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Process Paper

Our original topic idea was how the Texas Western took a stand against African American

treatment in collegiate sports, but as began to research the topic, we found very few sources that

provided quality information. Therefore, we decided to choose a topic on the NHD Suggest

Topics list. After looking through it, we switched to Simon Bolivar and the Venezuelan stand

against Spanish rule, because we were both interested in learning more about Latin American

history. Also, the topic was related to the current material we were learning about in AP World

History class.

The first step that we took in our research was looking at websites and documents, such

as and for a general overview of the topic. After gaining a basic

understanding of the topic, we planned out the main points of our website: thesis, historical

context, causes, revolution/taking a stand, and the effects. Next, we researched specific evidence

and examples of each of these main points and put together an annotated bibliography of the

primary and secondary sources we used. Primary sources helped provide us with personal

accounts and point of view of the stand, while secondary sources provided facts and evidence.

Also, we gathered some pictures to use in our final project.

For the presentation category, we decided to create a website. Making a website allowed

us to work on the project at different times and at different locations whereas creating a trifold

board required both of us to meet up at the same location. Also, we both had previous

experiences with technology design in middle school, and felt like websites were the best way to

show off our creativity. Since we had both used Weebly before, we already knew how to create

effects with color, size and shapes to enhance our projects and make them look more attractive.
Our project relates to the NHD theme of taking a stand in history, because Simon

Bolivar and Venezuela took a stand against Spanish rule. Before, the people of Venezuela were

angered by many of the Spanish policies. Spain had trade limitations and peninsulares were

offered higher jobs than Creoles and people of mixed races. This lead to Bolivar to lead a

revolution against Spain, which resulted in the liberation of Venezuela. As a result, Venezuela

became a republic, which allowed free trade and more rights for Creoles and people of mixed

races. Overall, this stand against Spanish rule resulted in significant changes in Venezuelan

politics, economy, and social structure.

Word Count: 419

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