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For the Month of February

The task given to me is to help other employees in the office. It was an easy thing to do
and I can ask them and answer it immediately.

One by one, we opened old folders containing files of pensioners (dead or still alive)
searched and pulled-out for their applications, service records, and payment vouchers. After this
dusty work, we fixed or groomed the files by cutting each edge of the papers which are extra bigger
than the other one and if the picture attached to the file is clipped by a stipple wire, we have to
detach the picture and reattached by using a paste. But its not there that the tasks were
accomplished, lastly as recommended, we have to arranged the files alphabetically, grouped it by
their respective residence, and we putted it in a new brown enveloped with number.

Together with my co-trainees again, another type of hard work were given again to us. The
mission is to group the updates of service records and payments records of clients according to
their respective agencies or offices and after we punched the ordered papers and filed in a thick
folder in the file room.

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