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Important: Read First

Release Notes for PIPEPHASE9.2

Welcome to the release of PIPEPHASE 9.2. These Release Notes
supplement and supersede the corresponding sections in all
PIPEPHASE 9.2 documentation supplied with this release.

New Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Overview of New Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Important Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
General Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Security Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
VFP ECLIPSE Import Updates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Installation Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Compaq FORTRAN and UAS Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Where to Find PIPEPHASE 9.2 Documentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Known Defects and Constraints using SIM4ME Portal . . . . . . . . 15
Summary of Defects Fixed in PIPEPHASE 9.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Summary of Defects Fixed in PIPEPHASE 9.2 Patches . . . . . . . . . . 23
PIPEPHASE 9.x Bug List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Multi Simulation Manager 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Requirements and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Multi Simulation Manager 1.x Bug List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
License and Copyright Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

PIPEPHASE 9.2 Release Notes 1

New Features
The following enhancements have been made to PIPEPHASE 9.2:
New Feature Description
SIM4ME Portal The SIM4ME Portal is an add-on module that allows users to
create custom interfaces for manipulating their PIPEPHASE
models from within MICROSOFT Excel without having to
write a single line of VBA code. Users can simply drag-n-
drop model parameters from the tree view onto the Excel
spreadsheet. In order to access the SIM4ME Portal users
need to upgrade to PIPEPHASE 9.2 and install the SIM4ME
Portal module. Note while PIPEPHASE users can access the
Portal for free they do need to request an additional security
license to run the Portal.
Enhanced With PIPEPHASE v9.2 users can generate keyword input
PIPEPHASE API files, MICROSOFT Excel output reports and MICROSOFT
Access databases using new API calls. Previously users
could only initiate these actions directly from within the
native PIPEPHASE GUI. The new PIPEPHASE API manual
includes a complete list of simulation data for Nodes, Links
and Devices.
- Lists of data available for each object
- Variable status (input or output)
- Variable Units of Measure
Device diameters User may view and enter diameters in the link dew.
available from Link Diameters are shown as a value (no nominal list boxes)
DEW If device specifies nominal diameters:
- Nominal diameter will be found for given pipe schedule
- Actual diameter will be used if nominal diameter is not
Common New architecture that support multiple SIMSCI-ESSCOR
Framework products on the same machine
Improved The Keyword Input Manual has been extensively updated and
Documentation improved. Similarly the PIPEPHASE API Manual has been
extensively updated to fully document numerous
enhancements. Finally a SIM4ME Portal User Guide has been
added to the list of manuals accessible from the PIPEPHASE
Help menu (Help>Contents>).
Bug Fixes For a complete list of bugs fixed in PIPEPHASE v9.2 please
go to page 21.

2 New Features
Overview of New Features
1. SIM4ME Portal

Traditional PP Interface Well Model

Native PIPEPHASE graphical user interface. This is a model of a
horizontal well. A user needs to be trained in the use of
PIPEPHASE in order to correctly setup a simulation model like
this one:

PIPEPHASE 9.2 Release Notes 3

Same well model Excel Interface
This interface was created in 15 minutes using the new
PIPEPHASE Portal. The user is able to display those input and
calculated parameters he wishes to see exposed without having
to write a single line of VB code. In this case the user is
employing the Horizontal (Babu-Odeh) IPR model to
characterize the subsurface. The wellbore includes a choke for
controlling the well.
All the number displayed in the screen (e.g. skin, permeability,
choke inside diameter, tubing true vertical depth, geothermal
temperature gradient) can be changed directly in the Excel
worksheet and the simulation run from Excel without ever
having to open PIPEPHASE. Using this interface, even engineers
and operators who are not familiar with PIPEPHASE can
manipulate this simulation model in order to address important
question concerning this well. (e.g. how much production will be
lost if choke ID is changed to 32/64?)

PP Portal Use Case

1. PIPEPHASE GUI is used to setup a simulation
Fluid type, network setup and devices are defined
2. Calculations are run to ensure the simulation is sound
Keyword input file is created and simulation should solve
3. User can now view/change data from Excel using the Portal
User launches the SIM4ME Portal from the GUI*

4 Overview of New Features

GUI is disabled and user can work only with the portal
Using a tree view, user drags data items onto the Excel
User may change the data and rerun the simulation
Each run is a new case
On completion, PP GUI may be updated with portal data changes
* Portal can also be launched in stand alone mode. It has its own
Launching the PIPEPHASE Portal
1. From the Ribbon bar:

2. From the Menu Bar:

3. From the Run Window:

PIPEPHASE 9.2 Release Notes 5

Select an Excel Workbook
Enter a file name or use the default - inputfilename_wb.xls
Do not use inputfilename.xls as this is used for Excel
Only one workbook can be opened at a time in a given

Hierarchical Tree View

Portal tree view uses PP terminology
Expand to view the associated parameters
Data is filtered to show only what is applicable
e.g. wont display Pump Power if outlet pressure specified in the

6 Overview of New Features

Color of arrows indicates data status
Green for calculated data
Blue for input data (user specified)
Any parameter can be dragged & dropped onto the Excel
worksheet. This creates a bi-directional link between the PP
model & Excel

Drag and drop items into workbook

Name of variable can be changed
Portal has changeable units of measure
* GUI has only one set of units
Changed data shows in bold red until the simulation is run
Press the Run button to run a new case
Auto Run is not suggested it creates a new case each time
you change data

PIPEPHASE 9.2 Release Notes 7

Use the tabs to view Linked Parameters and Messages

After a simulation run

View the solution history to make sure your simulation solves

8 Overview of New Features

Check the updated data in the workbook

Close the workbook

Exit the workbook to end the simulation and create output files
If you exit abnormally, you will need to delete the Portal.stp file
from the directory with the workbook to enable the GUI

PIPEPHASE 9.2 Release Notes 9

Update PIPEPHASE for Portal Changes


Work in Portal or GUI
GUI updated when Portal closed
Minimal data checking
Extensive data customization
Work in Portal and GUI
Data exchanged as input
Advanced data checking
Limited data customization
Extensions to the PIPEPHASE API
Online manual documents API use, methods and data

10 Overview of New Features

API allows the user to control PIPEPHASE via the following

GUI API to Execute Commands

Create Results Database Create results database from
Create Excel Report Create an excel report for simulation
GUI Database Open Open GUI database and load data
GUI Database Update Update GUI database from log file
GUI Results Update Update GUI results for PFD View
GUI Keyword Export Export GUI database to a keyword file
GUI Database Save Save GUI database
GUI Database Close Close GUI database

PIPEPHASE 9.2 Release Notes 11

Diameter data from the Link DEW
User may view and enter diameters in the link dew.
Diameters are shown as a value (no nominal list boxes)
If device specifies nominal diameters
Nominal diameter will be found for given pipe schedule
Actual diameter will be used if nominal diameter is not found

Compatibility with Earlier Versions of PIPEPHASE

PIPEPHASE 7.02, 7.1x, 7.2, and 7.3 database files are not
compatible with PIPEPHASE 7.4 and above. The user needs to
import the associated keyword input file.
Beginning with PIPEPHASE 7.4 database files will automatically
be updated from the older versions. No keyword import will be
PIPEPHASE now uses the same API for both IN-PROC and OUT-
OF-PROC applications. The previous IN-PROC interface
PPSERVER (PP_API_EXE.EXE) have been merged into
Previous PIPEPHASE versions used the IN-PROC mode.
The OUT-OF-PROC mode is preferred by clients integrating
PIPEPHASE into their in-house software because this
eliminates conflicts between the programs. The OUT-OF-

12 Overview of New Features

PROC mode also allows the user to launch multiple
instances of PIPEPHASE simultaneously. The OUT-OF-
PROC mode is not currently able to execute TACITE
transient simulations or generate VFP tables for Excel.
When running PIPEPHASE from the GUI or the command
line, the user may specify the run mode in the
PIPEPHASE.INI file. The preference RunOutOfProc is set to
0 for IN-PROC mode and to 1 for OUT-OF-PROC mode. The
preference ShowOutOfProc may be set to 1 shows the OUT-
OF-PROC calculation results during the run.
When referencing the PIPEPHASE API from C++
applications, the user may also use the RunOutOfProc
preference to select the run mode as shown in the C++ code
example in the PIPEPHASE API Interface Manual.
When referencing the PIPEPHASE API from Visual Basic
applications, the standard PIPEPHASE server will be run IN-
PROC. An additional PIPEPHASE server (PP_API_EXE) is
provided to allow OUT-OF-PROC simulations. Refer to the
VB example in the PIPEPHASE API Interface Manual for

Important Notices
General Notes
You can not run TACITE simulations for files with _ in the name.
Existing PRO/II users with PPUOP unit operation need to install
PRO/II 7.1.3 in order to use PIPEPHASE 9.2.
Users of OLGAS-2 Phase and OLGA-3 Phase models need to run
PIPEPHASE in OUT-OF-PROC configuration.
Maximum length of a path counting .ppzip or .inp, cannot exceed
256 characters.
To generate EXCEL reports you must have your macro security
set to medium or low.
Do not re-name *.ppzip files in Windows Explorer. Use Save
As option in the File menu to rename PIPEPHASE simulation
The default segmentation in GUI for new simulations is manual
segmentation, AUTO=OFF.

PIPEPHASE 9.2 Release Notes 13

PIPEPHASE can not open files with the name *_900.ppzip. User
is given option to rename such files to *.ppzip and open.
To generate EXCEL reports you must have a default printer
installed on your system otherwise you will get runtime error
'1004' during MS-Excel output process.
If you are using Microsoft Office 97, please update to Microsoft
Office 97 SR2 otherwise you will have a runtime error during
EXCEL report generation.

Security Notes
OLGAS 3-Phase requires a single FLEXlm license file generated
by SimSci-Esscor.
Prompt=1 under [wss_security] in pipephase.ini file causes Elan
licensing fail. Deleting this Prompt key or using the value of 0
for it will allow users to user Elan licensing without a problem.

VFP ECLIPSE Import Updates

Import From Existing VFP File
You can import existing VFP tabular data from a file into the
GUI. Only one table should be given in a file as only the first
table is imported. The default is to import VFP tables
generated by PIPEPHASE in Excel format. The extension for
this type of file is "vfp.csv". For the black oil and condensate
production wells, you may import VFP tables in Eclipse
format. The default extension for these files is "vfp", but you
may select any file by typing in the name or entering a search
such as *.ecl. Select the file by pressing the Import From
Existing VFP File button. The data will be imported into the
current VFP Table file when you close the file selection
For the Print Options window:
VFP Tables can be generated during a Nodal Analysis run or
from the automated VFP Table generation defined in the Link
Device Data Window. Tables can be generated in Excel,
Eclipse or User format. For nodal analysis simulations, VFP
tables are produced only if a format selection is made. For
the automated VFP Table generation, the default is to
produce Excel formatted tables. The Excel formatted files
are readily imported into Excel and are easy to read. User

14 Important Notices
formatted files require the PIPEPHASE User-Added
Subroutine feature to be installed. By linking in your own
code, you can generate VFP Tables in any format you wish.

Installation Notes
Do not install PIPEPHASE 9.2 in the same directory with an
earlier version of the product. If your computer contains an
earlier version, you must specify a different directory for the
current installation
Note: Before executing any of the installation programs, disable all
antivirus software running on your computer.

Users with existing applications referencing the PIPEPHASE API

will need to update their references to use PIPEPHASE 9.2.

Hardware Requirements

Computer Intel Pentium IV. PIPEPHASE will run on slower

computers, but the performance may be
Memory 512 MB (1 GB recommended).
Microsoft Windows 2000 SP2, Windows XP SP2, Windows
Windows 2003 and Windows VISTA.
To install under Windows 2000/XP/VISTA you
must have administrator rights. Otherwise, the
program will not be installed properly.

Compaq FORTRAN and UAS Capabilities

PIPEPHASE 9.2 users using the UAS capabilities must use Compaq
Visual FORTRAN version 6.6b (CVF).

Known Defects and Constraints using SIM4ME Portal

1. Can I switch between PIPEPHASE GUI and Portal for data entry?
No. You can't work simultaneously. You need to end the Portal
session before working on PIPEPHASE GUI.
2. Why am I unable to open any file? When does the error "File
cannot be opened. Portal is working in this directory." appear? If
"PORTAL.STP" is present in the folder the above error message
appears. It comes due to two reasons- you have active session
of Portal in that folder and you are trying to reopen another file in
the same folder. It is not allowed and PORTAL.STP file stops to

PIPEPHASE 9.2 Release Notes 15

proceed further. If you want to reopen another file, close the
Portal and open simulation before opening a new simulation.
The other reason could be abnormal termination or crash and
PORTAL.STP is not cleaned up from the folder. The solution is
either delete the PORTAL.STP file manually or use Stop button
on "Run Simulation and View Results" window.
3. How to operate the Standalone mode of Portal using PIPEPHASE
input file (.INP)? You can launch Standalone Portal from
Start\Programs\...\PIPEPHASE 9.2\SIM4ME Portal. The Portal
asks you to select an INPUT file to be linked. Change the
parameters, Run and Close the Portal file (name.xls). It asks "Do
you want to save name.xls". Say Yes to save the changes. It
again asks "Do you want to save simulation file". It does not
update the input file for any option. The input file remains
unchanged. When you reopen the Portal file (name.xls), it
detects the changes and asks "The Portal has value which is
different from the simulation file. Do you want to retain the excel
4. How do you operate the Standalone mode of Portal using
PIPEPHASE database file (.PPZIP)? You can launch Standalone
Portal from Start\Programs\...\PIPEPHASE 9.2\SIM4ME Portal.
The Portal allows you to select a PPZIP file to be linked. Change
the parameters, Run and Close the Portal file (name.xls). It asks;
"Do you want to save name.xls"? Say Yes to save the changes. It
again asks "Do you want to save simulation file". Say Yes to
update the PPZIP file. The Portal file and database file (.PPZIP)
will have the same values.
5. Can I open an old PPZIP file (created before version 9.2) using
standalone portal? No. You will get the error "Could not open the
simulation file successfully. Sim4ME Portal must shutdown."
6. In PIPEPHASE "Output Units of Measurement" options, I have
selected the option "Add to Standard Output". I always see the
values shown in Output Slate in SIM4ME Portal. Why? At this
point, by default, only one Output is supported in SIM4ME
7. How are the Optimization parameters (Decision Variable,
Objective Parameters or Constraints) defined in Portal?
Optimization parameters (Decision Variable, Objective
Parameters or Constraints) which are character are shown in
one cell in the Portal. You have to define the status of the
decision variable as 0 or 1 and its value in the next row. For

16 Important Notices
example- The second decision variable is defined in GUI as
Compressor E003- Set Power- Relative perturbation=0.001. The
portal displays as:
DECI0002.Item E003
DECI0002.Attribute SET POWER
DECI0002.Status of Decision Variable1
DECI0002.Relative Perturbation0.001
8. When SIM4ME Portal is launched from Standalone mode to any
PIPEPHASE file, will I be able to launch the same file using
9. What are the PIPEPHASE features not supported in Portal? Gas
Lift Analysis, Nodal Analysis, Line Sizing, Link Plots (P or T vs.
Distance), Link Profile, Flow Pattern and TACITE are not
supported in the Portal.
10. Can I change global defaults or calculation methods from the
Portal? No, you cannot change all global defaults or calculation
methods from Portal and you can not change pressure drop
correlations or inside diameters at global level. However, you can
change some of the global parameters such as number of
iterations, Standard pressure and temperature, minimum/
maximum pressure and temperature limits, tolerance etc.
11. Where can I see the run time messages? The Portal does not
show any run time messages. After completing the run, you
should go to "Messages" tab to see the run time messages.
12. Does Portal check the range or validity of the data? No. It does
check range only for pressure, temperature, pipe ID and pipe
length. The bad data input can lead to un-stability of PIPEPHASE
API Server.
13. Is there any difference in results when run from GUI and Portal
for multiple times? No. Both are same. Only difference is that
GUI always starts from initial estimates whereas Portal takes the
last results as initial estimate for next run.
14. Why cannot "Description" and "Value" cells have different
alignment format? As "Description" and "Value" cells for an
attribute are clubbed together they cannot have different
alignment format once the attribute is dropped on the excel
worksheet. However, a workaround is available. The user can

PIPEPHASE 9.2 Release Notes 17

pre-format the alignment of the cells where he wishes to drop
the attribute (Scalar or Vector) to achieve the required alignment
and then drop the attribute.
15. Do I need to check Excel Security Option for Running Sim4Me
Portal? Yes. The following needs to be checked prior to running
Sim4Me Portal.
In Excel'Tools'Macro'Security'Trusted Publishers'"Trust Access
to Visual Basic Project",must be, ON.
16. Is the Horizontal Scroll bar implemented in FS explorer?
Currently there is no Horizontal Scroll bar implemented in FS
explorer. Very large captioned items and their attributes may not
be visible properly.
17. Can I search for a link i.e. "LINK" or a Source i.e. "S001" or an
attribute i.e. "TEMPERATURE" on the Flow sheet Explorer? Yes.
In this case, type in the first few letters of the string in the "Filter"
search box placed on the FS explorer. You will get the filtered
results in the FS explorer. Note that you need to expand all the
nodes of the FS explorer to see the filtered results.
18. What are the drag-drop restrictions in SIM4ME Portal?
a. Multiple drag-drop of various groups and/or various attributes
is not currently supported. Individual items must be dragged and
dropped one by one onto the spreadsheet from FS explorer.
b. While dragging and dropping a vector onto the spreadsheet,
you cannot select individual elements of the vector. The current
version of SIM4Me Portal allows only drag-drop of complete
19. What are the limitations present in Excel functionalities? Normal
Excel functionalities like Cut, Copy and Paste are not supported.
If you perform "Cut", "Copy" and "Paste" operation on any of the
cells, you will be given a proper message that "This operation is
not supported." If you perform these operations using short-cut
keyboard keys like "Ctrl+x", "Ctrl+c" and "Ctrl+v", then you won't
be given such messages and you may see that UOM control is
left behind at original cell. It is advised as of now not to use Cut,
Copy and Paste functionalities in this version.
20. I dragged and dropped a vector attribute onto an empty cell just
below scalar attribute, but it is giving a message "Existing
parameter reference would be overwritten" Why? The vector
attribute requires two cells above the location of dropping to

18 Important Notices
place the vector heading and vector UOM. Since you have
dropped just one cell below the scalar attribute, this message is
thrown. Please drop the vector two cells below scalar.
21. Can I drag/drop a whole folder from Flowsheet Explorer to cells?
No. You have to drag/drop each parameter one by one.
22. What should I do when a Portal file is emailed from another PC
to my PC? When a Portal file is emailed from another PC to your
PC, you should not double-click the Portal file. You should first
save this Portal file in a particular location on your PC. You
should then start Portal in stand-alone mode using this Portal
file and direct it to the PIPEPHASE file that it is trying to connect.
Double-clicking the emailed portal file would fail to connect to
the simulation. If you don't have a linked PIPEPHASE file,
request for one before proceeding.
23. If any Pop-up window comes over UOM control, then the image
shadows UOM control formatting. What should I do? To restore
the UOM control, just move the mouse over the damaged UOM
24. What Operating System specifications do I need to have on my
machine before installing Sim4Me Portal? SIM4ME Portal is
supported on Win 2000, Win 2003 & Win XP. Microsoft Excel
2003 Professional with SP2 is required.
25. Is there any sample Portal files to get the user started? If yes,
how do you use the sample files? Yes. It is available in
..\User\Samples\Portal folder.
26. Does Portal work for all types of licenses? No, Portal works only
for Flexlm 9.5 and USB security licenses.
27. Does PIPEPHASE Portal co-exit with Pro/II-Portal? Yes.

Where to Find PIPEPHASE 9.2 Documentation

Printed Documentation Included with this Package
The following documentation is provided for new users only:
Release Notes for PIPEPHASE 9.2 (this document)
PIPEPHASE 9.2 Getting Started Guide
PIPEPHASE 9.2 Users Guide

PIPEPHASE 9.2 Release Notes 19

Multi Simulation Manager 1.0 Users Guide

Printed Documentation Included with PIPEPHASE Add-On

The following documentation is provided if you have purchased any
of the add-on modules:
NETOPT Users Guide
TACITE 4.1 Users Guide

On-line Documentation
PIPEPHASE 9.2 Keyword Manual
PIPEPHASE 9.2 Application Briefs
SIMSCI Component and Thermodynamic Data Input Manual

Note: PIPEPHASE Online Help is installed on your computer

during the PIPEPHASE installation procedure. Open the
PIPEPHASE Online Help using the Windows Start menu. The
complete path is Start/Programs/SIMSCI/PIPEPHASE 9.2, at which
point you should see PIPEPHASE Online Help. When the Online
Help opens, you will see "Roadmap to Online Help". Two sections
are shown 1) .CHM help documents and 2) .PDF help documents.

Note: For a network install, users would not be able to access

.CHM files for Online Help. For more information, please refer
Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles 896358 and 896054.

20 Where to Find PIPEPHASE 9.2 Documentation

Summary of Defects Fixed in PIPEPHASE 9.2
Feature Description
Dual Dual completion model used to hang when HB flow correlation is used
Completion in tubing and annulus.
Dual Dual completions give a better error message to limit the links
Completion associated with each other.
Dual If the tubing is horizontal in Dual Completion Simulations, the reports
Completion were incomplete.
Excel Report Source names like dates transferred to Excel as dates. This is now
File Fixed and added error checks if character path length is more than
120 (due to excel reports limit) and character name length limit is
more than 64(due to special name generation: Tacite, nodal analysis,
etc) on file imports, save-as, open, etc.
File The .bch should create in the same folder when the ppzip file is
opened and get zipped back up when the simulation is closed.
File GUI gave error if you search for a device in a link with a long name.
Fittings PIPEPHASE supports bends of less than 90 degrees, (0, 15, 45, 60,
75 and non-standard).
Gas Lift Results are now correct for sub-networks with a gas lift valve in the
simulation when using the blackoil MASS method.
GUI A warning is now provided when users extend the t/p limits from GUI.
GUI After changing problem from LIQUID to GAS, source rates show as
liquid rate uom when reopening the simulation.
Lightends PIPEPHASE GUI crashed if user attempted to enter distillation
lightends data with 50 components.
Link Link would not move with node if manually reversed 2 links.
Link GUI Link connections are updated if the node ID's are changed, but
the name is not.
Nodal Analysis For the Nodal analysis of a link that has IPR as the first device, the
parameters shown would correspond to the IPR irrespective of the
device type selected.
Pipe PIPEPHASE RAS error "Illegal device type -99 Binary Error" for a
single component pipeline problem is now fixed. This was happening
because the binary file was not being created correctly; as a result no
detailed reports were being generated as well.
Plot PIPEPHASE GUI does not print out the Woelflin curve data completely
and causes an error when a user defined emulsion curve is specified.
Property GUI should warns the user not to enter 0 or a negative number for the
blackoil gas gravity.
Reverse GUI feature to reverse link does not reverse pipeline profile data.
Separator Blackoil gas Separator caused solution failure if no gas was present.

PIPEPHASE 9.2 Release Notes 21

Feature Description
Source PIPEPHASE should give an error message when the user attempts to
mix compositional sources with pvtgen sources. Currently, all sources
are treated as pvtgen source which allows only a single composition
in the simulation.
Subnetwork Underspecified boundary conditions identified in GUI are allowed by
calc engine. This is because the subnetwork devices can satisfy
boundary conditions. The GUI cannot check the soundness of sub-
networks. The error message updated to say Due to subnetwork
devices, the boundary condition are satisfied.
Tacite Pressure and temperature data for component lumping could not be
removed from GUI. Once the user enters this window, and valid points
are required to OK the window. It is now possible to OK from DEW
even if the data is not satisfied.
Tacite TACITE data is disabled for Valve, Pipe when fluid model is black oil.
IPR and Injection are not be allowed for blackoil.
TRAS TRAS crashed when the user entered a value for the pipeline length in
the filter. This is a listbox, and the user should select a value from the
list, not enter a value. Problem occurred when the value entered is
greater than the total pipe length.
UOM New GV units M m3/day and m3/day are not working properly as
input units of measure. The flowrates come out much higher than
intended and the problem fails to solve.
UOM Condensate shows flowrate basis in Weight, when it should be gas
Zip Restart and pvt files were deleted if you imported the same file twice
in a row.

22 Summary of Defects Fixed in PIPEPHASE 9.2

Summary of Defects Fixed in PIPEPHASE 9.2 Patches
Feature Description
Choke Enthalpy is incorrect for subnetwork chokes with single components.
COM object The GUI reports an error code when the COM object cannot be
File PIPEPHASE 9.1.1 doesn't include all the CLC files in the PPZIP file
Injection With black-oil model gas separated through a separator and then
injected through an injection, it does not show up in the injection
Injection Well When Injection well is checked for sink, the Well OUT is greater than
IN. The material balance is now correct.
Manifold The manifold link connections need to be updated when the link name
is changed.
Manifold The number of manifold outlet ports are increased to 50.
Plot PIPEPHASE GUI link plot data takes a long time to load in PP9.1.
Property Viscosity value of Brine solution in PIPEPHASE matches the value of
Sizing Single Link sizing now gives correct pipe size, if the sink pressure is
fixed and the source pressure is estimated.
Optimization PIPEPHASE retrieves an incorrect value for steam weight rate.
Summary The node summary results do not match the device detailed results.
UOM Keyword file generated for Both 8.0x and 9.x are incorrect for the
pipelength uom. The PIPE LENG(FT) is entered as feet via GUI is taken
as M by the calc engine. Once fixed, the keyword file should write
LENG(FT)=xxxx. On import, the value should be converted to M.
Subnetwork "Run Quick Setup" now works with subnetworks with merged output.

PIPEPHASE 9.x Bug List

To access the current version of the PIPEPHASE bug list as well as
FAQ and Updates, visit our website's Knowledge base at Select the Support Menu and then the
Updates, Tips and More Option. Finally select PIPEPHASE and enter
your personalized SIM4ME Username & Password.
If you do not have a SIM4ME Username & Password, please take a
few minutes to Register. Registration will allow you to access our
complete knowledge base as well as allow us to display custom
information of interest to you.

PIPEPHASE 9.2 Release Notes 23

Multi Simulation Manager 1.0
Users can now run:
A PIPEPHASE simulation and automatically transfer stream data
into a PRO/II simulation.
The reverse of this is also true.
Users can choose to converge the two simulators when a recycle
from the production plant back into the PIPEPHASE surface
network is desired.
In addition, users can transfer stream data from a PIPEPHASE
simulation to another PIPEPHASE simulation and from a PRO/II
simulation to another PRO/II simulation.
Users having Blackoil models in PIPEPHASE simulation can
transfer temperature, pressure and flowrate data to PRO/II
This interfacing program is provided on a separate CD and has its
own installation program named setup that you can execute once
PIPEPHASE 9.2 or above and PRO/II 7.0 or above have been

Requirements and Limitations

1. In order to integrate a PIPEPHASE simulation, the
PIPEPHASE Input file must be generated by the PIPEPHASE GUI.
2. Components, component sequence and component naming
must be identical among the various simulations that are being
3. Opening PRO/II or PIPEPHASE simulations while they are being
converged using the Multi Simulation Manager , can cause the
PRO/II OLE Server or PIPEPHASE COM Server to behave
improperly. Please, make sure each simulator is shut down
before running the integrated simulation.
4. Currently the Multi Simulation Manager allows only one recycle
per integration.
5. Do not use files with duplicate names for two simulations, even
if file paths are different.
6. Do not use two PIPEPHASE simulations at the same directory

24 Multi Simulation Manager 1.0

Multi Simulation Manager 1.x Bug List
To access the current version of the Multi Simulation bug list as well
as FAQ and Updates, visit our website's Knowledge base at Select the Support Menu and then the
Updates, Tips and More option. Finally select PIPEPHASE and enter
your personalized SIM4ME Username & Password.
If you do not have a SIM4ME Username & Password, please take a
few minutes to Register. Registration will allow you to access our
complete knowledge base as well as allow us to display custom
information of interest to you.

PIPEPHASE 9.2 Release Notes 25

License and Copyright Information
Release Notes for The software described in this guide is furnished under a
PIPEPHASE 9.2 written license agreement and may be used only in accordance
with the terms and conditions of the license agreement under
which it was obtained. The written technical documentation is
being delivered to you without warranty from Invensys
Systems, Inc. Any use of the technical documentation or the
information contained therein is the sole responsibility of the
user. Invensys Systems, Inc. reserves the right to make
changes without prior notice.

Copyright Notice 2007 Invensys Systems, Inc. No part of the material

protected by this copyright may be reproduced or utilized in
any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, broadcasting, or by any information
storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing
from Invensys Systems, Inc.

Trademarks PIPEPHASE, NETOPT, SimSci-Esscor and SIM4ME are

trademarks of Invensys plc., its subsidiaries, and affiliates.
TACITE is a trademark of Institut Franais du Petrole (IFP).
are trademarks of SCANDPOWER A/S. Windows 98 ME,
Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003
are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.Pentium is a
trademark of Intel Corporation. FLEXlm is a trademark of
Macrovision Corporation. Compaq Visual Fortran is a
trademark of Compaq Computer Corporation. Adobe, Acrobat,
Exchange and Reader are trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc.
All other products are trademarks of their respective


The Software and accompanying written materials are provided
with restricted rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the
Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in
subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data And
Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or in
subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer
Software-Restricted Rights clause at 48 C.F.R. 52.227-19, as
applicable. The Contractor/Manufacturer is: Invensys
Systems, Inc. (Invensys SIMSCI-ESSCOR) 26561 Rancho
Parkway South, Suite 100, Lake Forest, CA 92630, USA.
Printed in the United States of America October 2007.

26 License and Copyright Information

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