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Final Project

Purpose: The purpose of the final project is to show what you learned throughout
the entire semester in ACAD and to reflect on how much youve changed and
adapted to college since the beginning of the semester. Each group will also give
advice to the next incoming ACAD class at the end of the video to help other
students in their transition from high school to college.

1. Create an outline: Start by outlining what you plan to cover in the video,
what you plan to show, main points, and what each student is going to bring
to the group
a. Title: Each group must have a creative name for their film & include
the casting list (names of students in the group)
b. Topics: Goal setting, time management, success factors, reading/note
taking, test taking, diversity, preparing for interviews, risk taking,
Kapernick controversy, violence in our country, using your voice,
academic standards/policies, resources on campus (UMdrive, tiger
express, tiger text, Microsoft Office), Discover your major day, advisors
on campus, building a network of people, the amazing race, alcohol in
college, students may add some of their own topics if they would like
(get permission from instructor)
c. Things that MUST BE INCLUDED:
i. How these topics impact you as a college student
ii. How youve adapted to college since the beginning of the
semester/ did you meet the goals you set for yourself
iii. Was this class beneficial
iv. Advice you would give to the next ACAD student/ wish
them luck
v. Group shot of everyone together
2. Create a script: Come up with a script of what you will act out in the video
and the various things you will say throughout the video. Make sure that your
script is very detailed and covers exactly what is going to happen in your
3. Storyboard: Present a storyboard to your instructor before filming. This
storyboard will help you to plan each step of the process and hopefully
encourage you to gather all your resources in advance.
a. Storyboards can be created using Microsoft PowerPoint
4. Filming: Once everything has been approved with your instructor it is now
time to begin filming. Use time allotted during class and outside of class to
begin filming your video with your group. Make sure that the video is clean
cut and looks professionally done. Remember that not only will your fellow
students be watching these videos, but so will the students who take ACAD
after you.
Food for Thought: Take these videos seriously and really think about what we
talked about in ACAD this semester. Many of the topics that we covered, if not all of
topics, can be used throughout your everyday life not only during your time in
college. This final project should be fun and creative. Add music, create a rap, use
props, interview people that work on campus to be in your video, ask your instructor
to be in the video, role play, create a white board animation, do a public service
announcement or advertisement, MAKE THIS VIDEO YOUR OWN & MAKE IT GREAT!

Peer Review: Each person will complete a peer review on each member of their
group. Everyone could possibly get a different grade so make sure that EVERYONE is
participating and helping the group. Each member of the group must be in the video
and participating.
Assignment Worth: 200 points


Video Length Videos must be at minimum 10 minutes; students may go

over this amount if they would like
Appropriate: Please make sure the videos are appropriate for us to watch in
class. Be real and honest in these videos, but please remember that other
people will be watching these and that we need to be respectful of
everyones opinions and differences
Steps: Each step in the process must be approved by the instructor BEFORE
you move to the next step
Presentation Dates: Thursday, November 17 & Tuesday, November 22
o Each group must sign up for a date first come, first serve

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