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 Your Seed Is Your Insurance 

"While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter,
and day and night shall not cease" (Genesis 8:22).

T here was once famine in the land where Isaac dwelt. He was about to flee to
Egypt, as some other people had already done, when God stopped him and told
him to sow in the land. He obeyed God and the Bible declares that he ...sowed in that
land, and received in the same year an hundredfold: and the LORDblessed him (Genesis
26:12). But something important I want you to observe is that he couldnt have sown in
the land if he didnt have seed. Instead of eating all his seed as some people did during
the famine, he kept some aside for sowing.
Youre always going to have seeds with you but what you do with them is what really
matters. You can either eat them or sow them. A wise man will reserve some for eating
and some for sowing. If you eat more than you sow, youll certainly go hungry during
the harvest. Youre better off sowing more than you eat, because by so doing, youll not
only have enough to eat during the harvest, youll also have enough to sell and plenty
more to sow.
It also matters where you sow your seeds. Seeds are valuable objects that have the
inherent ability to multiply when placed in the right environment. Whenever you give in
cash or kind to the work of the gospel, youre sowing precious seeds in the right
environment. Your giving causes the gospel to move forward and at the same time
insures your life (2 Corinthians 9:6-14 AMP). You become indispensable to God, for the
Bible says He cant do without a cheerful giver.
Your life can be as beautiful as God has designed it to be, if only you live according
to His principles. The opportunities you have to give have actually been designed for
your good. If you give towards the advancement of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ,
you can be sure everything about you will be top on Gods priority list. What a sure way
to walk in increase and prosperity!

F U RT H E R S T U DY : P S A L M 126:5-6; P SALM 35:27

Rhapsody of Realities Topical Compendium Vol.2  124 

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