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 You Can Effect The Change 

"But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you"
(Acts 1:8).

T heres nothing you cant change when you pray. The reason a lot of Gods children
feel despondent and helpless when they go through difficult situations is that
many dont pray; they havent learnt how to pray.
The day we are living in is full of challenges and persecutions. As Christians, we need
to realize that even when were going through challenges or persecutions, we can still be
filled with joy unspeakable and full of glory. This is why its imperative we learn to pray,
for that is one sure way to live in victory every single day.
Its high time you started praying, and its not difficult at all. As you continue in Gods
Word, the Holy Spirit will guide you on how to pray. When you find yourself in difficult
situations, first consider what the persecution is all about. Ask yourself, Is it self-created
or is someone trying to put me down? For all you know, you may have unwittingly put
yourself in that situation.
When you discover the reason behind your problem, then it is half-solved. If the
problem is you, make the necessary changes in your life! If its someone else, you can
change them through your prayers. Dont sit there feeling sorry for yourself; you can
effect the necessary changes!
Break out in tongues like youve never spoken before; make noise in the spirit and
break loose from yourself. It makes no difference whether the persecution was created
by you or someone else, you can change it! Remember, your ability, strength and
confidence are in God. Therefore, refuse to be a victim.


F U RT H E R S T U DY : M A R K 9:23; J A M E S 5:16

Rhapsody of Realities Topical Compendium Vol.2  238 

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