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Name: Edna Bennett

Grade Level: 7th
Content Area: Social Studies
Beyond-the-Basic Productivity Tool Used: Inspiration9
Standards Addressed: SS7CG1(a): The students will explain the role of citizen participation in an
autocratic and a democratic government.

Blooms Level of Critical Thinking:

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Description of how to implement in the class: Students will be instructed on how to use
Inspiration9. They will be given demonstration on all features that the software offers. Once the
students become familiar with the software, they will be instructed to conduct research on the roles
of citizens in an Autocratic government and the roles of citizens in a Democratic government.
Students will be able to compare the differences and similarities in how citizens participate in each of
the above-named governments. Students have the option of adding images, lively color, and use a
readable font of their choice.
Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): LoTi 4,5 and 6 best describes this learning activity.
Technology is used in a format that is student-centered and promotes critical thinking, and creativity.
Technology is executed in a manner that provides rich context for students comprehension, and is
also used to identify and analyze information relating to an overall theme.
Description of the sample BBPT file provided *: The students will use a graphic organizer in the
form of a Venn Diagram to present their research on the roles of citizens in an autocratic and a
democratic government.
Other comments about your proposed BBPT Activity: This is great software that allows students
to think deeply and critically about issues that affect them in their own lives, and at the same time
aligns with the standard.

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