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Good Logos Reasoning

-very simple and recognizable/ iconic

-the picture is what the name says
-includes name of company
-color association(red)

-cute/ visually pleasing

-good color scheme
-graphic matches/ explains title
-includes company name

-easily recognizable
-good color association: makes you
-simple/ visually pleasing
-includes company name

-good composition and color scheme

-picture explains company
-has company name
-visually appealing

-visually pleasing
-good color scheme/association
-includes product name
Bad Logos Reasoning
-doesnt make sense
-visually displeasing
-complexity doesnt accomplish anything

-doesnt make sense

-kind of scary and weird
-not relevant to company

-looks like someone sitting on a push pin

-visually displeasing
-bad color scheme

-looks unprofessional
-terrible color scheme, it hurts my eyes
-I dislike the creepy animal thing
-bad graphics (football)

-cant read it
-too busy
-bad color scheme
-random use of green
-visually displeasing

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