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Recreation 453

Discharge Planning Template

Fall 2016
Name of client: Matt K.
Date of Admission: 9/21/16
Date of Discharge: 12/6/16

Reason for Admission to Recreation Therapy Program: (Include Assessment Findings)

During our initial assessment we found that the client suffers from an intellectual and
developmental disability. The client has moderate cognitive and physical deficits. The client also
has difficulty engaging in an activity for longer than 5 minutes. He has tendencies to lose focus
on the task on hand when there are other things going on in the surrounding environment. The
client excels in sociability. He is able to easily engage in conversation with others regardless of
whether or not he has met them before. Throughout the therapeutic sessions we observed that
the client was continuously in a positive state as evidenced by his constant smiling and
laughing. Despite the clients moderate physical deficits he is able to participate in non-
strenuous activities. The client was admitted into the recreation therapy program to help him
discover activities he is able to participate in and increase his leisure awareness.

Services Received by the Client:

Client received one-on-one treatment where he worked closely with three recreational
therapy students. The client attended five one hour sessions. During these sessions the client
participated in different activities including: basketball, uno, puzzles, and number recognition
games. It is important to note that all of these activities were modified and adaptive to the
patient's specific needs.

Progress Towards Treatment Goals and Objectives and Response to RT treatment: (Include
remaining problems or concerns)
During our initial assessment the client stated that he enjoyed different sports such as
basketball and volleyball. He also stated that he wanted to learn how to count. Numbers are a
critical part of every sport and as a result we came to the conclusion that by increasing the
client's ability to count and recognize numbers we were teaching the client a skill that would
indirectly increase his leisure functioning. During the five sessions observed improvement in the
client's ability to recognize numbers as well as count. During our first session the client was able
to count 8 before he began skipping and mixing up numbers. By the last session the client was
counting to 20. This improvement was observed when the client was able to tally and add up the
number of baskets he scored during a modified basketball activity. The clients attention span
also improved during our five sessions with him. On the first session we made the observation
that client became disengaged in an activity after five minutes, but by the fifth meeting he was
remaining engaged in the activity for ten minutes. The client maintained his positive spirit
throughout each meeting and was enthusiastic for the activities we planned for him.
One of the concerns we have is that the client will lose the progress he has made during
our meetings. The progress we observed during the five meetings with the client show that he
can continue to learn and gain skills that will increase his leisure functioning.
Discharge Recommendations including referral to Community Resources:
We recommend that the client continue attending the program at Stearns Park. The staff
can continue setting up activities in which the client can keep using his math skills and number
recognition. Through repetition the client will not retain the skills he has learned but continue to
improve them.

Sign and date:

Eduardo Rosas 11/28/16
Ryan Sumait 11/28/16
Monique Ung 11/28/16

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