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Complete each sentence by inserting in, on, at or to in each blank.

1. Many things have changed _______ the last century.

2. ________ Tuesdays, I usually buy my groceries.
3. I hope ________ see you again soon.
4. Will you please drop these ________ the Post Office ________ your break?
5. We rode across the pond ________ a small boat.
6. I like ________ listen ________ music ________ my room ________ night.
7. _________ a rainy day, I like _________ go shopping __________ the mall.
8. The children spent several hours _________ the playground.
9. She put the chicken _________ the pot.
10. She lives _________ 87 Webster Avenue.
11. My son is _________ the computer several hours a day doing his homework.
12. They rode through the park ____________ a motorcycle.
13. I love you __________ the morning and __________ the afternoon.
14. Ill meet you __________ the intersection of Ridge Road and Phillips Road.
15. They are leaving __________ vacation next weekend.
16. Look _________ the picture! It costs over one hundred dollars!
17. We put the table ________ front of the window.
18. I drive _________ work every morning __________ 7:45.
19. We rode __________ the museum _________ the subway.
20. Lets walk __________ the library this afternoon.
21. You have that look _________ your eye that tells me you want more cake.
22. I love _________ drink lemonade __________ a hot afternoon.
23. We went _________ a picnic last Sunday afternoon.
24. __________ my county, we celebrate Womens Day _________ March.
25. We should bring the dog _________ the vet for his Rabies shot.
26. They rode _________ the top floor __________ an elevator.

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