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Daniel Alcides Carrin

He was born on August 13, 1857 in Cerro de Pasco. Daniel Alcides Carrin was a
medical student and a Peruvian scientific. His father was an Ecuadorian doctor and
lawyer named Baltasar Carrion Torres and his wife was Dolores Garcia Navarro.
In 1880 he entered the medical school at UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL MAYOR DE
SAN MARCOS. During his medical studies, he expressed concerns about a disease
characteristic of some central Peruvian valleys dominated Verruga Peruana.
On August 27, 1885, he came to the room of Nuestra Seora de las Mercedes
Hospital Dos de Mayo. His classmates and Dr. Leonardo Villar tried to dissuade him,
but it was useless. He was determined to inoculate himself. This method would allow
him to resolve more quickly the doubts that were had about the Peruvian wart
(VERRUGA PERUANA) and to establish what relation had with the high fevers that
consumed the workers in La Orolla
A small tear on the patient's warts Carmen Paredes, 15, served to proceed to inoculate
the disease in the two forearms of Carrin. The procedure counted on the collaboration
of Dr. Evaristo Chvez.
Log in Hand Carrin was a patient and meticulous writer of his own agony. He did not
yield easily to the symptoms and was able, for many days, to carry a correct and
detailed account of the effects that the infection produced in his body.
On October 4 he accepted to be taken to the Maison de Sant for a blood transfusion.
In that trance he commented to his companion Rmulo Eyzaguirre: "... I have not yet
died my friend, now it is your turn to finish the work already begun, following the path I
have drawn ..
Finally, beaten by the fierceness of the infection, he died at 11:30 p.m. On October 6
On October 7, 1991, the Peruvian Government declared him a national hero and father
of Peruvian medicine

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