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Phrasal Verbs

LOOK AFTER somebody, something or


STUDY Read these sentences carefully

- She found that looking after two young children on her own was not
- Whos looking after the apartment while Amy and Ben are away?
- That bike was expensive. You should look after it.
- He was sixteen, and he felt that he was old enough to look after himself.
- My sister is still very ill and is being looked after by our parents.

CHECK Use the sentences in the Study box to help you do these exercises.
Choose the best answer to complete each part of this meaning of look after
somebody or something:
a. not alone b. dry c. safe d. happy e. in good
If you look after somebody you make sure that they are ..
If you look after something you make sure that it is ..
Which of these are grammatically possible?
a. I looked my brother after
b. I looked after my brother
c. I looked him after
d. I looked after him
e. My brother was looked after

Complete the following sentences using the correct form of look after and one
of the objects below:
himself him children your clothes

- When he was in hospital, the nurses. very well.

- Stop worrying about Tom! Hes quite old enough to
- You can always ask Kath to babysit. She loves.
- Your new coat is dirty already. I wish you would .

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