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 You Have Supernatural Life 

"These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God;
that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of
the Son of God" (1 John 5: 13).

T he English phrase eternal life doesnt convey most appropriately the meaning
of the original Greek word Zo, which actually means the God-life. Eternal life
or everlasting life as used in the New Testament means more than an unending life that
goes on year after year after year; it is the very life of God.
There are different kinds of life. We are familiar with the plant life, the animal life and
the human life. The human life is quite different from the God-life. When you were born
of your mother, you came with the human life from your parents. But now that you are
born again, you have the God-kind of life. God has made you a partaker of His divine
nature by virtue of the new birth (2 Peter 1:4).
The Bible says, Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth... (James 1:18).
That means God gave birth to us by the Word of truth. Peter also tells us we were
...born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which
liveth and abideth forever (I Peter 1: 23).
Gods Word is divine and has the same life of God. It is one with Him. Just as you
cannot separate a man from his word, God cannot be separated from His Word. Words
are thoughts clothed with vocabulary. It follows then that Gods words, which are actually
His thoughts expressed in vocabulary, represent and reveal His Person. They are one
with Him and reflect His character. The Word of God is the character of God; it is the
nature of God; it is the very life of God. That same Word gave birth to you. When you
were born again, you were born of the Word of God. Thats so wonderful! The life you
have in you is the life of the Word, which makes you a child of the Word, Hallelujah!


F U RT H E R S T U DY : J O H N 20:30-31; 1 J O H N 5:11-13

Rhapsody of Realities Topical Compendium Vol.2  478 

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