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Bipolar Disorders 2014 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S

Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


Review Article

Clozapine for treatment-resistant bipolar

disorder: a systematic review
Li X-B, Tang Y-L, Wang C-Y, de Leon J. Clozapine for treatment- Xian-Bin Lia,b, Yi-Lang Tanga,c,
resistant bipolar disorder: a systematic review. Chuan-Yue Wanga,b and
Bipolar Disord 2014: 00: 000000. 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Jose de Leond,e,f
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. a
Beijing Key Laboratory of Mental Disorders,
Department of Psychiatry, Beijing Anding
Objective: To evaluate the ecacy and safety of clozapine for treatment- Hospital, Capital Medical University, bCenter of
resistant bipolar disorder (TRBD).
Schizophrenia, Beijing Institute for Brain
Disorders, Laboratory of Brain Disorders (Capital
Methods: A systematic review of randomized controlled studies, open-
Medical University), Ministry of Science and
label prospective studies, and retrospective studies of patients with Technology, Beijing, China, cDepartment of
TRBD was carried out. Interventions included clozapine monotherapy
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory
or clozapine combined with other medications. Outcome measures were University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA,
ecacy and adverse drug reactions (ADRs). d
Mental Health Research Center at Eastern State
Hospital, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY,
Results: Fifteen clinical trials with a total sample of 1,044 patients met
USA, ePsychiatry and Neurosciences Research
the inclusion criteria. Clozapine monotherapy or clozapine combined Group (CTS-549), Institute of Neurosciences,
with other treatments for TRBD was associated with improvement in: (i)
University of Granada, Granada, fBiomedical
symptoms of mania, depression, rapid cycling, and psychotic symptoms, Research Centre in Mental Health Net
with many patients with TRBD achieving a remission or response; (ii)
(CIBERSAM), Santiago Apostol Hospital,
the number and duration of hospitalizations, the number of University of the Basque Country, Vitoria, Spain
psychotropic co-medications, and the number of hospital visits for
somatic reasons for intentional self-harm/overdose; (iii) suicidal ideation
doi: 10.1111/bdi.12272
and aggressive behavior; and (iv) social functioning. In addition, patients
with TRBD showed greater clinical improvement in long-term follow-up
Key words: bipolar disorder clozapine
when compared with published schizophrenia data. Sedation (12%),
constipation (5.0%), sialorrhea (5.2%), weight gain (4%), and body
ache/pain (2%) were the commonly reported ADRs; however, these
Received 11 February 2014, revised and
symptoms but did not usually require drug discontinuation. The
accepted for publication 11 August 2014
percentage of severe ADRs reported, such as leukopenia (2%),
agranulocytosis (0.3%), and seizure (0.5%), appeared to be lower than
Corresponding author:
those reported in the published schizophrenia literature.
Chuan-Yue Wang, M.D., Ph.D.
Beijing Anding Hospital,
Conclusion: The limited current evidence supports the concept that
Capital Medical University
clozapine may be both an eective and a relatively safe medication for
No. 5 Ankang Lane
Dewai Avenue, Xicheng District
Beijing 100088
Fax: +86-10-58303195

Clozapine, an atypical antipsychotic, is primarily randomized clinical trials (RCTs) (5, 6) and a
used for the treatment of treatment-resistant recent review of eectiveness trials (7) supported
schizophrenia in most parts of the world (1, 2). the greater ecacy of clozapine among antipsy-
Long-term use of clozapine is associated with chotics in schizophrenia.
improvement in clinical symptoms, measurable A growing number of reports, however, suggest
social and functional gains, and decreased hospi- that clozapine may also have a role in other treat-
talization as compared with typical antipsychotic ment-resistant psychotic conditions (810), such as
agents (3, 4). Furthermore, meta-analyses of schizoaective disorder and psychotic mood

Li et al.

disorders (1113). Furthermore, case reports and with clozapine are commonly a factor discouraging
retrospective studies suggest that clozapine may be clinicians from prescribing it.
particularly eective in the treatment of medica-
tion-resistant unipolar depression and bipolar dis-
order (BD); some even suggested it is more
eective than it is for schizophrenia (12, 1416). Before we conducted this systematic review, our
Compared with unipolar depression, BD is a protocol of reviewing clozapine use for TRBD
more serious type of mood disorder. BD is a recur- was published online (
rent, potentially disabling, sometimes even fatal prospero/); the registration number was
psychiatric illness (1719), and the estimated life- CRD42013004322 at the Preferred Reporting
time prevalence of various types of BD is over Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
2.0% (20, 21). BD is often associated with high lev- (PRISMA). PRISMA provides an evidence-based
els of unfavorable outcomes or treatment resis- minimum set of items for reporting in systematic
tance (2224). In contrast to schizophrenia, reviews and meta-analyses (50).
denitions of treatment-resistant bipolar disorder
(TRBD) vary greatly (17, 2527). However, a fail-
Types of studies
ure to respond to at least two trials of dissimilar
treatments, involving an adequate dose and dura- All types of trials evaluating the ecacy and safety
tion, could serve as a conservative denition of clozapine for TRBD were eligible for inclusion.
(2831). We included RCTs (Table 1), open-label retrospec-
Although mood disorder was traditionally con- tive studies (Table 2), and prospective trials
sidered a rather rare condition in China, recently (Table 3). We excluded meta-analyses and system-
conducted epidemiological studies in the country atic reviews. We also excluded from the compre-
showed that it is one of the common mental disor- hensive review case series and reports, since they
ders (32, 33), with a one-month prevalence of 6.1% oer a lower level of evidence, and are associated
(32). Unlike other countries, clozapine has been with a high suspicion of publication biases. How-
widely used for BD in China despite not having ever, we have included them in Table 4 and pro-
been approved for mood disorders (3436), and it vided a brief statement on them for the sake of
is indeed one of the most commonly used antipsy- entirety. The retrospective open study by Nielsen
chotics in the treatment of BD (34, 37, 38). Some et al. (51) was included in this review (Table 2),
psychiatrists even preferred it as a rst-line treat- although the sample also included patients with
ment for mania (3840). Similar to ndings from non-TRBD; it was not possible to exclude them.
studies in Western countries, RCTs showed that All tables provided details of the contamination of
clozapine was an eective add-on treatment to an- the studies by other diagnoses when it was not pos-
tidepressants for treatment-resistant depression sible to separate the patients.
(41). Clozapine was also eective for treatment-
resistant mania in a case report (42) and an RCT
Study selection
Clozapine is a drug of choice for TRBD in We searched PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane
China but the evidence for its use in Western coun- Library databases and the Cochrane Controlled
tries remains sparse, and the studies are limited to Trials Register of clozapine for TRBD. We also
case reports (44), open-label trials (11), and only searched the Chinese databases [the Chinese Bio-
one RCT with fewer than 20 patients in each group medical Literature and China National Knowledge
(45). As China has the largest population on cloza- Infrastructure databases] using the same keywords.
pine (4648), the Chinese experience and studies The search included all studies published between
may be of keen interest to Western psychiatrists January 1979 and June 2014, regardless of lan-
(49). So far, no exhaustive systematic review on guage. The keywords used for the searches
clozapine for TRBD has been published. included: clozapine, bipolar disorder, manic, depres-
The primary aim of this review was to evaluate sion, resistant/resistance/refractory, drug therapy,
the ecacy and safety of clozapine for TRBD. As and trial. The keywords were used in combination
previously mentioned, in addition to international with the Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT.
databases, we also included Chinese databases that We supplemented the search by using the related
are not usually reviewed in articles written by article function. We also manually searched bibli-
Western psychiatrists. Particular attention was ographies of RCTs, meta-analyses, and systematic
paid to safety and tolerability, as the potentially reviews for studies that were missed in the initial
severe adverse drug reactions (ADRs) associated electronic search (52).
Clozapine for treatment-resistant bipolar disorder

Table 1. Clozapine randomized controlled trials for treatment-resistant bipolar disorder (TRBD)

Suppes et al. 1999 (45)

Population: 38 patients meeting the DSM-IV criteria for BD (n = 26) or SAD (n = 12) who were deemed treatment-resistant [failure of
adequate treatment with two mood stabilizers (lithium, valproate, or carbamazepine) at standard therapeutic levels]. Subjects were
randomly assigned to clozapine add-on treatment (n = 19) or TAU (no clozapine) (n = 19)
Intervention: Clozapine (355 mg/day) add-on therapy
Comparison: TAU
Measures: Patients received monthly ratings on the BPRS, CGI, BRMS, HDRS, SAPS, SANS and AIMS, and a 40-item side-effect
Study design: Randomized, TAU-controlled study with follow-up of one year
Resultsa: Significant between-group differences were found in scores on all rating scales except the HDRS. Total medication use over
one year significantly decreased in the clozapine group. No significant differences in physical complaints between groups were noted
Tan 2010 (43)
Population: 71 patients with DSM-IV BD who were classified as having TRBD were randomly assigned to clozapine added to lithium
treatment (n = 35) or clozapine added to valproate treatment (n = 36). Treatment resistance was defined as failure of adequate
treatment with two different antidepressants
Intervention: Clozapine (100300 mg/day) added to lithium (5001,500 mg/day)
Comparisons: Clozapine (100300 mg/day) added to valproate (6001,800 mg/day)
Measures: Patients received ratings on BPRS, HDRS, and TESS at Weeks 0, 1, 2, 4, and 6
Study design: Randomized, open-controlled study
Resultsa: In the study group, 89% of patients were responders (based on BPRS and HDRS) to clozapine added to lithium compared
with 64% of patients receiving clozapine added to valproate (p < 0.05). No significant differences in adverse drug reactions between
the groups were found

AIMS = Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale; BPRS = Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; BRMS = BechRafaelsen Mania Scale;
CGI = Clinical Global Impression; DSM-IV = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition; HDRS = Hamilton
Depression Rating Scale; SAD = schizoaffective disorder; SANS = Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms; SAPS = Scale for
the Assessment of Positive Symptoms; TAU = treatment-as-usual; TESS = Treatment Emergent Symptom Scale.
Clinical remission and response were defined differently in each study.

One author (X-BL) independently inspected full report was acquired for more detailed scrutiny.
citations from the searches and identied relevant Full reports of the abstracts meeting the review
abstracts. A random 20% of the samples were criteria were obtained and inspected by X-BL.
independently re-inspected by author Y-LT to Again, a random 20% of reports were re-inspected
ensure reliability. When disagreements arose, the by Y-LT in order to ensure reliable selection.

Table 2. Clozapine retrospective studies for treatment-resistant bipolar disorder (TRBD)

McElroy et al. 1991 (12)

Sample: All patients were either inadequately responsive to or unable to tolerate standard biological therapies
Methods: Survey of treating clinicians and chart data for all 85 consecutive patients, including 39 with schizophrenia, 25 with SAD, and
14 with psychotic BD, who received clozapine for at least six weeks at one center
Results: Compared to patients with schizophrenia, patients with SAD and psychotic BD had significantly higher response rates to
clozapine (10% for schizophrenia versus 1520% for SAD and 43% for psychotic BD)
Chang et al. 2006 (58)
Sample: Patients with BD resistant to conventional treatment
Methods: Analysis of clinical data from medical records of 51 patients with DSM-IV BD treated with add-on clozapine for >6 months
Results: The number of hospital days/year was reduced in 90% of patients after clozapine add-on treatment. The total number and
duration of hospitalizations/year also decreased. Significant reductions were found in the number and duration of hospitalizations
associated with manic, depressive, and hypomanic episodes. Long-term efficacy of clozapine add-on was supported by continuous
decreases in hospital days/year in the 27 selected patients
Nielsen et al. 2012 (51)
Sample: A total of 21,473 patients with a lifetime diagnosis of ICD-10 BD, of whom only 326 (1.5%) were treated with clozapine and
were included in a mirror-image analysis
Methods: A pharmacy-epidemiologic database study was carried out in Denmark, investigating the effectiveness of clozapine in
patients with BD (without a schizophrenia-spectrum disorder), between 1996 and 2007, using a two-year mirror-image design
Results: Clozapine appeared to be an appropriate choice for TRBD. Compared to the pre-clozapine period, during clozapine
treatment, the mean number of bed-days decreased from 179 to 35. The mean number of admissions was reduced from 3.2 to 2.0.
Overall, 240 patients (74%) had reduced bed-days and 130 (40%) were not admitted while treated with clozapine. Moreover, the
number of psychotropic co-medications was reduced from 4.5 DDD (2575 percentiles: 2.48.2) to 3.9 DDD (2575 percentiles:
2.46.1). The percentage of patients with hospital visits for intentional self-harm/overdose was reduced significantly from 8% to 3%

BD = bipolar disorder; DDD = defined daily doses; DSM-IV = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition;
ICD-10 = International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition; SAD = schizoaffective disorder.

Table 3. Clozapine open-label trials for treatment-resistant bipolar disorder
Li et al.

Resistance definition Treatments Duration

Study Subjects (failure of) (mg/day) (months) Main findings

Suppes et al. 7 with dysphoric Standard CLZ (50500) + 3660 Symptomatic and functional improvement was assessed. Most of the
1992 (16) mania treatments ACs patients sustained substantial gains in psychosocial function in follow-
including ACs up over 3 years. No further hospitalizations were needed in 6 of
7 patients
Banov et al. 52 BD, 81 SAD, Undefined CLZ 18.7 BD manic and SAD bipolar patients had significantly better outcomes
1994 (11) 14 UD, 40 SCH than UD, BD, and SAD depressed patients. BD and SAD patients had
significantly greater improvement in social functioning than SCH patients.
One or more episodes of depression prior to CLZ predicted CLZ
Kimmel et al. 25 manic with Li, ACs, and CLZ 13 18 of 25 patients demonstrated a > 50% decrease in the YMRS
1994 (62) BD or SAD 2 APs, or intolerant
Kowatch et al. 5 children or Multiple trials of APs CLZ (75225) + 2 There was a 42% decrease in the CGI. Treatment was for aggressive
1995 (65) adolescents and ACs, or intolerance Li behavior and psychotic symptoms
with BD
Zarate et al. 17 mood Combinations of Li, CLZ 16.1 65% (11/17) had no subsequent re-hospitalization or mood episode.
1995 (61) disorders ACs, APs, and ECT; Significant improvement in CGI scores
or had tardive dyskinesia
Calabrese et al. 25 acutely manic Li, ACs, and APs, CLZ (494) 4 72% (18/25) improved on the YMRS and 32% (8/25) improved on the BPRS.
1996 (44) intolerable ADRs, or both The patients with BD as compared to the patients with SAD, and the non-
rapid cycling patients as compared to rapid cyclers, had significantly
greater improvement in total BPRS score
Green et al. 22 active manic 500 mg/day of chlorpromazine CLZ 3 57% (13/22) improved on the BPRS, 57% (12/22) on the YMRS, and 39%
2000 (63) or its equivalent and (8/22) on the CGI, and 77% (17/22) experienced at least a 20%
Li of at least 6 weeks reduction on all three scales
Ciapparelli et al. 34 psychotic BD, Adequate treatment with CLZ flexible 24 All patients showed significant improvement 24 months from intake (based
2000 (59) 31 SCH, 26 SAD, 3 different classes of APs doses on BPRS and CGI). The presence of suicidal ideation at intake predicted
bipolar type greater improvement at endpoint
Ciapparelli et al. 37 psychotic BD, Adequate treatment with CLZ flexible 48 Patients with SAD and BD show greater clinical improvement than those
2003 (60) 34 SCH, 30 SAD, 3 different classes of APs doses with SCH. Patients with BD had the shortest time to response and the
bipolar type highest psychosocial and occupational functioning levels (based
on BPRS, CGI, and GAF)
Fehr et al. 9 BD 2 ACs + APs CLZ (156  77) 12 Three patients demonstrated striking mood stabilization and returned to
2005 (64) previous levels of functioning (based on BPRS and HDRS). Five patients
had moderate improvement in mood stabilization and functioning (based
on BPRS and HDRS), and one patient showed a minimal response

AC = anticonvulsant; ADR = adverse drug reaction; AP = antipsychotic; BD = bipolar disorder; BPRS = Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; CGI = Clinical Global Impression; CLZ = clozapine;
ECT = electroconvulsive therapy; GAF = Global Assessment of Functioning; HDRS = Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; Li = lithium; SAD = schizoaffective disorder; SCH = schizophrenia;
UD = unipolar depression; YMRS = Young Mania Rating Scale.
Clozapine for treatment-resistant bipolar disorder

Table 4. Clozapine case series and reports for treatment-resistant bipolar disorder

definition Treatments Duration
Study Subjects Age, gender (failure of) (mg/day) (months) Main findings

Calabrese et al. 2 RC BD 47 years, F AC + AP CLZ (250350) 1.53.5 Remission

1991 (74) 48 years, F
Suppes et al. 3 RC BD 43 years, F AP + AC CLZ (150400) + Li 1220 2 remission,
1994 (15) 25 years, F 1 response
45 years, F
Antonacci & 4 euphoric Unavailable Standard CLZ _ Enhanced functioning
Swartz mania treatments + AC and insight
1995 (70)
Poyurovsky & 2 mania 24 years, M AP + AC CLZ (250350) _ Remission
Weizman 41 years, F + ECT
1996 (71)
Lancon & Llorca 1 RC BD 42 years, F Conventional CLZ _ Successfully treated
1996 (75) therapy
Mahmood et al. 3 mania Unavailable AP + AC CLZ _ Successfully treated
1997 (72)
Chanpattana 1 mania 26 years, M Conventional CLZ (200) + ECT 18 Complete remission
2000 (73) treatment
Xu 2003 (42) 1 mania 40 years, F AP + AC CLZ (600) + 1 Remarkably effective
Li (1,500) +
CBZ (600)
Chen et al. 1 RC BD 38 years, F Various biological CLZ (350) + 36 Complete remission
2005 (76) therapies TPR (300)
Vijay Sagar 1 juvenile- 18 years, F AC combinations CLZ (200) 24 Remission
2005 (79) onset BD
Quante et al. 3 BD, 2 UD Not provided Medications + CLZ (125 and 375) 12 4/5 patients showed
2007 (119) ECT steady improvement
Gupta 1 BD 28 years, M Standard AC CLZ (350) 66 No hospitalization and
2009 (78) no more episodes
Bastiampillai 1 RC BD 52 years, F Standard APs + CLZ (150) + 60 Sustained remission
et al. 2010 (77) ACs LTG (100)
Bennedetti et al. 7 SAD and Three patients, mean Treatment Aripiprazole (6.8) + Remission
2010 (29) psychotic BD 36 years, M resistant CLZ (293)
Four patients, mean
40 years, F

AC = anticonvulsant; AP = antipsychotic; BD = bipolar disorder; CBZ = carbamazepine; CLZ = clozapine; ECT = electroconvulsive
therapy; F = female; Li = lithium; LTG = lamotrigine; M = male; RC = rapid cycling; SAD = schizoaffective disorder; TPR = topiramate;
UD = unipolar depression.

Where it was not possible to resolve disagreement the total. Again, any disagreement was discussed,
by discussion, a third author (C-YW) mediated the decisions were documented, and, if necessary,
decision. If the matter was unresolved, an attempt authors of studies were contacted for clarication.
was made to contact the authors of the original Data presented only in graphs and gures were
study for clarication (53). extracted whenever possible, but included only if
two authors independently had the same result.
We also attempted to contact authors through an
Data extraction
open-ended request in order to obtain missing
Review authors X-BL and Y-LT considered all information or for clarication whenever deemed
included studies initially, without seeing compari- necessary. If studies were multi-center, we
son data, to judge clinical, methodological and sta- extracted data relevant to each component center
tistical heterogeneity and thereby decide whether separately (53).
each study would be included for meta-analysis or
other data synthesis. We then extracted data into
Assessment of reporting biases
standard, simple forms. X-BL extracted data from
all included studies. In addition, to ensure reliabil- Reporting biases arise when the dissemination of
ity, Y-LT independently extracted data from a ran- research ndings is inuenced by the nature and
dom sample of these studies, comprising 30% of direction of results. We tried to locate the research

Li et al.

protocols of included RCTs. If the protocol was rospective studies (Table 2), and 10 open-label
available, outcomes in the protocol and in the prospective trials (Table 3). These studies were
published report were compared. If the protocol equally distributed across the years between 1991
was not available, outcomes listed in the methods and 2012, which indicates that clozapine for
section of the trial report were compared with the TRBD has been a rather long-lasting, clinically
actually reported results (54). important topic for the last 25 years.
It was not possible to conduct a meta-analysis
because of the studys heterogeneity, including dif-
Grading recommendations
ferences in illness phase (mania, depression, or
We used the grading of recommendations assess- rapid cycling BD), methodology (open-label trial
ment, development, and evaluation (GRADE) sys- or RCT) and outcome denition (response or
tem to rate the quality of evidence and strength of remission). Although meta-analysis is a powerful
recommendations of this systematic review follow- tool for analyzing data (55), confounding inter-
ing the guidelines of the Cochrane Collaboration. study variables that cannot be controlled may vio-
GRADE included systematic assessments of all late basic statistical assumptions, making this type
included trials across six main domains for each of analysis error-prone (56, 57). Therefore, we only
outcome: limitations of the study design and exe- extracted data onto standard, simple forms on a
cution, inconsistency, indirectness, imprecision of case-by-case basis and reported the ecacy of
results, publication bias, and large treatment eect. clozapine for TRBD when available, as well as
Accordingly, we graded the recommendation for other descriptive statistics. Compared with e-
the outcome measure of clozapine for BD as very cacy, there was less heterogeneity in ADRs. There-
low, low, moderate, or high (Table 5). fore, we conducted data synthesis using this term,
and all trials with ADR details were included; the
percentage of each ADR was computed in this
review and is presented in Table 6.
The various combinations of the search clozapine, We were unable to locate the protocols for three
bipolar disorder, manic, depression, resistant or RCTs; therefore, we assessed the reporting bias by
resistance, refractory yielded 342 articles, of which means of comparing outcomes listed in the meth-
15 studies met the criteria. In total, 1,044 patients ods with the results, which indicated that the
with TRBD had received clozapine treatment reported results were approximately consistent
(Fig. 1). There were two RCTs (Table 1); three ret- with outcomes listed in the methods.

Table 5. Grading of recommendations assessment, development, and evaluation system (GRADE) analysis: quality assessment of clozapine for
treatment-resistant bipolar disorder

Participants Risk of Large quality
Critical outcome (studies) bias Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Public bias effect of evidenced

Open studies
CGI score 236 (5) Seriousa No No No Undetected No Very low
BPRS score 248 (5) No No No No Undetected No Low
YMRS score 47 (2) No No No No Undetected No Low
Social functioning 304 (4) Seriousb No No No Undetected No Very low
Hospital days/year 377 (2) No No No No Undetected No Low
Mean no. of admissions 377 (2) No No No No Undetected No Low
Randomized clinical trials
BPRS score 109 (2) Noc No No No Undetected No Moderate
HDRS score 109 (2) Noc No No No Undetected No Moderate

BPRS = Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; CGI = Clinical Global Impression; HDRS = Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; YMRS = Young
Mania Rating Scale.
Incomplete accounting of patients and outcome events.
Relatively few patients (n 10).
Lack of allocation concealment.
The quality of evidence was rated using the GRADE Working Group system. High quality indicates that further research is very unlikely
to change our confidence in the estimate of effect but none of the studies reached that level. Moderate quality indicates that further
research is likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect and may change the estimate. Low quality indi-
cates that further research is very likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect and is likely to change
the estimate. Very low quality indicates that we are very uncertain about the estimate.

Clozapine for treatment-resistant bipolar disorder

Table 6. Clozapine adverse drug reactions in treatment-resistant

bipolar disorder

n (% of
Adverse drug reaction 797 total)

Blood cells Leukopenia 14 (1.7)

Decreases in white 6 (0.8)
blood cell count
Agranulocytosis 2 (0.3)
Metabolic system Weight gain 31 (4.0)
Weight loss 1 (0.1)
Hyperlipidemia 1 (0.1)
Increased appetite 1 (0.1)
Diabetes type 2 1 (0.1)
Endocrine system Sialorrhea 42 (5.2)
Sweating 4 (0.5)
Dry mouth 1 (0.1)
Influenza-like syndrome 1 (0.1)
Cardiovascular Abnormal EEG 6 (0.8)
system Orthostatic hypertension 6 (0.8)
Tachycardia 6 (0.8)
Orthostatic hypotension 2 (0.2)
Digestive system Constipation 40 (5.0)
Diarrhea 8 (1.1)
Nausea/vomiting 5 (0.6)
Postprandial regurgitation 1 (0.1)
Ileus 1 (0.1)
Nervous system Sedation 98 (12.2)
Body ache and pain 15 (1.8)
Dizziness 11 (1.4)
Sleep cycle inversion 7 (1.1)
Fig. 1. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Transient fever 8 (0.9)
Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) ow diagram. Urinary incontinence 6 (0.8)
Seizure 4 (0.5)
Quality assessment of the included studies Tremors 2 (0.2)
based on the GRADE approach showed many Fatigue 2 (0.2)
Neuroleptic malignant 1 (0.1)
limitations of the study designs, no obvious indi- syndrome
rectness, imprecision in result reporting and large Bradykinesia 1 (0.1)
treatment eect. Based on the above assessments, Enuresis 1 (0.1)
the quality of evidence presented for each outcome Mental confusion 1 (0.1)
ranged from very low to moderate (Table 5).

with schizophrenia and psychotic BD indicated

Clozapine RCTs for TRBD
that the latter had signicantly higher response
Our literature search yielded two clozapine RCTs rates to clozapine (12).
for TRBD (Table 1). In these RCTs, adjunctive
clozapine treatment was superior to treatment as
Clozapine open-label prospective trials for TRBD
usual for TRBD (45). In addition, clozapine with
added lithium was better than clozapine aug- The 10 clozapine open-label prospective studies for
mented with valproate in rapid cycling BD (43). TRBD (Table 3) included ve long-term follow-up
studies (11, 16, 5961), four focused on mania (44,
6264) and one focused on adolescent patients
Clozapine retrospective trials for TRBD
(65). The studies found that patients on clozapine
Three clozapine retrospective trials for TRBD were demonstrated a signicant decrease in the Young
identied (Table 2). Two trials described the num- Mania Rating Scale (YMRS), Hamilton Depres-
ber and duration of hospitalizations, the number sion Rating Scale (HDRS), Brief Psychiatric Rat-
of psychotropic co-medications and the number of ing Scale (BPRS), and Clinical Global Impression
hospital visits for medical reasons and for inten- Scale (CGI) scores (44, 66); the presence of suicidal
tional self-harm/overdose as signicantly reduced ideation and aggressive behavior at intake pre-
during clozapine treatment (12, 29, 51, 58). dicted greater improvement at endpoint (59, 65)
Another retrospective study comparing patients and improvement in social functioning (16). In
Li et al.

addition, they also found that BD patients showed HDRS, BPRS, and CGI scores, evidenced
greater clinical improvement than those with improvement in social functioning, suicidal idea-
schizophrenia in the long-term follow-up (11, 60). tion and aggressive behavior, and had fewer subse-
quent aective episodes; furthermore, patients with
TRBD showed greater clinical improvement than
Clozapine ADRs in TRBD
those with schizophrenia in the long-term follow-
ADRs are summarized in Table 6. The prevalences up in these trials. The current review also suggests
of the most serious ADRs were leukopenia, 2%; that clozapine may have anti-manic properties in
agranulocytosis, 0.3%; and seizure, 0.5%. There some children and adolescents with TRBD.
were no cases of myocarditis. The most frequent In general, this review found that clozapine for
clinically signicant ADRs were sedation (12%), TRBD was safe and well tolerated (Table 6). Seda-
constipation (5%), sialorrhea (5%), weight gain tion, constipation, sialorrhea, weight gain, and
(4%), and any kind of pain (2%). Other ADRs pain were the common ADRs, which is consistent
with a frequency of 0.51.0% were dizziness, diar- with schizophrenia studies (80, 81), and they were
rhea (1%), transient fever, urinary incontinence, rather mild and tolerable to most patients. Moder-
abnormal EEG, tachycardia, orthostatic hyperten- ate ADRs included dizziness, diarrhea, transient
sion, and nausea. Other ADRs are described in fever, urinary incontinence, abnormal EEG, tachy-
Table 6. cardia, orthostatic hypertension, and nausea. Rare
ADRs were sweating, hyperlipidemia, diabetes
type 2, inuenza-like syndrome, postprandial
regurgitation, ileus, and bradykinesia, which is also
This is the rst systematic review of clozapine for comparable with schizophrenia studies (80, 82).
TRBD summarizing its ecacy and safety. Our These ADRs were not severe enough to result in
comprehensive systematic review included 15 stud- drug discontinuation. The ADRs in the metabolic
ies with a total of 1,044 patients and suggests that system were obviously low; there is the possibility
clozapine may be an eective therapy, safe and of a major underreport in the included trials.
well tolerated. Although we excluded all of the case Among all the reports, 17 patients had leukope-
series and case reports in this comprehensive nia (2%), two had agranulocytosis (0.2%), and ve
review, the literature search provided 13 case had seizures (0.5%). These gures tend to be lower
reports/series in which clozapine was used for than averages reported in schizophrenia reviews
TRBD (Table 4). The 13 articles included ve on (8389). We are not sure whether the lower ADR
mania (42, 7073), ve on rapid cycling BD (15, frequency in BD versus schizophrenia trials is real
7477), and three on other TRBDs (29, 78, 79). or an artefact. Greater underreport and dierent
Overall, almost all cases were treatment-resistant methodologies may contribute to an articially low
and had a remission after switching to clozapine ADR frequency. Some clozapine ADRs are dose-
monotherapy or adding clozapine to other drugs. related; others are not. Doses in BD trials appear
lower than doses in Western schizophrenia studies,
but it was not possible to control doses for con-
Strengths of the study
founders such as smoking [which induced cloza-
While many patients with BD respond well to con- pine metabolism probably by inducing the
ventional medications (including antidepressants, cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2)] and racial dier-
mood stabilizers and antipsychotics), a substantial ences (see the discussion in the section Limitations
proportion do not achieve a satisfactory response of the study below) (64, 87, 89). The agranulocyto-
(6769). This systematic review showed that cloza- sis risk is still a concern for clinicians, but manda-
pine may be an ecacious therapy for TRBD. tory blood monitoring has been shown to
First, RCTs showed that: (i) clozapine add-on considerably reduce the incidence of fully devel-
treatment was superior to treatment as usual in oped cases of agranulocytosis (80). Thus, appropri-
mania, and (ii) clozapine plus lithium was better ate management of clozapine ADRs facilitates
than clozapine plus valproate in rapid cycling BD. maximization of the benets of clozapine treat-
Secondly, retrospective studies of clozapine for ment, and physicians and patients alike should be
TRBD indicated that the total number and dura- aware that there are a range of benets to cloza-
tion of hospitalizations and the number of psycho- pine use that outweigh its risk (80, 90, 91).
tropic co-medications were signicantly reduced Clozapine treatment was associated with signi-
during clozapine treatment. Thirdly, in open-label cant improvement in tardive dyskinesia in seven
prospective studies, patients treated with clozapine patients (9294); clozapine may be useful for long-
demonstrated a signicant decrease in the YMRS, term treatment to lower tardive dyskinesia risk (93,
Clozapine for treatment-resistant bipolar disorder

95, 96). Furthermore, once tardive dyskinesia or also need to be mentioned: (i) all available trials
dystonia is established, clozapine may be useful for were included, without applying any language
both control of the movement disorder and BD restrictions; and (ii) the ecacy case-by-case
(93, 96). analysis and computation of the percentage of each
The main strength of this study is that we also ADR provided some evidence supporting the use
searched Chinese databases in the systematic of clozapine (Table 6).
review, which included all TRBD clozapine trials Thirdly, some trials were contaminated by
conducted in China, where clozapine is widely some patients with a diagnosis of schizoaective
used. Thus, it is the rst review to include all trials disorder or schizophrenia, which does not corre-
available without applying any language restric- spond to the population described as the target
tions. We found RCTs of clozapine monotherapy population of interest (those with TRBD). In some
or clozapine combined with other medications ver- trials, we could not separate patients with TRBD
sus other treatments in patients with TRBD; the from the patients with schizoaective disorder or
comparison treatments included a mood stabilizer schizophrenia, but the tables provide details of
(97, 98), other antipsychotics (99102), clozapine these contaminated studies.
plus a mood stabilizer versus a mood stabilizer (97, A fourth limitation of this review and all the
103, 104), and clozapine plus a mood stabilizer ver- studies reviewed in it is the lack of close attention
sus other antipsychotics plus a mood stabilizer to issues regarding clozapine pharmacokinetics
(103109) in the treatment of BD in China. We and dosing. Clozapine dosing is inuenced by
also found two RCTs, one open-label prospective racial dierences, drugdrug interactions and
study, and two case reports on the use of clozapine smoking. In 1997, it was already reported that Chi-
for TRBD in the Chinese literature, including the nese patients tended to receive approximately half
only placebo-controlled clozapine RCT for of the clozapine dosage used in Western counties
TRMD (41). (110, 111) but appeared to have roughly similar
clozapine levels, which is indicative of lower cloza-
pine metabolism in Chinese patients. The literature
Limitations of the study
has not stressed this dierence nor provided an
A few limitations of the current review need to be explanation. Sirot et al. (112) carried out a very
acknowledged. First, it was not possible to conduct important study that has not received enough
a meta-analysis because of the studys heterogene- attention in the literature. They described cyto-
ity, including dierences in illness phase (mania, chrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19) poor metabolizers
depression or rapid cycling BD), methodology (PMs) as having 2.3-fold higher plasma clozapine
(open-label trials or RCTs) and outcome denition concentrations than patients with other CYP2C19
(response or remission). This great heterogeneity genotypes. Approximately 25% of the Chinese
may violate basic statistical assumptions and make population are CYP2C19 PMs.
these analyses error-prone. Therefore, we only Studies of adjunctive clozapine treatment in
extracted data onto standard, simple forms on a TRBD usually ignore the major dierences in
case-by-case basis and reported the ecacy of clozapine metabolism associated with co-med-
clozapine for TRBD when available. Compared ication. Carbamazepine is a major inducer of
with data on ecacy, there was lower heterogene- clozapine metabolism (113) and it is possible that
ity with ADR data, and therefore data synthesis valproate may be a mild inducer (114). Fluvox-
using ADRs was conducted and the percentage of amine is a major inhibitor of clozapine metabolism
each ADR was computed (Table 6). (115) and paroxetine and uoxetine are mild inhib-
Secondly, most of the clinical trials included here itors (114, 115).
had major methodological problems. Although In conclusion, future studies and meta-analyses
this review included 15 clinical trials, most of them of clozapine for TRBD will need to pay attention
were open-label observational trials; only two to important pharmacokinetic dierences associ-
RCTs were available. There were no obvious ated with racial dierences, co-medication and
reporting biases in the RCTs, but reporting biases smoking, which may have major inuences on
in other studies are possible. Furthermore, the clozapine dosing but at present are ignored in most
GRADE approach showed that the quality of the published articles.
evidence was very low in CGI score and psycho-
social function; other outcomes were from low to
Comparison with other studies
moderate (Table 5). Therefore, the current review
provided limited evidence supporting clozapine Poon et al. (17) performed a literature review on
use. However, two strengths of the current review TRBD research ndings. It provided few promising
Li et al.

leads other than the use of clozapine for TRBD This comprehensive review has focused on
mania, which is comparable to our analysis. Their TRBD, but future reviews need to focus on the
review was limited by: (i) inclusion of only two role of clozapine for the treatment of BD in
clozapine trials (44, 45), (ii) lack of report on cloza- general. Though clozapine is rarely used for
pine ADRs, and (iii) lack of inclusion of Chinese non-treatment-resistant BD elsewhere in the
studies which include larger numbers of patients. world, emerging evidence from China is encour-
Gitlin (116) conducted a review on this topic. aging (41, 97, 98). Since the early 1980s, few
That review indicated that combining multiple clozapine RCTs for BD in general have been
agents was the most commonly used clinical strat- published; once more clozapine RCTs have been
egy for TRBD; an approach that may be eective published, a meta-analysis of non-treatment
for treatment-resistant patients included high-dose resistant BD, if supportive of clozapine use, will
thyroid augmentation, clozapine, calcium channel provide clinicians with more choices.
blockers, and electroconvulsive therapy, which is
consistent with our ndings. However, only three Acknowledgements
studies of clozapine treatment were included (45,
60, 64), and none of the Chinese studies were The authors thank Lorraine Maw, M.A., for editorial assis-
tance. This study was supported by the Beijing Science and
included. Similarly, there was no safety analysis or
Technology Commission (grant D121100005012002). No com-
data synthesis. mercial organizations had any role in the writing of this paper
Frye et al. (117) reviewed the use of atypical for publication.
antipsychotics in the treatment of BD, focusing
on clozapine as the prototypical agent. That Disclosures
review indicated that the early clinical experience
of clozapine as a potential mood stabilizer sug- The authors of this paper report no nancial relationship with
gested greater anti-manic than antidepressant commercial interests within the last three years.
properties. However, that review only included
some trials conducted before 1998, which Author contributions
excluded most trials of clozapine for TRBD. X-BL and Y-LT contributed equally to the review of the arti-
Similarly, there was no safety analysis or data cles and to the writing of the rst draft. C-YW and JdL con-
synthesis in that analysis. tributed by improving the rst and later drafts. All authors
contributed to and approved the nal manuscript.

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