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Name: Novel: Character Analysis: LJ Promoting Your Novel Proving Your Point Choose a character other than the ‘main character that you feel had a significant impact on the story. Design a "You Be the Person" presentation in which you come to class as your character and talk about your impact on the plot and theme of your novel. Consider all of the reasons your classmates might enjoy reading your novel, Create an. advertisement to encourage your classmates to read your novel. ‘Make it unique and interestin, Complete this statement with just one word: Everyone thinks the main character of my novel is ___. Greate a cube with the she best quotes from your novel that prove your statement is true Be sure to document where each ‘quote was found, Proving Your Point Determine the theme of your novel. Choose at least four quotes from your novel that strongly support the theme and at least four quotes that neither support nor disprove it. Create a folded quiz. book that asks users to determine If the quotes support the theme, Proving Your Point ‘There are various reasons why people choose the novels they would like to read, from the ‘cover, to the summary on the back cover, to the recommendations of other people. Create a persuasive commercial that shares all of this: information about your novel. Promoting Your Novel The Book Hall of Fame is taking nominations for the best fiction book ever written. Create a nomination video for your book. Describe your book and why it deserves the honor. Proving Your Point Character Analysis Create a game show that has contestants evaluating quotes from your novel and determining if they support given statements about it Create a three-dimensional timeline for the main character in your novel. Include at least one date before the novel begins.

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