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Rules for Computer Lab Users.

1. Line up outside the lab. Students can only enter the

lab if the teacher is present.
2. Be responsible when using equipment, software and
facilities in the lab. Do not try to repair or tamper with
lab equipment. If the computer has a problem, tell me!
You break it, you pay for it!
3. All mobile phones are to be turned off
and put in the BASKET. If I see or hear them
inside or outside the lab, they will be confiscated.
4. If you need to go to the toilet, one person at a time!
Make sure you take the ICT Hall Pass!
5. If you study Period 6, then turn off the
computer and the monitor after use!!!
6. Opening Hours for Lab Monday to Friday
8:00 am 4:10 pm.
7. Students must keep all files in their Folder
in My Documents. Any files in My Pictures or
on the Desktop will be DELETED.
8. Keep the lab clean and tidy! No food or
drink! Dont leave your junk behind!
9. Students must wear proper school clothing.
One foot in my door looking scruffy or with
incorrect uniform will get you ISS!
10. Facilities in the computer laboratory are
for learning activities only. Any non
activities (YouTube, Games, etc.) will get you ISS!
11. Come to class on time! If you are more than 5 minutes
late, you will go to ISS!
12. Flash drives are NOT permitted in the lab to
avoid viruses. If you want to do a project at home,
then use Google Drive.
13. Scanning services will be provided ONLY if it is needed
for certain courses or projects.
14. Copying! If you copy your friends project, you will get
a ZERO and your friend will get a ZERO.


15. The ICT Lab canNOT print documents for students, so
please DONT ASK!!!
16. Students who disrupt the class, get up and walk around
the lab, are impolite to the teacher, or who jump the class
will be sent to the ISS room and behaviour points will be
cut from your GPA!!!
17. At the end of every term, it will be up to you to check
you have sent me every project. I will give you a deadline
for this. After the deadline, I will not accept any more
Be responsible! Make sure you have sent me your projects!
Any work missing will receive
ZERO points.
If you follow the rules, you will find
me to be very nice.
If you do NOT follow the rules, you will
find me to be very not nice and you will
NOT be allowed to use the computer facilities.
Class Work = 60%

Attendance - Behaviour = 10%

Portfolio = 10%

Final Exam / Project = 20%

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