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 A Strong Desire 

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be
filled (Matthew 5:6).

Y ears ago, I attended ministers meetings to hear Gods Word. I was a young lad
then and most probably the youngest in those meetings, but I was so hungry for
the Word. There were times I would pray to God, Please, dont let them send me out!
Thank God He answered my prayers because those meetings inspired me a great deal
and motivated me for what Im doing today.
Its our responsibility to nurture our desire for Gods Word. The apostle Peter said,
Like new born babies you should crave (thirst for, earnestly desire)spiritual milk (1
Peter 2:2 AMP). The milk is the Word of God (Hebrews 5:13). When you were born
again you were born with a strong desire for God and His Word, but this desire can
either be quenched or nurtured depending on what you feed your mind on.
You have to put a priority on the Word of God above every other thing. The first
Christian leaders conference I attended was over twenty years ago. I remember I
earnestly prayed after every session, going over what was shared because I wanted
those truths to be deeply rooted in my heart. I dont remember any of my roommates
because my priority was God and His Word. There were times I missed meals in order
to get in early for the meetings. Those meetings changed my life forever because several
questions in my mind were answered with a lot of revelations.
The Word can yield the same result in your life when your desire is strong enough.
Desire is the longing of the soul. Whatever you sow into your mind is what your soul will
long for. So you see, your mind can be trained with the Word of God and thats what the
Spirit of God wants us to do. As you spend more time in the Word, youll desire more of
the Word and your heart will be hungry for Gods Word.


F U RT H E R S T U DY : P S A L M 63:1-2; R O M A N S 12:2

 305  Spiritual Training

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