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Ultrasonografi (USG)

A.Defenition USG

Ultrasonography or abbreviated ultrasound examination is a rule body

using sound waves at high frequencies.Medical ultrasound (sonography) can
be interpreted as a diagnostic imaging technique using ultrasound is used to
image internal organs and muscles, structures, and wound pathology, so the
technique is useful to examine the organ.

B. USG function

Confirmation of pregnancy The embryo in gestational sac can be seen

in early pregnancy 5 weeks then the fetal heart rate is usually known at
the age of seven weeks,Knowing pregnancy,Assess the growth and
development of the baby in the womb,Problems with the placenta Ultrasound
can assess and determine the condition of the placenta, if there is a problem
such as placenta previa,Twin pregnancy With ultrasound examination can
determine whether there is one or more fetuses in the womb,Measuring
amniotic fluid Amount of amniotic fluid can be assessed with ultrasound so if
there is a problem when it contains excess or too little amniotic fluid,Location
of fetal abnormalities Not only fetal abnormalities in the uterus but can also
determine abnormalities that can be identified by ultrasound such
as( hydrocefalus, heart defects, Down syndrome),Knowing the sex of the

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