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Backpack 2 *

Bedroll 5 *
Belt Pouch 1/2 *
Cheap holy text 1 *
Flint & Steel - *
Iron pot 4 *
Rope 10 *
Mess Kit 1 *
Sack 1 2s
Soap 1/2 *
Spell component pouch 2 *
Torches x10 5 *
Trail Rations x5 5 *
Waterskin x2 8 1g
flavoring 1 2
Salt 5
mustard 0.5
sugar 0.05
pepper 2
spice 1 1.5
Cinnamon 1
Cloves 1
Garlic 0.5
Fennel 2
Cardamom 2
Chillies 2
Ginger 2
backpack, 2g
a bedroll, 1s
a belt pouch, 1g
a cheap holy text, 10
a flint and steel,1g
an iron pot,8sp
a mess kit,2sp
rope ,1g
a spell component pouch,5g
torches (10), 1s
trail rations (5 days), 2g 5s
a waterskin, 1g
and a wooden holy symbol. 1g

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