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Name: Cult of the Whispered Scream

Followers: Tycherosian Refugees, Academics, Whispers, Demons (allegedly)

Base of Operations: Nightmarket
Typical Activities: Occult Research, Ghost Abuse, Secrets Men Were Not Mean To Know
Tier: 1

Description: The Cult of the Whispered Scream has its origins in Tycheros and was spread to
Akoros by a handful of Tycherosians who moved over and took their god with them. Since then, the
Cult has spread out but only gradually. So far, the only people showing interest in their practises are
academics and other weirdos. They are noticeable for two main things. They always speak in a
whisper and take very poorly to people who refuse to do the same when in their temple (actually a
small house). And they always cover their entire body, including faces with black cowls. Rumour on
the street suggests that this may hide more than standard Tycherosian oddities. Indeed, the more
suspicious suggest that the high priest is not even human.

They haven't caused that much of a splash yet, because their activity is largely inward looking.
They look to improve their insight (often through the ingestion of leviathan blood), to study their
sacred text and to acquire new rituals. Their long term goals are unknown.

Name: Cult of the Kindly Stranger

Followers: The destitute, the starving, the left behind.
Base of Operations: Dunslough
Typical Activities: Soup kitchens, Charity Work.
Tier: 2

Description: The Cult of the Kindly Stranger are among the most popular of the Forgotten Gods, at
least among the cities poor. This is largely because of the fact that they are known as a good source
of at least one hot meal a week. (Their resources are limited and they frown on people who turn up
too often). They even have a doss house as part of their temple. All that and they don't even preach,
let alone insist on conversion. In is true that the occasional person goes missing shortly after staying
at their doss house. But the destitute disappear all the time. And the local poor see the cult as far
too beneficial to raise many questions. They react even worse to strangers who insist on stirring up
trouble for the cult.

Name: Sect of Our Blood Spilled in Glory

Followers: Cutters, Thugs, Psychopaths.
Base of Operations: Crow's Foot
Typical Activities: Slaughtering rival cults, slaughtering their enemies in the name of their dark god,
Tier: 1

Description: Less priestly, more a bunch of dubious cutters who've found religion. The Sect of Our
Blood Spilled in Glory is always up for a fight, whether their enemies (a nebulous term which can
sometimes merely mean people we've taken an irrational dislike to) want one or not. The normal
residents of Crow's Foot tend to hide and stay off the streets when the Sect is having one of its
hunting parties. Their copious use of Bloodneedle helps their mood none. So far, they are
officially neutral on the war going on although they are believed to lean towards the Lampblacks.

Name: Creed of the Satin Lady

Followers: Libertines, Artists, Slumming Nobles
Base of Operations: Silkshore
Typical Activities: Sex, Drugs, high quality coffee
Tier: 2

Description: The Creed of the Satin Lady see vice as a sacred duty. This, understandably, makes
them a cult with more support among the noble population than is common among the forgotten
gods. They are always looking for new thrills, new experiences, new excitements. They run several
high quality vice dens in Silkshore which brings in a regular income and the occasional new convert
wanting to get high on religion. The occasional overdose is deeply regretted. It would be deeply
vulgar to suggest that they deliberately induce overdoses on the most vulnerable of their 'clients' as
a sacrifice to their Lady.

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