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Bright star

1 Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art : he want to be steadfast as star
2 Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night : but in opposite way he did not to
be lone in the night
3 And watching, with eternal lids apart, : and watching
4 Like nature's patient, sleepless Eremite, : =never sleep, doesnt move
5 The moving waters at their priestlike task : cleansing :
6 Of pure ablution round earth's human shores, : = dirtiness
7 Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask : layer
8 Of snow upon the mountains and the moors : represent inhabited, lonely
9 Noyet still stedfast, still unchangeable, :
10 Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast, : want to sleep in her breast
11 To feel for ever its soft fall and swell, : feel her breathing, up and down
12 Awake for ever in a sweet unrest, : connect with eternal lids apart, wake
13 Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath, : want to hear her breath
14 And so live everor else swoon to death. : live in her breast forever or death

poetic device
- line 1: alliteration = star and stedfast
- line 1 : symbol = use the Bright Star as a highly resonant image brought in to
illustrate what he's talking about
- line 3: personification = eyelids
- line 4: personification = patient, sleepless
: simile : Like naturea patient
- line 9: repetition = still - still
: alliteration = still and steadfast
- line 11-12: repetition = for ever - for ever
: alliteration = feel - for - fall
= soft - swell - sweet
- line 13 : parallelism = still -still
- : alliteration = hear - her , tender - taken

theme: love
- inspiration from his love
- if you pick it with delicate, it will not prick you
- but if you pick it with careless, it will prick you
- blossom beautifully
- rise petals fall until every last petal is gone and the beauty of the rose can only
be remembered
- first love that begins beautifly but fades painfully but forever lies dormant in ones
heart as a seed that may blossom again with time.

steadfast = resolutely or dutifully

splendour = magnificent and splendid appearance
Eremite = a Christian hermit
priestlike = like a priest ,
ablution = the act of washing oneself
the moors = a tract of open uncultivated upland
ripening = become or make ripe. change
swoon = faint from extreme emotion
swell = excellent; very good
fall =
unrest = disquiet
tender = accept or receive

colourful rose, red blossom bloom charmingly

but the body is surrounded by among of thorns
and attracting at first sight, with its beauty
like a trap, bur might accidentally prick on
People still grab it by barehanded carelessly
of inordinate fascination in flora
Until the last petal is gone as the value
of the bloom is less too
No - yet still charming, still remaining
the seed was memorable in some mind
to remind once it used to be beautiful
Youth riskily experience first love
till someday, love fade painfully
you will never forget its preciousness
First, rose was very beautiful but it surround by among of thorn. it attracts people since first
sight. If people pick it carelessly by their obsession. the thorn will prick on them. On the
other hand, nothing last forever. The rose was slowly dying until the last petal is gone.
Moreover, the value of rose is gone too. But it is still memorable by it seed that remind
once it used to be fresh and beautiful. Like a teenager, you want to experience your first
love until you get some pain. You will never forget it,

Aom : Who are you!! why are you at my home? please go out

John: hey wait wait I am John Keats, Romantic poet from England.

Aom: I have never heard this name. Could you please introduce yourself more

John : I was born in Moorgate, London, on 31 October 1795 and I was the oldest of my
parents four children. I left the school since I was young for studies to become a surgeon. I
became a licensed apothecary in 1816. But my career never truly took off. So, I increase my time
to the literature. My first extant poem, "An Imitation of Spenser, inspired by fellow poets, Leigh
Hunt and Lord Byron

Aom: Ohhh thats great, I want to know more about your poem
John : My style is sensual imaginary. Most of them are Odes in natural imagery. For
example, My famous work is "Ode on a Grecian Urn, "Ode to a Nightingale and La Belle Dame
Sans Merci

Aom: that sound interesting!

Hi guys! Today im gonna present you about John Keats,

Someone might ever heard this name before, but other might not.
So, I will briefly introduce hisself to all of you by this vide

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