Archeo)

ISBN 978-83-934218-2-4 (Instytut Archeologii UJ)

Copyright by Wydawnictwo Profil-Archeo, Instytut Archeologii UJ & Wojciech Blajer

Ksika, ani aden jej fragment, nie moe by przedrukowywana ani powielana w jakiejkolwiek formie
bez pisemnej zgody wydawcy.
The book, or any part of it, may not be reproduced or copied in any form without written permission from the editor.

Redakcja Wydawnictwo
Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Jagielloskiego Wydawnictwo Profil-Archeo
ul. Gobia 11, 31-007 Krakw ul. Jurajska 23, 32-087 Pkowice k/Krakowa
tel. +48 12 663 12 72, 633 12 80 tel. +48 12 665 10 11
e-mail: e-mail:
Peregrinationes archaeologicae in Asia et Europa Joanni Chochorowski dedicatae, Krakw 2012

Spis treci / Contents

List gratulacyjny Dziekana Wydziau Historycznego Uniwersytetu Jagielloskiego........................................................9

Tabula Gratulatoria........................................................................................................................................................................11
Wykaz prac Profesora Jana Chochorowskiego ogoszonych drukiem w latach 19702011..........................................13
Svend E. Albrethsen
Do you remember? An archaeological excavation on Svalbard with Jan Chochorowski (Pamitasz? O wykopaliskach
wSvalbardzie z Janem Chochorowskim)...............................................................................................................................................21
Roger Jrgensen
A Pomor outpost at Kapp Lee, Svalbard (Przyczek Pomorcw w Kapp Lee w Svalbardzie)..............................................29
Jutta Kneisel
Gesichtsurnen und ihre Kopfbedeckung. Neue Erkenntnisse zum Phnomen der Gesichtsurnen im nordeu-
ropischen Kontext ( Face-urns and their headdress. New studies on the phenomenon of face-urns in the North-European
Agnieszka Krzysiak
Dwa miecze brzowe z Machowinka, pow. Supsk (Two bronze swords from Machowinko, Supsk district).......................57
Radosaw Janiak
Kamienna konstrukcja w ksztacie odzi na cmentarzysku kurhanowym w Nowej Sikorskiej Hucie, stan. 2, pow.
Kartuzy (Stone setting in the shape of a boat from the barrow cemetery in Nowa Sikorska Huta, site 2, Kartuzy district)..............65
Anna Bochnak, Tomasz Bochnak
Nieznane przedstawienie tarczy na ceramice kultury pomorskiej ze zbiorw Fundacji Ksit Czartoryskich w Krakowie
(Unknown depiction of a shield on Pomeranian culture pottery from the collection of Princes Czartoryski Foundation in Krakw)............71
Jacek Gackowski
Przeom epok brzu i elaza w midzyrzeczu Wisy, Drwcy i Osy w wietle nowszych odkry i refleksji interpretacyjnych
(The Bronze to Iron Age transition between the Vistula, Drwca and Osa rivers in light of recent finds and interpretations).................77
Jan Dbrowski
Rola metalu w epoce brzu (The role of metal in the Bronze Age)...........................................................................................87
Maciej Kaczmarek
Osady z epoki brzu na Nizinie Wielkopolsko-Kujawskiej uwagi o stanie bada (Settlements from the Bronze Age in
Nizina Wielkopolsko-Kujawska remarks on the state of research)...................................................................................................93
Tadeusz Malinowski
Zabytki kultury pomorskiej ze Szczepankowa w powiecie mogileskim (Pomeranian culture artefacts from Szczepankowo
in Mogilno district)................................................................................................................................................................................101
Karol Dzigielewski
Problemy synchronizacji danych paleoklimatycznych i archeologicznych na przykadzie tzw. wahnicia subatlantyckiego
(Problems of paleoclimatic and archaeological data synchronization as exemplified by the Subatlantic abrupt climatic shift)............109
Jarosaw Lewczuk
Cmentarzysko ciaopalne kultury uyckiej z III okresu epoki brzu w Onie Lubuskim, stanowisko 17 (Cremation
cemetery of the Lusatian culture from Bronze Age Period III at site 17 in Ono Lubskie, Lubuskie Province)............................... 121
Peregrinationes archaeologicae in Asia et Europa Joanni Chochorowski dedicatae, Krakw 2012

Marek Gedl
Uwagi o brzowych szpilach wrzecionowatych (Remarks on bronze pins with spindle-shaped heads)...............................129
Micha Bugaj
Nieinwazyjne badania osady obronnej w Wicinie (A non-destructive survey of the fortified settlement in Wicina).............135
Bogusaw Gediga
Grb kobiecy (?) wyposaony w militaria z Domasawia, pow. Wrocaw (A female (?) grave from Domasaw, Wrocaw
district, furnished with elements of weaponry).......................................................................................................................................149
Renata Abamowicz
Wstpne wyniki ekspertyzy archeozoologicznej szcztkw kostnych ze stanowiska 11 w Kornicach, wojewdztwo
lskie (Preliminary results of archaeozoological evaluation of bone remains from site 11 in Kornice, Silesia)...........................161
Bogusaw Chory, Boena Chory
Uwagi o osadnictwie zachodniego Beskidu midzy Beczw a So w modszej epoce brzu i wczesnej epoce elaza
(Remarks on the Younger Bronze Age and Early Iron Age settlement in the Western Beskid (Beskid Zachodni) Mts., between the
Beczwa and Soa rivers)....................................................................................................................................................................169
Ondej Chvojka, Tereza lkov
Zur Deutung der urnenfelderzeitlichen streifenfrmigen Siedlungsobjekte (An interpretation of linear ditch-objects from
some Urnfield period settlements)......................................................................................................................................................183
Michaela Lochner
Thunau am Kamp eine befestigte Hhensiedlung der Urnenfelderkultur und der auergewhnliche Fund eines
Tonfsschens (Thunau am Kamp a fortified hill site of the Urnfield Culture and the unique find of a clay barrel)................... 193
Vladimr Podborsk
Der neue Fund eines Deichselwagens aus der Ostslowakei (A new find of a cart model (Deichselwagen) from eastern Slovakia)..205
Biba Teran
Musterbilder auf Knochen ein Element der Identitt der frheisenzeitlichen Fzesabony-Mezcst-Kulturgruppe
(Patterns on bones an element of the identity of the Early Iron Age Fzesabony-Mezsct-Group).......................................215
Horia Ciugudean
The chronology of the Gva culture in Transylvania (Chronologia kultury Gva w Siedmiogrodzie).............................229
Agnieszka Gil-Drozd
Rozwj obrzdku ciaopalnego na obszarze Europy rodkowej w modszej epoce kamienia i pocztkach epoki brzu
(okoo 55002000 B.C.) (The development of the cremation rite in Central Europe in the Neolithic and beginnings of the Bronze
Age (ca 55002000 B.C.)).......................................................................................................................................................................245
Elena Miroayov
iarov hrob sbohatou vbavou zo dane (Richly furnished cremation burial from daa, Slovakia)...........................253

ii (Signs on the pottery of the Kutanovice culture)...............................263
Renata Madyda-Legutko, Elbieta Pohorska-Kleja
Uwagi o osadnictwie w Kotlinie Sanockiej u schyku epoki brzu i w pocztkach epoki elaza (Remarks on Late Bronze
Age and Early Iron Age settlement in the Sanok Basin).............................................................................................................273
Piotr N. Kotowicz, Marcin S. Przybya
Osada z przeomu epoki brzu i wczesnej epoki elaza w Ladzinie, pow. Krosno, stan. 10 (The settlement from the Bronze
Age/Early Iron Age transition in Ladzin, Krosno district, site 10)................................................................................................. 283
Sylwester Czopek
Nowe znaleziska scyto-trackiej ceramiki toczonej z wczesnej epoki elaza na terenie poudniowo-wschodniej Polski
(New finds of Scytho-Thracian wheel-made pottery from the Early Iron Age in south-eastern Poland).....................................297
Marta M. Korczyska, Klaus Cappenberg, Tobias L. Kienlin, Jakob Ociepka
Vorlufige Resultate und methodische berlegungen zu der Prospektion bronzezeitlicher Fundstellen im mittleren
Dunajectal, Kleinpolen (Current results and methodological remarks on the surveying of Bronze Age sites along the middle
Dunajec River, Little Poland)........................................................................................................................................................ 307
Pawe Valde-Nowak
Neolityczny uk z Kamiennika (Neolithic bow from Kamiennik).......................................................................................... 323
Peregrinationes archaeologicae in Asia et Europa Joanni Chochorowski dedicatae, Krakw 2012

Jacek Grski, Przemysaw Makarowicz

Nowe datowania radiowglowe kurhanw i grobw beznasypowych trzcinieckiego krgu kulturowego z Maopolski
i Wielkopolski (New radiocarbon datings of the barrows and flat burials of the Trzciniec cultural circle from Maopolska and
Wielkopolska )..................................................................................................................................................................................331
Anna Gawlik
Pochwki szkieletowe ze st. 1 z Witowa interpretacja obrzdku pogrzebowego (Skeleton burials from site 1 at Witw
interpretation of burial rite)..........................................................................................................................................................341
Ulana Gocman, Igor Piekos
Gospodarka hodowlana na terenie wielokulturowej osady w Zagrzycach, gm. Kazimierza Wielka (od III okre-
su epoki brzu do wczesnego okresu wpyww rzymskich) (Animal husbandry in the multiphase settlement in Zagrzyce,
Kazimierza Wielka commune ( from Bronze Age Period III to the Early Roman Period))........................................................349
Marcin Biborski
Nowe odkrycia rzymskich mieczy zdobionych inkrustowanymi przedstawieniami figuralnymi i znakami
symbolicznymi (New findings of Roman swords decorated with encrusted figural representations and symbolic signs)................359
Piotr Kaczanowski, Judyta Rodziska-Nowak
Hunowie na ziemiach polskich. Prba podsumowania problematyki (The Huns on Polish an attempt to summarise).........371
Elbieta Magorzata Kosiska
A unique find of Scythian provenance from the Lublin region (Unikatowe znalezisko proweniencji scytyjskiej z regionu
Sylwester Sadowski
Nowe znalezisko czekana typu scytyjskiego z poudniowo-wschodniej Polski (A new find of a Scythian battle-axe from
south-eastern Poland).......................................................................................................................................................................385
Katarzyna lusarska
Ikonografia spoecznoci wczesnej epoki brzu Pnocnego Nadczarnomorza (The iconography of the Early Bronze Age
societies of the Northern Pontic zone)................................................................................................................................................391

(The Gordeyevka Phenomenon)...............................................................................................395
Maya Kaschuba, Marina Vakhtina
Moderner Stand der Untersuchungen des frheisenzeitlichen Fundmaterials aus der befestigten Anlage von Nemirov
am Sdlichen Bug (Current state of research over the Early Iron Age materials from the fortified settlement at Nemirov upon the
Southern Bug)..................................................................................................................................................................................405

( ) (Scythian
priestess dress (archaic period sites from the Forest-Steppe Right-Bank Dnieper))...........................................................................417
Anna Zieliska
Rola kobiety w plemionach koczowniczych, czyli w poszukiwaniu prawdziwych Amazonek (The role of women
in nomadic tribes, or in search of the real Amazons)....................................................................................................................427
(Two unique acinaces from the Cherkasy oblast)....................................435

(Kurgans at Gladkovshchina monuments of the Scythian archaic era from the Left-Bank Dnieper
terrace Forest-Steppe).....................................................................................................................................................................441

(Belskoe fortified settlement)....................................................................................................................461

(The Solokha burial ground in the context of Scythian

(Barrow with the burials of armed Scythian girls).....................475
Peregrinationes archaeologicae in Asia et Europa Joanni Chochorowski dedicatae, Krakw 2012

- (Scythian Period cemetery at Mamay-Gora)............................................485
Vyacheslav I. Molodin
The Ob-Irtysh forest-steppe in the Bronze Age (Lasostep dorzecza Obu i Irtysza w epoce brzu).........................................491

(The significance of archaeological research in the great Scytho-Sarmatian period mounds on the Bugry site
in the foothills of the Altay)...............................................................................................................................................................501

(Burials in stone cists and the problem of cultural continuity in the Altai mountains between the Early Scythian period
and the Hunnu period)....................................................................................................................................................................511
(Burial rite as a basis
for the identification of proper Scythian kurgans in Azerbaijan).....................................................................................................519

(From the history of studies on Pre-Scythian era horse equipment in Eastern Europe and the North Caucasus)....................529
Jan Bouzek
Central Europe and Caucasus in the Early Iron Age (Europa rodkowa i Kaukaz we wczesnej epoce elaza)..................537
Andrzej Mierzwiski
Achilles hiperborejski esej o mitycznym spenieniu (Hyperborean Achilles an essay on mythical fulfilment)..............549
Wojciech Machowski
Grecy czy Scytowie kogo pochowano pod kurhanami na antycznych nekropolach Olbii i Pantikapajonu? (Greeks or
Scythians who was buried in the mounds of the ancient necropoleis of Olbia and Pantikapaion?)..............................................557
Ewdoksia Papuci-Wadyka
A Phoenician amphoriskos from Olbia in the collection of Jagiellonian University in Krakw. Notes on our
research in the Ukraine (Fenicki amphoriskos z Olbii w kolekcji Uniwersytetu Jagielloskiego w Krakowie. Uwagi o naszych
badaniach na Ukrainie).................................................................................................................................................................565
Maya Kashuba, Oleg Levitski
The Hallstatt house-building techniques of the Carpathian-Danube region and the emergence of circular pit-houses
in the Early Scythian period in North-West Pontic (Techniki budowy domostw w okresie halsztackim na obszarach karpac-
ko-naddunajskich i kwestia pojawienia si kolistych budynkw zagbionych w okresie wczesnoscytyjskim w pnocno-zachodnim
Joachim liwa
Aphek-Antipatris (Tell Ras el-Ain). Stanowisko z epoki rodkowego brzu II i naczynie z kolekcji Instytutu Arche-
ologii Uniwersytetu Jagielloskiego (Aphek-Antipatris (Tell Ras el-Ain). A site from the Middle Bronze II and a ceramic vessel
from the collection of the Institute of Archaeology of the Jagiellonian University).............................................................................583
Krzysztof M. Ciaowicz
Nie tylko depozyty. Drobna plastyka figuralna z Tell el-Farcha (Not only deposits. Figural fine art from Tell el-Farkha)...589
Magorzata Smorg Rycka
Szlachetny barbarzyca chroni Rzym? Kilka uwag o interpretacji przedstawie na tzw. dyptyku Stylichona (The noble
barbarian protecting Rome? Some notes on the interpretation of representations of the Stilicho diptych).......................................599
Janusz A. Ostrowski
Dwa polskie XVI-wieczne opisy Campi Phlegraei (Two Polish descriptions of Campi Phlegraei from the 16 th
Peregrinationes archaeologicae in Asia et Europa Joanni Chochorowski dedicatae, Krakw 2012, 461466

. Belskoe fortified settlement. The Belskoe gorodishche of

. the Scythian era is the largest fortified settlement in Europe.
35 , 4000 - The total length of its ramparts exceeds 35 km and it covers an
. - area of 4000 hectares. The settlement is located in the northern
, . , part of the Poltava oblast, Ukraine. A crucial issue connected
, - with the Belskoe fortified settlement is its identification with
. the city of Gelonus mentioned by Herodotus. This point of
. - view has both its supporters and detractors. Proceeding from
, - the general understanding of Scythian history and from
- , - the Herodotus account of the Scythian-Persian war,
. the author joins the ranks of the supporters.


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Peregrinationes archaeologicae in Asia et Europa Joanni Chochorowski dedicatae, Krakw 2012

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, 2 , 3 ) ,
Fig. 2. Plan of the Belskoe fortified settlement (1 Eastern (
fortification; 2 Western, 3 Kuzeminskoe) 1973; 1975; 1987).
.. (1977).
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- Fig. 3. Fortifications of the Eastern Belskoe settlement. Re-
. , - construction by B.A. Shramko

Peregrinationes archaeologicae in Asia et Europa Joanni Chochorowski dedicatae, Krakw 2012

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Fig. 4. Expedition of Darius the Great to Scythia. After B.A. Rybakov


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Peregrinationes archaeologicae in Asia et Europa Joanni Chochorowski dedicatae, Krakw 2012

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, S e r b a k i v s k y j V., 1930 La situation gographique de
la ville de Gelone dHrodote, (:) Biblioteka Prehistorycz-
, - na1, Pozna, 265286.



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