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Genitive s

1.Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii: (genitiv s)

a) Mike este fiul lui Tom.

b) Aceasta este camera noua a lui David.
c) Aceasta este masina parintilor mei.
d) Fratele lui Sue se numeste Ban.
e) Unde sunt cartile lui Sandra?
f) Camera surorii mele este mare.
g) Unde sunt jucariile copiilor?
h) Acolo sunt florile bunicii mele.
i) Pe masa este laptele pisicii noastre.
j) Aici sunt merele Simonei, sunt rosii, mari si bune.

Present simple tense

1. Adaugati - s sau es:

a) Tom drive. fast.
b) She take. piano lessons.
c) Grandfather watch. TV in the evening.
d) Kevin listen to music every day.
e) My sister always finish.. her homework faster than I do.

f) She catch.. an early bus to get to school in time.

g) My mother kiss. my baby brother a lot.

h) Jean go .... to her dance class by bus.

i) The apple taste.. delicious.

j) Mrs. Smith do. her shopping in the afternoon.

k) Susan visit.. a lot of museums when she is on holiday.

2. Scrieti propozitiile de mai jos la persoana a III a singular, timp prezent simplu:

a) We always try to eat healthy food.

b) They play football at school.

c) I fly their kite every afternoon.

d) They stay at home in the evenings.

e) Her babies cry a lot.

f) You play basketball in their backyard.

g) The children always try to do their homework as quickly as they can.

h) They often fry fish for dinner.

i) The boys study English at school.

3. Completati spatiile libere cu verbul necesar (potrivit) si adaugati s sau es

daca este necesar:

The train 1) in ten minutes. Tom 2). people 3)

because the station is very crowded with children leaving for the camp. When he
4).. to the train, he 5).. an old lady carrying a heavy suitcase.
Other people 6).. past her, but none of them 7). to help her.
Tom 8)to the lady and 9).. her if he can help. When she 10)
.. around, he 11) his aunt!

1. leave 4. get 7. try 10. turn

2. ask 5. see 8. go 11. recognise
3. hurry 6. walk 9. ask

4. Scrieti verbele urmatoare la persoana a III a singular:

1. I cry he . 6. I try she ..

2. I say he . 7. I do she ..
3. I play he .. 8. I go she ..
4. I finish he .. 9. I watch she ..
5. I study she 10. I kiss he .

5. Completati spatiile libere cu do sau does:

1. squirrels eat nuts?
2. your friend go to school by bus?
3. you live in a big city?
4. When he do his homework?
5. .. Sarah have a pet?
6. What they have for breakfast?
7. . your father drive a bus?
8. they live nearby?

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