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Reflection Questions

1. Did it work? Why? Why not?

Yes, I feel it did work for me because I was prepared with all the
different fruits that I was going to eat for the two weeks by writing
a weekly grocery list. I also had a positive attitude about the

2. What strategies were effective/which ones were not

The note on the fridge was the most effective for me because it
reminded me to eat a piece of fruit with each meal. I feel all my
tools were effective. None were ineffective.

3. Why do think the effective ones worked or the ineffective

ones did not work? (refer to Behaviour Change Theories)
I think my strategies were effective because I came up with
commitment tools that helped motivate me. (Choosing Effective
Behaviour Change Tools, 2012)
I identified barriers that I might have and avoided situations.
For example, I took a different route around the college so I
wouldnt be tempted to eat food and not fruit. (Choosing
Effective Behaviour Change Tools, 2012)
It also helped to have a very specific goal that is measurable
and to have a written behaviour change plan.
(Improve your life using the stages of change Trans theoretical
4. What parts were easy/difficult? Why?

I found remembering to eat fruit easy because I had different

reminders everywhere and when I wasnt in my room it would be
on my phone, or computer reminding me.

5. What would you do differently the next time? Why?

I wouldnt do anything differently next time because the tools I
used for this behaviour change were helpful. I felt that the
assignment was explained well and not rushed.

6. What did you learn?

a. About yourself?
I learned that I can follow through on a commitment when I
put my mind to it and make goals for myself.

b. About behaviour change theory?

I learned there are different stages of change in the
Transtheoretical Model
Pre contemplation
To be successful in changing something in your life you should go
through each stage and have a plan for each stage.
It has been proven that people who go through a process when
making a behaviour change are more successful.

**Please use the theory taught in class and other references,

to back-up your observations of your own experience.

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