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Jonathon Neumann

Mark Lewis

COMM 273

21 January 2014

I have somewhat of an organization to my acting. I prefer, before auditions, to read the

play. When I have a first reading I generally just skim the play to get the basics of it then, at my

auditions, I have the script in hand and audition for, usually, several characters that I am

assigned. Once I know who I am I reread the play in depth; then I begin line memorization. My

line memorization is just saying all my lines out loud in order. I start at the beginning and

memorize until the end. At this point I may also be acting onstage with script in hand. Once all

my lines are memorized I begin to dig into who the character is and what he believes. I say lines

out loud and read how other characters respond. I seek to understand the characters view of his

surroundings and his emotions throughout the progression of the play. And, of course, I get to

know my fellow actors personally because if I know those I am acting with things are much

more fun. Then I get really pumped with my friends and we put on the best show we can. I

sometimes ask a friend to record a play in order to improve my acting.

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