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Jordan Nissen

EDUC 300 N
12 February 2017
Social Class Reading Reaction 1
According to our Multicultural books, social groups are partially controlled by social

norms, religion, nationality, gender, sexual preference, as well as many other many other factors.

Social class can hinder a childs education in many ways, for example, if a child lives at or below

the poverty line within a predominantly middle class school, they will be excluded from others

because the other children will label them as different. As children grow older and when the

start finding out their likes as well as dislikes, they find others who share the same interests and

hobbies as they do no matter what those interests may be. While hanging out and be social with

those who are similar to them, helps shape them into the adult they will become. And those

interests that their friends have, soon become theirs as well. Children will also become

influenced by their friends as well. What their friends agree/disagree with, they will then take the

same view point as them. Eventually, the friends will become more influential to the child over

the childs own parents. But this is starting to become social norms with todays youth.
When it comes to social class, children do not distinguish or discriminate against others

because of how much money they have until they are late middle school/early high school. This

is the prime time in any childs life where they will be placed on the popularity scale and

usually those who do not have much money are not considered to be popular or well liked. At

this age, we are no longer being judged by the type of person we are or what kind of friend we

will be, but we are judged by the clothes we wear, the cars we drive, what types of jobs our

parents have, and what neighborhood we live in.

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