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Jonathon Neumann

Dr. Lynn Cooper

COMM 201

3 December 2013

I. Every Wheaton College student should participate in an improvisation workshop.

A. Participating in improvisation develops specific skills that change the way they
interact with others.
B. Students can see their creative strengths and weaknesses.
C. Through improvisation students enjoy Gods gift of humor.
II. If a student participates, an improvisation workshop can change the way one lives
A. Focusing is vital for improvisation.
1. We must be present and listen to our partner onstage.
a. In improvisation we have to help each other and give each other gifts.
b. We are to care for neighbors by being attentive and present with them in
2. Businesses want employees that will be present and listen to each other as well as
their clients.
a. In fact, companies such as Kraft, Starbucks, and GE are using improvised
conversations when training managers.
b. Salit has used improvisation to provide training on many common workplace
issues, such as teamwork, creativity, diversity, corporate culture, and
leadership development. - Jennifer Salopek
B. Creativity must be used on the stage.
1. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.
2. Employers want creative employees.
a. Improvisation encourages brainstorming.
b. Every day human creativity can and should be a vital part of how work gets
done. Cathy Rose Salit, CEO of Performance for a Lifetime
3. Many of us are afraid of failure and improvisation makes you face failure.
4. Taking risks and making mistakes are part of the creative process.
C. Improvisation reminds us that God has given us His sense of humor.
1. God has given us humor being a participant or an audience member is an
enjoyable experience.
2. Focus on creating honest relationships.
III. Every Wheaton student should participate in a workshop because it changes the way a he
or she lives and interacts with others.
A. Being intentional about caring for others on the stage impacts our real lives.
B. Businesses hire attentive and creative people.
C. Humor is a wonderful gift that we can use offstage as well as onstage.
Works Cited

Salopek, Jennifer J. "Improvisation." T+D 58.5 (2004): 1-3. Academic Search Premier
Web. 20 Nov. 2013.

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