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Tiarra Dailey


Social Welfare Policy and Underlying Values -Chapter One & Chapter Two


Social Welfare is the wellbeing of society, social welfare system aids needy individuals
and families. The types and amount of welfare available to individuals and families vary
depending on the country, state or region. Social Welfare is needed because not everyone can
afford medical expenses or able to afford food for their families.

Key Terms: social welfare 4parts

1)social issues

2)Policy goals


4)Social Welfare Programs

Value-is the worth, desirability, or usefulness placed on something

Belief-is an opinion

Social Justice-is another value that is integral to the social work profession social workers
promote social justice and social change (NASW.)

Homework Assignment:

The health care act is a major issue right now. Health care is important for people because
everyone cant afford to buy the medicine they need. This has become an issue because it has
been taken away from some induvial because they dont qualify or the state perceives that they
are making enough money to go without social welfare or aid. I believe that some people can
abuse social welfare and for those people that misuse what they are given it makes it hard for the
people who really need help from the state receive help.

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