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Sepsis-Induced Acute

K i d n e y In j u r y
a,b a,c,
Johan Mrtensson, MD, PhD, DESA , Rinaldo Bellomo, MD, FRACP, FCICM *

 Sepsis  Acute kidney injury  Inflammation  Renal replacement therapy

 Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common and potentially fatal complication of sepsis.
 Sepsis-induced immune cells seems to release reactive oxygen and nitrogen species,
which can damage tubular cells directly.
 Nephrons seem to adapt to sepsis-induced renal stress by conserving energy, removing
dysfunctional cells, decreasing the glomerular filtration rate, and possibly recruiting shunt
pathways, which attenuate their contact with toxin-rich blood.
 It is likely that progression of septic AKI can, in part, be prevented by avoiding hypoten-
sion, fluid overload, and venous congestion.
 Future therapeutic options for septic AKI may include antiinflammatory drugs targeting
molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of septic AKI, and/or blood
purification techniques.


Severe sepsis is the trigger for the development of approximately 50% of cases of
acute kidney injury (AKI) among critically ill patients.1 Even in patients with less severe
infections, the incidence of AKI is as high as 16% to 25%.2 Sepsis-induced AKI is
associated with mortality rates of up to 50% to 60%, depending on severity.3 Septic
AKI is characterized by a rapid and often profound decline in the kidneys ability to fil-
ter blood and eliminate nitrogen waste products, usually evolving over hours to days
after the onset of sepsis.4 Limited understanding of pathophysiologic mechanisms has
precluded the development of effective therapies for sepsis-induced AKI. However,

Conflicts of Interest: None declared.

Department of Intensive Care, Austin Hospital, 145 Studley Road, Heidelberg, Victoria 3084,
Australia; b Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Section of Anaesthesia and Intensive
Care Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, 171 77 Stockholm, Sweden; c Department of Epidemi-
ology and Preventive Medicine, Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre,
School of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Monash University, 99 Commercial Road, Mel-
bourne, Victoria 3004, Australia
* Corresponding author. Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Australian
and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
E-mail addresses:;

Crit Care Clin - (2015) --
0749-0704/15/$ see front matter 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Martensson & Bellomo

early infectious source control and supportive care, with vasopressors, intravenous
fluids and renal replacement therapy (RRT) seem to be logical and are likely to impact
favorably outcomes among patients with septic AKI. This review summarizes our cur-
rent understanding of the pathogenesis of sepsis-induced AKI. Moreover, because
changes in glomerular hemodynamics are thought to play a major role in septic AKI,
they are given special attention in this article. Management of septic AKI with special
reference to systemic blood pressures, fluid management, vasopressor therapy, red
blood cell (RBC) transfusion and RRT is also discussed. Finally, we highlight some po-
tential future pharmacologic therapies for septic AKI.


Cellular Adaptation
The innate immune response to infections triggers adaptive mechanisms affecting the
kidneys tubular, vascular and glomerular functions. Invading pathogens release mol-
ecules, for example, lipopolysaccharide, lipoteichoic acid, or DNA, known as
pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), into the blood. Additionally,
cellular injury and disruption release intracellular contents, the so-called damage-
associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). PAMPs and DAMPs are recognized by
pattern recognition receptors, such as Toll-like receptors, on immune cells.5 In
response to this activation, immune cells release cytokines, chemokines and reactive
oxygen (ROS) and nitrogen (RNS) species (Fig. 1). Such release of ROS and RNS

Fig. 1. Pathophysiology of septic acute kidney injury. The systemic inflammatory response is
triggered by PAMPs from invading microorganisms and by DAMPs from damaged cells. Acti-
vated neutrophils release inflammatory mediators, ROS and RNS, which cause kidney
tubular cell stress and injury. Tubules adapt to cellular stress by conserving energy through
G1 cell-cycle arrest. Mislocation of Na1/K1-adenosine triphosphatase prevents energy-
consuming NaCl reuptake. Recruitment of glomerular shunt pathways may protect the tu-
bules from further harm by shunting toxin-rich blood away from the kidneys. DAMPs,
damage-associated molecular patterns; PAMPs, pathogen-associated molecular patterns;
RNS, reactive nitrogen species; ROS, reactive oxygen species.
Sepsis-Induced Acute Kidney Injury 3

cause additional direct cell injury via oxidative degradation of intracellular lipids, pro-
teins, and DNA.6
Because the kidneys receive a major portion of cardiac output (approximately one-
fifth) and filter large plasma volumes every hour, the tubules in septic patients are logi-
cally likely to be continuously exposed to DAMPs, PAMPs, ROS, and RNS, either
through blood or via its filtrate in the tubular lumen. Logically, this toxic milieu poses
a threat to the nephrons and cellular stress or injury could be expected. However,
despite the common complete loss of kidney function in sepsis, histologic evidence
of cell injury is remarkably scarce.79 These observations suggest that important
adaptive mechanisms may be at work, which, at least partly, can protect the kidneys
until the septic state has resolved.
Cytoprotective mechanisms include the ability to reduce energy demands and use,
restrict formation of ROS, remove dysfunctional organelles, and regulate cell death.
For example, stressed tubular cells are able to enter cell-cycle arrest, which stops
normal cell division and conserves energy until the injurious stimuli have abated.10 En-
ergy consumption is further decreased because sodium chloride reabsorption, the
most energy-consuming process along the nephron, is decreased owing to decreased
glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and redistribution of Na1/K1-adenosine triphosphatase
from basal to apical or lateral cell segments (see Fig. 1).11
Formation of ROS is catalyzed by free iron. Excessive release of free iron and gener-
ation of ROS seem to be involved in cardiac surgery-associated AKI and may contribute
to septic AKI.12 The upregulation of iron scavengers by tubular cells, such as neutrophil-
gelatinase associated lipocalin and hepcidin may limit extracellular iron-induced injury
in these patients.13 The increased levels of neutrophil-gelatinase associated lipocalin
and hepcidin seen in septic AKI patients suggest that disturbed iron homeostasis might
be an important mechanism in sepsis-induced AKI as well.1416
DAMPs and PAMPs can, by binding to pattern recognition receptors, trigger intra-
cellular molecular pathways, ultimately leading to regulated tubular cell death (ie, nec-
roptosis and/or apoptosis).17 Although the purpose of such cell death would be to
defend the organism against intracellular invaders (eg, microbes), the release of
DAMPs from necroptotic cells might create a vicious circle, which might support
and even amplify the systemic inflammatory response.


A decreased GFR is the major functional event of septic AKI. Low GFR can be
regarded as a protective mechanism against further insults. Decreased GFR means
less filtration of toxins such as DAMPs and PAMPs, which limits further tubular cell
toxin exposure and stress. Decreased GFR also means lower energy consumption,
because less sodium chloride is filtered and needs to be reabsorbed. GFR is ultimately
determined by the net filtration pressure (NFP), which can be expressed by the
following equation:


where PC is the hydrostatic pressure in the glomerular capillaries, PB is the hydrostatic

pressure in Bowmans space, and pC is the oncotic pressure in the glomerular capil-
laries (Fig. 2).
Mean arterial pressure (MAP) and the relative tone in the afferent and the efferent
arterioles determine PC. Autoregulatory mechanisms allow PC to be maintained across
a wide MAP range. Below this autoregulatory range, for example, during septic shock,
the PC, NFP, and GFR decrease with blood pressure. Decreased GFR can logically be
4 Martensson & Bellomo

Fig. 2. Normal glomerular hemodynamics (left column) and theoretic changes associated
with septic shock after fluid resuscitation leading to abolished NFP and GFR (right column).
CVP, central venous pressure; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; MAP, mean arterial pressure;
NFP, net filtration pressure; Pa, afferent arteriolar pressure; Pe, efferent arteriolar pressure;
PC, glomerular capillary pressure; PB, pressure within Bowmans space; pC, capillary oncotic
pressure; TPG, transrenal pressure gradient.

the consequence of decreased MAP, increased afferent arteriolar tone, decreased

efferent arteriolar tone, or a combination of these 3 alterations.
Despite normal or increased global renal blood flow during septic AKI,18 GFR some-
times ceases completely. Predominant efferent arteriolar vasodilatation causing a
decrease in PC and hence NFP is a possible mechanism behind this phenomenon
(see Fig. 2). In fact, less pronounced vasodilatation in the afferent arteriole could be
explained physiologically. As a consequence of impaired reabsorption of sodium chlo-
ride by injured tubules, as discussed elsewhere in this article, increased salt delivery to
the salt-detecting macula densa cells in the distal part of the nephron, which triggers
constriction of the afferent arteriole, may blunt the sepsis-induced afferent vasodilata-
tion. Additionally, activation of the renal sympathetic nervous system during sepsis
may further counteract afferent vasodilatation and contribute to decreased GFR and
oliguria.19 Finally, infusion of efferent arteriolar vasoconstrictors, such as angiotensin
II and vasopressin, during experimental hyperdynamic sepsis improve MAP, GFR, and
urine output despite reduced global RBF.20,21 This observation further supports the
role of prevailing efferent arteriolar relaxation in septic AKI.
The presence of vascular pathways bypassing the glomerular capillaries (glomerular
shunt pathways) provides another potential explanation to the loss of GFR in
sepsis.22,23 Recruitment of such shunt pathways may be an important defense mech-
anism blunting the kidneys exposure to PAMPs, DAMPs, ROS, and RNS.
Elevated central venous pressure (CVP) with renal venous congestion and renal inter-
stitial edema may contribute to the onset and maintenance of sepsis-induced kidney
dysfunction.24 Owing to the noncompliant renal capsule, intrarenal pressure increases
exponentially with renal volume.25 Reduced transrenal pressure gradient (TPG 5 MAP
CVP) causing reduced RBF as well as increased intratubular pressure (PB) counteract-
ing NFP are potential consequences of renal venous congestion (see Fig. 2).


Systemic Blood Pressure
Arterial hypotension frequently complicates severe infections and is likely to
contribute to the development and progression of AKI (Table 1).26 The optimal blood
pressure target needed to prevent kidney damage and/or delay mortality in individual
patients remains to be determined. However, in a recent multicenter, randomized
Sepsis-Induced Acute Kidney Injury 5

Table 1
Therapeutic targets in patients with or at risk of septic acute kidney injury, physiology, and
current evidence

Targets Physiologic Renal Effects Clinical Renal Effects

MAP 8085 vs 6570 mm Hg Higher MAP increases renal SEPSISPAM trial: lower need
perfusion pressure and for RRT with higher blood
blood flow pressure target in patients
with chronic hypertension27
CVP >12 mm Hg Renal perfusion pressure Elevated CVP (>12 mm Hg) is
(MAP CVP) decreases when associated with the
CVP increases. Elevated CVP development or progression
increase intratubular of AKI in observational
pressure, which counteracts studies26,38
Protocol-based EGDT28 NA ARISE and ProCESS trials: no
effect on mortality or RRT
requirement compared with
usual care31,32
Hemoglobin 90 vs 70 g/L Increased oxygen delivery to TRISS trial: no effect on
kidney tubular cells dialysis-free survival with a
target hemoglobin of 90 g/L
compared with a target of
70 g/L47
Vasopressin Increase MAP; maintain GFR VASST: no effect on mortality;
by mainly contracting the Prevented AKI progression
efferent arteriole and need for RRT in post hoc
RRT NA Observational data; better
renal recovery with
continuous than with
intermittent RRT; should be
initiated when fluid balance
cannot be managed with
diuretics alone48,54

Abbreviations: AKI, acute kidney injury; CVP, central venous pressure; EGDT, early goal-directed
therapy; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; MAP, mean arterial pressure; NA, not applicable; RRT,
renal replacement therapy; VASST, Vasopressin and Septic Shock Trial.

controlled trial (RCT), the SEPSISPAM trial, 776 patients with septic shock were resus-
citated to a MAP of either 80 to 85 mm Hg or 65 to 70 mm Hg27 using higher dose
norepinephrine infusion. This trial found no significant difference in 90-day mortality
between the high-target and the low-target group. Moreover, the occurrence of wors-
ening kidney function and the need for RRT was similar in the 2 groups. Blood pres-
sure deficits (decrease in blood pressure relative to the patients premorbid value)
may still be important in situations with impaired renal autoregulation, such as in pa-
tients with chronic kidney disease and arterial hypertension, and in the elderly. The
importance of individualized blood pressure targets was highlighted in a secondary
analysis of patients with chronic hypertension in the SEPSISPAM trial. In this subpop-
ulation, a target MAP of 65 to 70 mm Hg increased the need for RRT compared with a
MAP of 80 to 85 mm Hg.27 Finally, an important and logical corollary of the findings of
SEPSISPAM is that norepinephrine infusion at higher doses is safe from a renal point
of view, not contraindicated in septic patients with AKI, and possibly beneficial to GFR
preservation in selected patients.
6 Martensson & Bellomo

Fluid Management and Central Venous Pressure

The mainstay of treatment of septic shock is to give intravenous fluids, vasopressors
and inotropes guided by physiologic endpoints.28 Although such early goal-directed
therapy is recommended in the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines,29 its benefits
are open to challenge.30 In fact, in 2 recent large multicenter RCTs, early goal-
directed therapy did not reduce mortality or prevent RRT requirements in patients
with early septic shock.31,32 Moreover, fluid resuscitation fails to revert hemodynamic
instability in a significant proportion of critically ill patients.33 When fluid therapy does
improve physiologic parameters, the effect is transient and repeated fluid boluses are
required to maintain the effect.34 In both cases, unnecessary and repeated fluid
administration leads to gradual fluid accumulation over days. Observational studies
suggest that fluid accumulation is associated with development and progression of
AKI35,36 and increased mortality in AKI patients.37 This association is particularly
strong when CVP is allowed to increase beyond 12 mm Hg,26,38 supporting the role
of venous congestion in the pathogenesis of AKI.

Vasopressor Therapy
In contrast with fluid resuscitation, vasopressors can restore blood pressure reliably in
most septic patients. Optimal timing and choice of vasopressor therapy is, however,
uncertain. In the Vasopressin and Septic Shock Trial (VASST), administration of low-
dose vasopressin (0.010.03 U/min) instead of norepinephrine did not decrease mor-
tality in patients with septic shock.39 However, a secondary analysis of the VASST
showed attenuated progression of AKI and decreased need for RRT in vasopressin-
treated patients.40 Furthermore, terlipressin, a vasopressin analog with greater selec-
tivity for the vasopressin 1 receptor, prevented worsening renal function compared
with placebo in patients with the hepatorenal syndrome,41 a condition that shares
many pathophysiologic features with sepsis-induced AKI. Benefits, if any, of terlipres-
sin in septic shock patients need to be confirmed in future RCTs.

Red Blood Cell Transfusion

Septic AKI patients treated with RRT are particularly prone to anemia and hence to
receive RBC transfusions. First, the frequent blood sampling needed to monitor elec-
trolyte balance during RRT contributes to low hemoglobin levels.42 Second, both filter
clotting and increased bleeding risk owing to circuit anticoagulation are recognized
complications during RRT.43 Third, AKI is associated with disturbed red cell produc-
tion owing to an altered response to erythropoietin.44 Additionally, many AKI patients
have chronic kidney disease with associated chronic anemia. Finally, fluid overload is
common in AKI and might dilute hemoglobin.
In the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines, a restrictive RBC transfusion strategy,
targeting a hemoglobin of 70 g/L, is recommended29 and results from observational
studies show that RBC transfusion in response to the anemia of critical illness is asso-
ciated with increased morbidity and mortality.45,46 A recent RCT therefore explored
the safety of targeting a hemoglobin level of 70 g/L compared with 90 g/L in 998 pa-
tients with septic shock, of which 12% were treated with RRT at baseline.47 No differ-
ences in mortality, ischemic events, or further RRT requirements were found. Thus, a
hemoglobin target just above 70 g/L seems to be safe and appropriate.

Renal Replacement Therapy

Continuous RRT (CRRT) rather than intermittent RRT or extended daily hemofiltration
is preferred in AKI patients with severe sepsis.48,49 Although differences in survival are
Sepsis-Induced Acute Kidney Injury 7

absent when comparing these modalities, the rate of renal recovery is better with
CRRT, probably owing to the lower rate of hypotensive episodes and better fluid ho-
meostasis achieved with CRRT.48,50 In contrast, optimal timing of CRRT initiation rela-
tive to the onset and severity of septic AKI as well as the optimal intensity of such
therapy remains uncertain. In a secondary analysis of the Randomized Evaluation of
Normal versus Augmented Level (RENAL) replacement therapy study, where 50%
of patients had severe sepsis,51 the time between a doubling of serum creatinine
and CRRT start had no impact on mortality.52 In addition, early CRRT, initiated before
conventional criteria were met, failed to improve outcomes in patients with severe
sepsis.53 In contrast, others suggest that CRRT initiation before fluid overload has
evolved improves survival.54
A CRRT intensity of 20 to 25 mL/kg per hour is recommended for critically ill AKI pa-
tients.55 Based on large RCTs, higher intensities do not offer additional survival benefit
in general patients in the intensive care unit.51,56 Yet, high-volume hemofiltration (65
70 mL/kg/h) has been suggested in patients with septic shock. Although high-volume
hemofiltration decreased vasopressor requirements in 1 study,57 no effect on survival
was demonstrated.58


The molecular mechanisms involved in the sepsis-induced inflammatory response are

potential targets for future therapies (Table 2). Alkaline phosphatase obtunds the

Table 2
Future therapies

Therapy Mechanism Evidence

Recombinant Reduce thrombin mediated Phase 2b clinical trial in patients
human soluble clotting. Enhance protein C with sepsis and disseminated
thrombomodulin activation. Inactivate high- intravascular coagulation:
mobility group protein B1. Trend toward lower 28-day
mortality. (Vincent 2013
Acetylsalicylic acid Induce synthesis of Associated with reduced ICU
antiinflammatory molecules mortality in observational
(lipoxins, resolvins, protectins). studies.62,63
Protected against endotoxin-
induced AKI in animal model.64
Alkaline phosphatase Endogenous enzyme. Phase 2a clinical trial: Improved
Detoxify endotoxins through creatinine clearance. Trend
dephosphorylation. iNOS toward reduced RRT
inhibitor. requirements. Decreased ICU
duration of stay.60
Anti-histone antibody Block cytotoxic extracellular Prevented death and AKI in
histones released during sepsis. experimental sepsis.67
Polymyxin B Polymyxin B adsorbed to a EUPHAS trial: Improved
hemoperfusion polystyrene fiber in a hemodynamics, lung function,
hemoperfusion device has the SOFA score and survival at 28 d
ability to bind and neutralize in patients with intraabdominal
lipopolysaccharide. Inactivates sepis.68
circulating proapoptotic

Abbreviations: AKI, acute kidney injury; ICU, intensive care unit; iNOS, inducible nitrous oxide; RRT,
renal replacement therapy.
8 Martensson & Bellomo

inflammatory response by detoxifying endotoxin, and by attenuating RNS produc-

tion.59 Intravenous injection of alkaline phosphatase in patients with early septic AKI
significantly improved creatinine clearance with a trend toward a reduced need for
RRT.60 No large RCT has yet explored its efficacy in septic humans.
Activated platelets trigger several proinflammatory pathways involved in sepsis-
induced organ damage.61 Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) interferes with several of these
pathways by stimulating the synthesis of antiinflammatory molecules such as lipoxins,
resolvins, and protectins. Observational data suggest that aspirin treatment before62
or during63 intensive care unit admission is associated independently with lower mor-
tality. Moreover, animal studies confirm an aspirin-induced resolvin-mediated attenu-
ation of AKI during endotoxemia.64
Like other DAMPs, histones (nuclear gene-regulating proteins) are released by nec-
roptotic cells, activate the immune system and promote sepsis-induced organ
injury.65 Activated protein C, which degrades extracellular histones, was a previously
approved therapy for sepsis but was removed from the market owing to lack of effi-
cacy in a large RCT.66 Antihistone antibodies were recently shown to prevent death
and AKI in a septic mouse model.67 Their role as therapeutic agents in human septic
AKI is yet to be determined.
Removal (adsorption) of circulating endotoxin by polymyxin B hemoperfusion in pa-
tients with severe abdominal sepsis improved hemodynamics, organ function, and
survival significantly in a recent, small RCT.68 An ongoing phase 3 trial, including
650 patients with septic shock and elevated endotoxin levels, will provide more robust
evidence on the potential benefits of polymyxin B hemoperfusion on clinical


Sepsis-induced systemic inflammation triggers protective mechanisms within the

nephron, affecting tubular and glomerular functions. Depending on the severity of
this inflammatory response, a varying degree of kidney impairment can be expected,
from a small decrease in GFR to complete shutdown and permanent dysfunction. At
present, no specific therapy for septic AKI exists. Although novel drugs and blood pu-
rification techniques for sepsis-induced AKI are being tested, supportive care to pre-
vent further kidney insults, such as those induced by hypotension, renal edema, and
renal venous congestion, is likely to allow kidney structure and function to more easily
recover once the septic state has resolved.


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