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ator Nbunenn oer st SH ip Aa Tha Crounless [Zing rounle ss /¢ Last night I along with other members unl, ee and the Arena Theater took a | trip to Chicago to see Nathan Allen and Chris Matthew's The Crownless King at the House ‘Theater of Chicago. My experience of the play upon leaving the theater was attempting to piece the play together and I believe that I have now. I wanted to see the sequel then and there, but now I have a year to anticipate it. I was very tired and looked forward to going to sleep; therefore, I did not think deeply about the play. Not much stuck out to me inthe play or connected with me except forthe time when the » 4 5 dragon Irek said something similar to: “no one needs saving more than those who do not deserve it” I may be completely off on that quote, but when I heard that I shed a tear thinking about I do not deserve to be saved but God has done so nonetheless. a 1 do not know of my filters — sometimes I attempt to judge the actors because I have acted before, but the actors of the Crownless King are professionals and surpassed my expectations. However, because of that, I did not look at the lighting or the effort others put into the play ‘Throughout the play questions about what is right were streaming through my head. Is it right for there to be an absolute monarch of the land? Will the monarch’s pride and the weight of the position take him down? The jer seems to be affecting the character of Casper Kent, he is treating his counsel as infeyfors. Who is Davy Boon cares for the common people but his methods are immoral and unjust. Do th¢ story tellers not care about everyone else, are they simply self-centered? Hap seems to be using the characters to his advantage, and Irek seems to be his opponent. : The writers of the play immersed me into a world of amazing creativity, and the characters seemed real to me. I wondered why certain characters would do such terrible things. For example, Hollow ‘Thom did not seem the man to slaughter many innocent people. Or why Davy Boon, a man for the people, did not truly care for many. [ also wonder what is to happen next — I look forward to the next play. A few key characters of the play are Casper Kent, the king, Hap the Golden, his storyteller, Rienne Boi u, the queen, Abraham Pride, Casper’s uncle, Davy Boon, a pirate that fights for liberty, and Lady Olympia of the Grass, the head of a people almost exterminated in genocide. The actors made the characters very believable, and the crews made the scenes appropriate to express the characters. For example, when Casper gave his speech to the people, the lighting and sound added to the realism of the situation, There were people shouting and his voice echoed. Additionally, at the wedding scene, I started clapping when the king and queen kissed because it felt somewhat like a real wedding. The costumes did make me confused of the time period, however. I believe some characters were wearing jeans and that did not suit the period. Nevertheless, other costumes such as Davy Boon’s costume were excellent. Overall, the play was excellent and I would recommend it to my friends at Wheaton. To be immersed in a world completely different than the one we live in is a fun experience, and I ‘want others to experience that.

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