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Illustrator Tutorial for Placing Separations. 1.Open New Document 2.Under View Fit in Window (Ctrl + 0) 3.Under Window bring up layers (F7) + Name. Layer Accordingly 4.Under File, Place. (Find Saved Separation File) 5.Using Layers Pop-up Create New layer and Name Accordingly (Icon Next to Trash Can) 6.Under File, Place (Find Second Saved Separation File) 7.Repeats Steps 5 + 6 to accommodate number of seps. 8.Make New Layer and Place Registration Marks on its own layer. 9.Use the eye symbol within the layers to hide-different seps for printing Copy and paste objects in exactly the same place as original.(As in Corel) - eg: Copy registration marks and then Paste in Front or CTRL F onto new layer(s).They will be placed in exact location of original.

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