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Everyone in the group had to contribute 5 but one of the members

was required to put 5 into the total as the complete amount
needed for all the props and food for actors was 20.

Saif- 5

Where was the money spent?

We needed quite a few things such as props. The props that we

were required to pay for were T shirt, a food, rope and fake blood.

T shirt- 5 was spent on the suit we didnt want to get any old one
we wanted to get a specific one that really displayed the messaged
we wanted it to so we decided on one that was priced at 5.

Fake blood- this was priced at 5.00. We just decided to get any old
fake blood as we believed there wouldnt be much of a difference
between fake bloods just as long as it does the job it was fine.

rope- we paid 5.00 for a broken bottle from a local corner shop we
found near the area that we filmed in. we made sure all of the
product name and advertising was all off as we didnt have
permission to use the companies name.

make up- the makeup we used to create the bruised effect kindly
done by a group member with her own personal make up, otherwise
we wouldve had to pay for the makeup.

Food and drink- we make to make sure that our actors did feel good
and ready to act so if they did need any refreshments we took it as
a responsibility to get then things. 5.00 was spent on this.

How did the budget help?

A budget was good as we had a clear borderline and I gave a good

thinking time as we didnt just spend money in a silly manner we
had to think about. Also so we didnt spend money on something
that wasnt needed. Also it gave us a clear idea upon how much
money we all had to put in. and after buying all the products we
would know how much we have left to buy the other props.

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