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Test Bank Chapter 4

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) research report,

Rebuilding Public Confidence in Financial Reporting: An International
Perspective, has as its goal which of the following:

A. Creating an international CPA certificate

B. Examine ways of restoring the credibility of financial reporting and corporate
disclosure from an international perspective.
C. E s t a b l i s h i n g a g l o b a l c o d e o f c o n d u c t
D. All of the above

Answer B

2. Each of the following were themes of the investigations of the accounting

profession during the 1970s and 1980s except for:

A. Whether low-balling to obtain audits impairs independence

B. Whether nonaudit services impair auditor independence
C. The need for a report on internal controls
D. The importance of developing techniques to prevent and detect fraud

Answer A

3. The committee that first recommended that the profession institute a voluntary
program for peer review was:

A. Metcalf committee
B. Cohen committee
C. The House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
D. Mintz and Morris committee

Answer A

4. The House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations made its

recommendations after looking into failures at:

A. ESM Government Securities

B. Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust
C. Penn Square Bank
D. All of the above

Answer D
5. During the investigations by the House Subcommittee on Oversight and
Investigations, a question that was raised was:

A. Why was fraud allowed to occur at some many companies

B. Where was the board of directors in all these frauds
C. Where were the auditors
D. Why did the internal controls fail in some many frauds

Answer C

6. In its investigation of ZZZZ Best, the House Subcommittee on Oversight and

Investigations looked into:

A. Why the board of directors failed to uncover the fraud at ZZZZ Best
B. How the company was able to create 80% or more fictitious revenue
C. How the company was able to create cookie jar reserves
D. All of the above

Answer B

7. In the Lincoln Savings & Loan failure during the period of failures at savings and
loan institutions, Lincoln was charged with:

A. Stealing $300 million from shareholders

B. Causing retirees to lose their life savings
C. Causing employees to lose their jobs
D. Engaging in a Ponzi scheme

Answer B

8. The cost to the public to clean up 1,043 failed savings and loan institutions during
the period of 1986-1995 was :

A. $152.9 billion including $123.8 billion of U.S. taxpayer losses

B. $300 million including $123.8 million of U.S. taxpayer losses
C. $400 billion including $152.9 billion of U.S. taxpayer losses
D. $400 million including $152.9 billion of U.S. taxpayer losses

Answer A

9. The accounting issues at failed savings and loan institutions included:

A. The failure to provide adequate allowances for loan losses

B. The failure to disclose dubious deals between the S&Ls and some of its major
C. The existence of inadequate controls to prevent inadequate allowances and control
for dubious deals
D. All of the above

Answer D

10. One of the Contributions of the Treadway Commission Report and the work of
the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) was:

A. To establish a voluntary process for peer review

B. To identify red flags that might lead to fraud
C. To identify the tone at the top for management to create an ethical culture
D. All of the above

Answer C

11. One concern in the Armadillo Foods case in the text of the chapter is:

A. The failure of internal controls

B. Pressure to go along with the misappropriation of assets
C. The failure of the external auditors to catch fraud
D. Pressure to meet financial analysts earnings estimates

Answer D

12. James Doty, the chairman of the PCAOB, in his testimony before Congress on the
financial crisis of 2007-2008, admitted that auditors should have been more vigilant
not just at Lehman Brothers, but across the board. Which audit areas did Doty
signal out for criticism?

A. Inventories and cash flow

B. Capital and operating expenses
C. Special purpose and related-party entities
D. Valuations and end-of-period transactions

Answer D

13. CPAs should always adhere to the rules of conduct of the

A. State board of accountancy

D. All of the above
Answer A

14. The ethics rules that applies solely to those who conduct an audit of a client entity

A. Independence
B. Objectivity
C. Integrity
D. All of the above

Answer A

15. The principle of ethical behavior in the AICPA Code that asks questions directly
related to ethical courage is:

A. Independence
B. Objectivity
C. Integrity
D. Fraud prevention

Answer C

16. The conceptual framework for the AICPA Independence standards can best be
characterized as:

A. A model to prevent fraud from occurring

B. An approach to identify threats to independence
C. An approach to identify fraud risks
D. A model to assist controllers in dealing with differences of opinion with top
management on accounting issues

Answer B

17. Impairments of independence can occur when:

A. A CPA owns a direct financial interest in a client

B. A CPA owns a material indirect financial interest in a client
C. Immediate family members of the CPA are in violation of the independence rules
D. All of the above

Answer D

18. In the ESM fraud discussed in this chapter, Jose Gomez violated the
Independence standard because he:
A. Had loans outstanding from the client
B. Engaged in a business relationship with the client
C. Had family members who owned stock directly in the client
D. All of the above

Answer A

19. The SECs position on independence can best be characterized as:

A. Proscribing certain financial interests with the client

B. Proscribing certain business relationships with the client
C. Restricting the provision of certain nonaudit services to audit clients
D. All of the above

Answer D

20. Assume the external auditor of a client entity also served on the clients board of
directors. What aspect of independence would be violated?

A. The auditor may be exposed to an intimidation threat by the client

B. The auditor is involved in a business relationship with the client
C. The auditor serves in a management decision making position with the client
D. All of the above

Answer C

21. In the PeopleSoft case, the auditors violated what aspect of independence?

A. The auditor was exposed to an intimidation threat by the client

B. The auditor was involved in a business relationship with the client
C. The auditor served in a management decision making position with the client
D. All of the above

Answer B

22. To avoid violating independence when engaged in nonattest services for an audit
client, a CPA must:

A. Make all management decisions and perform all management decisions

B. Evaluate the adequacy and results of the services performed
C. Avoid being biased when providing nonattest services for the audit client
D. Avoid being pressured by the client when providing nonattest services for the
audit client

Answer C
23. Each of the following is an outright restriction on providing nonattest services for
an attest client except for:

A. Tax services
B. Financial information systems design and implementation
C. Appraisal or valuation services
D. Internal audit outsourcing services

Answer A

24. Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the auditors responsibility with respect to internal
controls can best be stated as:

A. Develop a system of internal controls that helps to prevent and detect fraud
B. Assess whether the internal controls helps to prevent and detect fraud
C. Assess managements report on internal controls
D. All of the above

Answer C

25. A unique aspect of the HealthSouth case discussed in the text of this chapter is:

A. The external auditors failed to assess whether the internal controls operated as
B. Top management certified that the financial statements were accurate
C. The external auditors violated the independence standards because they were
involved in a business venture with members of top management
D. Top management hyped the stock price to increase the value of their stock options

Answer B

26. The due care principle in the AICPA code:

A. Addresses the quality of the individual who performs professional services

B. Addresses the quality of services performed by the CPA
C. Addresses whether the independence standards has been met
D. All of the above

Answer B

27. Which rule of professional conduct in the AICPA code does not apply both to
internal and external accountants who are CPAs and members of the Institute?

A. Independence
B. Integrity
C. Objectivity
D. Due care

Answer A

28. The confidentiality standard in the AICPA code provides for exceptions to the rule

A. In response to a validly issued court summons

B. To provide information to the CPAs peer reviewers
C. To defend oneself in an ethics investigation
D. All of the above

Answer D

29. A CPA who informs management of a material misstatement in the financial

statements can go to the SEC with his/her concerns if:

A. The CPA informed the client of this matter and the client did not inform the SEC
within one business day of being informed by the CPA
B. The CPA informed the client of this matter and the client refuses to correct the
financial statements
C. The CPA informs the client of this matter and the client fires the CPA
D. All of the above

Answer A

30. In the Fund of Funds case discussed in this chapter, the external auditors violated
which rule of conduct?

A. Due care
B. The financial statements were certified as being in conformity with GAAP when
that was not the case
C. The financial statements were certified as being in conformity with generally
accepted auditing standards when that was not the case
D. Confidentiality

Answer D

31. A common requirement/effect of the commissions and contingent fees rule is:

A. A CPA who accepts such a payment always violates independence

B. The CPA must disclose the acceptance of such a payment to the client
C. A CPA is prohibited from accepting such a form of payment when engaged in
attest services for a client
D. All of the above
Answer C

32. If a client refuses to accept an auditors report that has been modified, the public
accounting firm should withdraw from the engagement and give its reasons in
writing to the board of directors except when:

A. The auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence about a suspected

illegal act
B. The client fails to account for or disclose properly a material amount connected
with an illegal act
C. The auditor is unable to estimate amounts involved in an illegal act
D. The auditor is unable to observe the physical inventory

Answer D

33. An alternative practice structure can best be described as:

A. A form of ownership where a CPA firm owns a public company and audits that
B. A form of structure where a public company provides nonattest services for a
client that is also provided with attest services by an affiliate of the public
C. A form of structure where a CPA firm provides nonattest services for a client that
is also provided with attest services by a public company
D. A form of structure other than LLP and LLC

Answer B

34. A CPA can accept a contingent fee in providing tax services for an attest client if:

A. The CPA discloses this fact to the tax client

B. The CPA receives the permission of the client to accept such a form of payment
C. The CPAs tax services will be reviewed by a taxing authority
D. All of the above

Answer C

35. Objectivity may be impaired when a CPA prepares a tax return for a client

A. The CPA violates the independence rule

B. The CPA violates the integrity rule
C. The CPA serves in a tax advocacy position for the client
D. The CPA must prepare the tax return solely based on the information provided by
the client
Answer C

36. CPAs can advertise and solicit clients as long as such practices are:

A. Conducted in a professional manner

B. Informative about the CPAs services
C. Not conducted in a misleading or deceptive manner
D. Paid for by outside parties

Answer C

37. Circular 230 applies to CPAs who:

A. Audit the financial statements of a tax client

B. Practice before the IRS
C. Practice before the SEC
D. All of the above

Answer B

38. Statement on Standards for Tax Services No. 1 establishes as a basic principle of
providing tax services that the CPA:

A. Must have a good faith belief that the tax return position can be justified if
B. Must have a good faith belief that the information provided by the client is
C. Can never recommend a tax position to the client when it is frivolous
D. All of the above

Answer A

39. The requirement that there should be reasonable support for a tax return position
before a CPA recommends it to a client most directly aligns with which tax

A. The tax return should not be based on a frivolous position

B. There is a realistic possibility of success if the tax position is challenged
C. It is more likely than not that the tax position will be upheld if challenged
D. Contingent fees cannot be accepted when providing tax services for an audit client

Answer B

40. The CPA firm that became involved in tax shelter controversies with the IRS was:
A. Ernst & Young
B. Deloitte & Touche
C. PricewaterhouseCoopers

Answer D

41. The PCAOB rules prohibit auditors from:

A. Providing certain aggressive tax shelters to their public company audit clients
B. Providing tax services to members of the audit clients management who serve in
financial reporting oversight roles
C. Providing tax preparation and planning services for public company executives
D. All of the above

Answer D

42. Mintz and Morris, both of whom are CPAs, became partners in a tax preparation
business in San Marcos, Texas. Which of the following ethics standards must be
followed by the two partners?

A. Ethics laws and regulations of the Texas Board of Accountancy

B. Ethics rules of the AICPA
C. Ethics rules of the Texas Society of CPAs
D. All of the above

Answer A

41. To whom does the CPA owe ultimate allegiance in carrying out professional
A. Stockholders
B. Public interest
C. Client
D. Stakeholders

Answer B

42. Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) sets new standards for governance that will ultimately
impact on which of the following?

A. Foreign companies listed on US exchanges only

B. SEC registrant companies, including foreign companies listed on US
C. NYSE listing companies
D. NASDAQ listing companies
Answer B

44. To whom do the accounting codes of professional conduct (either the state board
of public accountancy or AICPA) apply?

A. Those CPAs in public accounting only.

B. Those CPAs in industry, government, and education.
C. Those CPAs in public accounting, industry, government, and education.
D. Those CPAs in public accounting, doing auditing and taxation.

Answer C

45. Integrity is measured in terms of what is right and just. What is a question that a
CPA can ask to test decisions?

A. Am I doing what another CPA would do?

B. Am I serving the interests of my client?
C. Am I protecting my self-interests?
D. Have I retained my integrity?

Answer D

46. Why dont auditors prepare financial statements, as well as audit them?

A. It would take away a job from the controller of the company.

B. It would not eliminate errors in the financial statements.
C. It would be a conflict of interest and violates ethical standards.
D. It would streamline the process and be effective.

Answer C

46. In which of the following is a CPA independent in fact and appearance?

a. The CPAs brother is the controller of the company being audited.

b. The CPA serves on the board of a non-profit with the CFO of the company being
c. The CPA borrowed money for a new car from the CEO of the company being
d. The CPA owes an office building that he leases to the client.

Answer B

47. Which of the following would be an example of due care?

A. Audit documentation only supplied by the client.

B. Audit documentation is a copy of last years workpapers.
C. Audit documentation obtained by the auditor with reviews by supervisory
D. Audit documentation with misapplication of GAAP.

Answer C

49. Which of the following relationships do not impair CPA-auditor independence?

A. Financial relationships with the client

B. Business relationships with the client
C. Family relationships whereby an immediate family member holds a decision-
making position with the client
D. Relationships where a best friend serves in a financial reporting oversight role
with the client

Answer D

50. Each of the following is a safeguard that helps to mitigate threats to independence
except for:

A. Safeguards created by the profession, legislation, or regulation

B. Safeguards implemented by the attest client, such as a tone at
the top.
C. Safeguards developed to ensure independence when performing
nonattest services
D. Safeguard implemented by the firm, including policies and
procedures to implement regulatory requirements

Answer C

51. Which of the following is a permitted loan to a CPA from an audit client financial

A. Car loan collateralized by the car

B. Credit cards with a limit greater than $25,000
C. Home mortgage
D. Personal loan of less than $10,000

Answer A

52. Which case in the text of the chapter illustrates the danger of a CPA accepting
loans from an audit client?
A. Tyco International
B. Enron
C. Adelphia
D. ESM Government Securities

Answer D

53. Which of the following immediate family members or close relatives would not
have to follow the independence rules that apply to the CPA according to
Interpretation 101-1?

A. CPAs spouse
B. CPAs spousal equivalent
C. CPAs uncle
D. CPAs dependents

Answer C

54. Which of the following situations of a CPAs distant relatives does not impair the
CPAs independence?

A. CPAs parent holds a key position with an audit client.

B. CPAs nephew is starting as a salesperson with an audit client.
C. CPAs dependent roommate owns a material interest, and sits on the board, of an
audit client.
D. CPAs sister is chief counsel for an audit client.

Answer B

55. What is the maximum amount of time an audit manager or partner may spend on
nonattest services for an attest client?

A. 20 hours
B. 15 hours
C. 10 hours
D. 8 hours

Answer C

56. Which of the following services are allowed to be performed for an attest services
client by Sarbanes Oxley Act?

A. Financial information systems design and implementation

B. Management functions or human resources
C. Internal audit outsourcing services
D. Pension plan audits
Answer D

57. Which was the ethical concern exists in the PeopleSoft case?

A. Family relationships between PeopleSoft top managers and EY

B. Tax services provided for PeopleSoft top management by EY
C. Independence in appearance and fact of EY in providing services to PeopleSoft
D. Information systems design and installations services provided for PeopleSoft by

Answer C

58. Which of the following is not part of standards for the quality of work?

A. Planning and supervision

B. Professional competence
C. Professional data
D. Professional care

Answer C

59. What is the difference on contingent fees under the PCAOB rules versus the
AICPA rules?

A. Both rules allow contingent fees for an audit client if the contingency is based
upon findings of government agencies.
B. The AICPA prohibits contingent fees to an audit client.
C. The PCAOB allows contingent fees for non-public company engagements.
D. The PCAOB prohibits contingent fees in tax engagements performed for an audit

Answer D

61. Which is not a permitted form of organization for a CPA practice?

A. Sole proprietorship with name of sole proprietor

B. Limited liability partnership
C. Professional corporation
D. Corporation

Answer D

63. Which tax service is still permitted by the PCAOB for audit clients following the
KPMG tax shelter case?
A. Aggressive tax shelter for audit clients
B. Auditing of deferred taxes
C. Tax services to audit client management or family members
D. Tax services for a contingent fee

Answer B

64. What ethical rules are violated when a CPA auditing a client provides inside
information about the client to a friend?

A. Independence and objectivity

B. Objectivity and due care
C. Due care and confidentiality
D. Confidentiality and integrity

Answer D

65. Which statement is correct with respect to a CPAs ethical obligation

to return client books and records and CPA work papers:

A. Client-provided records in the custody or control of the CPA

should be returned to the client at the clients request.
B. CPA work papers should be given to the client at the end of each
C. CPA work product never has to be turned over to the client.
D. All of the above

Answer A

Case Questions

66. The AOL case described in the text focused mainly on:

A. Proper accounting for line costs

B. Proper accounting for advertising costs
C. Proper accounting for special purpose entities
D. All of the above

Answer B

67. The ethical issue raised in the Beauda Medical Center case is similar to that in:

A. ESM Government Securities

B. PeopleSoft
C. Fund of Funds
D. Enron

Answer C

68. The revenue recognition issue in the Family Games case is:

A. Whether a company can record revenue before it is signed-off by the lawyers

B. Whether a company can record revenue before it is shipped to the customer
C. Whether a company can record revenue before the revenue recognition rules are
D. All of the above

Answer D

69. The question that arises in the First Community Church case is whether:

A. The financial statements have been materially misstated

B. There has been a misappropriation of assets
C. The auditors lacked independence
D. All of the above

Answer B

70. In the Lee & Han, LLC case, Barbara Strom should:

A. Report the situation to SEC under the Dodd-Frank Act.

B. Change the audit workpapers to not reflect the market decline in inventory
C. Discuss the matter with Kate Boller
D. Report the situation to the firms oversight or similar committee.

Answer D

71. In the Gee Wiz case, the main ethical issue was:

A. Independence of David in providing tax services to an audit client

B. Confidentiality in disclosing sensitive information about a client of the CPA firm
C. Integrity in providing tax services to an audit client through her own entity
D. Whistleblowing on a client

Answer C

72. In the Family Outreach case, Yimei finds three accounts all using the same
documentation and amounts. Being skeptical, Yimei should consider doing all
A. Report her findings to Kwami, her supervisor
B. Talk to the agencys board of directors
C. Examine more evidence to support her finding
D. Check to see if the accounts were in the prior years workpapers

Answer B

73. In the HealthSouth case, the auditors failed to meet their ethical and professional
obligations because they failed to uncover fraud in which account?

A. Inventory
B. Contractual allowance
C. Sales returns
D. All of the above

Answer B

74. The main ethical issue in Healthcare Fraud case is:

A. Maintaining two sets of accounting books.

B. Inflating healthcare costs submitted to Medicare.
C. Outsourcing operations to a firm known for maximizing expense reimbursements.
D. All of the above.

Answer B

75. PricewaterhouseCoopers was investigated by the SEC for independence violations

due to:

A. Reporting systems that relied on self-reporting of violations

B. Ownership of client stock
C. Investments by PwC professionals in bank accounts of audit clients
D. All of the above

Answer D

Essay Questions

1. Explain how the Principles of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct establish
standards of behavior for CPAs that are similar to those discussed in chapters 1
and 2.
2. Describe each of the investigations of the accounting profession during the 1970s
and 1980s. Given the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002, do you think
these investigations helped to pave the way for SOX improvements?

3. What are the major threats to independence addressed by the AICPA Conceptual
Framework for Independence Standards and how can CPAs/CPA firms mitigate
such threats?

4. What are the similarities and differences in the application of the rules of
professional conduct in the AICPA with respect to internal accountants who are
CPAs and CPA-external auditors?

5. What steps should an auditor take when she suspects illegal acts have occurred at
a client entity?

6. Under what circumstances do you think it would be acceptable for a CPA to blow
the whistle on financial wrongdoing by a client? What steps should the CPA take
before carrying through with the whistle-blowing action?

7. Describe the steps to be taken by a staff accountant who has been told by his/her
supervisor to accelerate the recording of revenue into a period earlier than which
it should be recognized under GAAP.

8. Evaluate the ethics of tax standards in the Statements on Standards for Tax
Services with respect to the ethics standards discussed in chapters 1 and 2.

9. How do the PCAOB rules attempt to strengthen the obligations of a CPA to be

independent of clients and perform services objectively?

10. Rosie Mintz, CPA, has just started her own tax preparation firm. Describe the
ethics standards of behavior of the accounting profession that apply to Rosies
performance of professional services.

11. Steve Morris, CPA, performs audits for nonpublic clients. Describe the
independence obligations of Steve that apply to the performance of professional
services for audit clients.

12. A young man by the name of Mr. Hicks works at an accounting firm which has a
written ethics code of conduct. The code specifically outlines the duties and
obligations that every employee must follow without question. One of rules states
that every accountant should not lie under any circumstances.

Last week Mr. Hicks sent out a finalized tax return to the Wrong client. The
Wrong client called Mr. Hicks and informed him that he was sending the tax
return back to him overnight. Meanwhile the Right client called Mr. Hicks and
wanted to know where the tax return was. Mr. Hicks told the Right client that he
sent it to the wrong address and he will send out the return the next day. The
Right client was irritated and called the partner of the firm.
The partner scolded Mr. Hicks and wanted to know why he told the client he sent
the return to the wrong address. The partner said he should have told the client
that the return was in the 2nd partner review or some other excuse to cover up the
mistake. Mr. Hicks explained that the ethics code of conduct specifically states
that he should not lie under any circumstances and he was just following his
ethical duty. The partner grinned and told Mr. Hicks that the next time this
happens, he should consult with the partner first.

Using the ethical decision making model and ethical theories, justify the
positions of either the partner, Mr. Hicks or an alternative solution.

Ans: Hicks has attempted to be honest with the Right client but in an awkward
way. It sounds like the return was sent to an incorrect address, not another client.
Hicks should have spoken to the partner to get some advice before responding to
the Right client. He has not exercised due care in his actions. Perhaps Hicks was
trying to follow deontology and rights of the Right client. However, the way in
which he went about it was short-sighted at least from the firms point of view. In
this case the ends do not justify the means. Mistakes of this kind should be dealt
at the partner level.

Utilitarianism can be used to support the partners position in that the benefits of
deceiving the Right client for a short while, including holding on to the client and
saving the firms reputation, far outweigh the costs of deceiving the client. One
might argue this is a situation of no harm, no foul. However, this Act Utilitarian
approach fails to recognize the utilitarian rule that clients should never be

13. Sarah is an audit senior with Childs, Maxwell and Weaver, LLP. Sarah specializes
in auditing loan loss reserve for financial institution clients. This current year she
has noticed that two of her financial institution clients in town have written loans
off to a loan customer, Mr. T (fictional name to protect the guilty). Mr. T is well
known in town as a highly successful real estate developer and businessman with
many different business dealings. As Sarah is auditing her third financial
institution client in town, she notices that the bank has loans of $3.5 million
outstanding to Mr. T. The current loan loss reserve could not cover the losses on
Mr. Ts loans. Sarah has recommended a significant increase to the loan loss
reserve account. The client will not discuss increasing the loan loss reserve. Ms.
Childs, senior partner on the audit, wants to know how the audit firm can justify
the increase loan loss reserve account. What can and should Sarah disclose about
Mr. T?

Ans: This short case is about confidentiality and particularly what is learned from
one audit that could affect another audit. In the Fund of Funds case in the chapter,
the judged ruled an auditor must use information obtained about one client in the
audit of another ostensibly to protect the public interest with regard to the second
client. Sarah should discuss the matter with Ms. Childs. The best solution would
be for Sarah to dig deeper to gather as much evidence as possible about the
collectibility of the loan to Mr. T so if it has to be written down, the evidence
supports it. There would be no reason to inform the third financial institution
client about Mr. Ts problems with the other two, and to do so would violate the
confidentiality obligation of CPAs.

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